The Boundary Line

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Post by David »

One thing I don't understand, why did Estella get so upset? After all Chris pushed Paris off his lap and said that he wasn't interested in her.... hmm Strauchnie's on the guest list isn't he? After all he has to cause maximum mayhem at the wedding.
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The Boundary Line

Post by melissa »

Yeah, it's kind of wierd how Estella only saw Paris straddling Chris and didn't see him push her off his lap and didn't hear him tell her he wasn't interested. Did Estella have her wig on right, or was it interfering with her hearing?!
As for the guest list, Strachnie should not be invited but he'll gatecrash anyway. All the models from the Price Is Right should be invited along with Larry Emdur and he should crack onto Paris. Just one question, why would Ryan Lonie go to a costume party as John Howard?! I assume you mean our PM not the actor...
Chris should have gone as Tarzan. Can't u just see him in a loincloth?!
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Post by bellastar »

1.) like every typical woman, Estella jumped to conclusions without listening to the facts. And there is no way to back yourself up when Paris is involved. Plus, it built up the suspense didn't it? You don't want those two tortured would-be lovers to get together without any obstacles first? Its the first rule of corny soap operas, people!

2.) Of course Strauchanie's gonna be at the wedding- invitation or no invitation! He's like the uncle you try to avoid at family gatherings that always seems to be the biggest d--khead there, but provides the greatest comic relief!

3.) Maybe I will invite the Price is Right models along- Sarita could have a reunion as well! Although Larry Emdur and Paris?..........That makes me kinda queasy, but who knows? Anything could happen in the next episode.........(mwa ha ha!)

4.) Yes, Ryan did go to the buck's night as John Howard, our loveable PM. What, that didn't turn you on, even with those sexy bushy eyebrows!?

5.) Chris as Tarzan?...........Man, why didn't I think of that!? You shouldn't have mentioned the loincloth, my mind's gone on a very naughty trip right about now! Now where's my Jane outfit?.......
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HERE IT IS!!!!!!! THE FINALE!!!!! BRING ON SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!

Post by bellastar »

Here it is, peoples, the moment you’ve been waiting for.......The moment, the myth, the legend.........The most tacky, most gaudy, most ridiculously overpriced and undeserved D-list celebrity wedding of the year has arrived! Put your presents on the nearby table, sit back and watch for the tears, the anger, the thrills, the suspense, the guest stars and the ending that will leave you wondering just what Season 2 could possibly bring................Enjoy! Bring on Season 2!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Is this story libel, or is it just dismissed as chick lit crap?. All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Don’t worry, Mr Connors, its not real, just read the disclaimer................

And now, the 14th and final episode of Season 1 of the most ludicrous wedding since Peter Andre and Jordan’s..................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Arabella and Co. went to Sarita’s hen’s night dressed as Charlie’s Angels. Sarita dressed up as Victoria Beckham, whilst Arabella was wracked with guilt, with Estella reminding her of it. Meanwhile, the boys were having no fun at the $2 strip club. Mesmerised by the sight of Arabella in her bridesmaid’s gown, Ryan thought about proposing to her, whilst Brodie devilishly revelled in the fact that Ryan still didn’t know about the affair. The, to liven up the party, Paris entered the booby bar in her best Daisy Duke costume. Meanwhile, Sarita showed the guests around the house, reminding Arabella of the sordid afternoon Brodie and her had when she got to the master bedroom. Estella also freaked out and ran off, realising that she had to tell Chris how she felt about him. Back at the strip club, Paris picked Chris for a lap dance, but he ended up pushing her away. However, no matter how he said he wasn’t interested, Estella had seen enough to misinterpret the situation, and ran away, dropping her love letter on the way. Chris read it, and immediately hated himself, realising that he too loved Estella...........


“Oh, dis style is tre perfect for you!” trilled Jean Pierre, in stereotypical gay French stylist fashion. He poofed up Arabella’s hair three feet more, the curls almost taking over the whole room.

Arabella really couldn’t care less about how she looked today. What would even happen beyond today? Once again, she tossed her mixed emotions over in her mind- would it be Brodie or Ryan who would get her heart? Ryan had all the qualities a perfect boyfriend needed- he was kind, gorgeous, sweet, loyal.........

But, of course, Brodie had that bad-boy quality (yeah, he’s as bad as Nikki Webster........) that girls’ mothers told them to stay the hell away from. He would most likely break her heart, but he was mischievous, devilish, knew how to please, adventurous..................

“Oh, wow, you look so beautiful!” squealed Jean Pierre, shedding a few joyous tears. “You look just like an 1800’s Tara Reid!”

Suddenly, making a grand entrance, wind machines and all, was Sarita in her wedding dress. Layer upon layer of Milan-imported silk and fountains and fountains of tulle, Sarita’s dress made her look just like a virginal Jordan. However, as atrocious as the dress was, Arabella couldn’t help but feel extremely envious of her. She’d love to be the one in that dress, walking up the aisle. But the groom?..........Who knows who he would be.

Sarita, for the 35th time that morning, started crying, ruining her makeup.

“Oh, isn’t she just divine!?” exclaimed Jean-Pierre, clasping his hands together with glee. “I can’t believe I said you were beautiful! That’s beauty right there, sweetie! Now I have to go and fix her makeup!” Jean-Pierre then frolicked off.

Arabella would’ve been offended then, but there was no time to be. She had to go see Brodie. It was time to end their affair once and for all.............


Brodie did up his canary yellow tie, looking in the mirror. Could things be any better- he was marrying a model, had a beautiful heiress on the side, and his new moisturiser really did make his skin glow! Things were going great.........

Then..........entering the room was Arabella, a serious look painted on her face.

“Hey, Arabella,” smiled Brodie, not noticing her expression. He went over to kiss her, but he was shocked when he was pushed away.

“Look,” began Arabella,” I’m just gonna cut straight to the point. We can’t be together anymore. You’re getting married, I’ve got Ryan my life, this can’t go on anymore. I’ll always love you and I had fun, but.........we can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.”

Brodie’s face fell. He turned away from Arabella’s gaze. “Arabella, please don’t do this to me...........”

“Brodie, you have someone in your life already.........”

“But........I want you too.”

Tears pricked Arabella’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Brodie.”

Arabella went to the door to leave. She turned to Brodie.

“I’ll never stop loving you............” whispered Brodie.

Arabella left before Brodie saw her cry.


Unbelievably enough, there were heaps of famous faces at this D-list wedding. Sitting in the front row was the infamous Cookie Monster. On the other side was Jessica Simpson, trying to avoid Nick Lachey as much as humanly possibly, and at the back in the nosebleed section (albeit, in the Z-list section) was Bert Newton, whose star wasn’t shining so brightly now that he was on Channel Nine (Why didn’t Eddie do anything about it?)

Sitting on the bride’s side were Fenella and Estella, both wallowing about in their torrid love lives. Fenella still longed for Ryan, whilst Estella was still seething about last night, when Paris attempted to give Chris a lap dance. Even though Chris denied the whole thing, Estella had read enough Cosmo and watched enough Oprah to know that all men were lying bastards (no offence, David!) Of course Chris was lying............Was he?

“God, I wish I could tell Ryan about Brodie and Arabella,” sighed Fenella, melancholic. “I mean, I know its inappropriate to tell on today of all days, but Ryan doesn’t deserve to be lead on like this, what do I do?”

“Hey, what about me?” argued Estella. “I just caught my meant-to-be boyfriend with Miss Amateur Stripper 2006! What do I do there, huh!?”

“Are you sure that’s what happened, Estella?” questioned Fenella. “You do have a habit of jumping to conclusions and misinterpreting the situation.”

“I do not!” snapped Estella, though she knew herself it was true. “I saw what happened! That prick! Typical man!”

“Are you sure you’re not just seeing that version of events so you can use it as an excuse to not confront Chris about your feelings due to a fear of rejection?”

Estella paused. Damn Fenella, of course she was right! But Estella was to proud to admit it. “Don’t you use you Dr Phil knowledge on me!” spat Estella.

The girls slumped in their seats, sighing sadly. Love really did suck, especially when Magpies were involved.


Meanwhile, that ‘typical man’ Chris was getting ready for the wedding. But he really wasn’t in the mood for to attend a ceremony centred on love, especially not after last night. The girl he madly adored now hated him and refused to listen to him, and it was all at the hands of that snake woman Paris.

He never took an interest in Paris at all. She was as dumb as a doorknob, demanding, sleazy, and just had to be the blonde skeletal twin of Nicole Richie. It was Estella he had eyes for all along. You wouldn’t think it, but Chris had been way too shy to follow through with his feelings. Estella was just so perfect- smart, funny, tough, friendly, incredibly beautiful. He had to get her back. He was finally planning to ask her out at the reception.............Not anymore.

Chris loosened his tie a little. But that wasn’t what was choking him. The thought of Estella hating him, never speaking to him again.................It was killing him.

‘You stupid bitch, Paris,’ he thought to himself, angrily.

He wasn’t stupid. He knew Paris was after him. But, he thought, if he was nothing but polite to her, then she would get the hint. But no, it just made her even more determined and sluttier than ever.


“Hey, Chris.........: purred a voice at the door. “Why did you run away from me last night? Too much to handle?”

Chris snapped out of his lovesick thoughts and turned around. Wearing nothing but bonbinierres covering her privates was Paris at the door.

“What are you doing here?" he questioned angrily. “Haven’t you done enough damage?”

“Oh, I’m done,” smiled Paris, strutting over. “Now that Little Miss Prim and Proper is out of the picture, we can finally get dirty with one another...............” (you wish, Paris!).

“Trust me,” began Chris, “You’re the last person I’d ever get dirty with. I don’t know where the hell you’ve been, and I might just snap you in half!”

“Oh, come on, I’m every man’s dream..................”

“Not mine, I’m in love with Estella, you could never seduce me away from her.”

“Wanna bet I can’t?” Paris fiddled with Chris’ tie, but he pulled it away from her.

“Can’t you take a f--king hint!? I don’t like you! In fact, I hate you! I never was, and never will be, interested in you! I love Estella, do you get that yet!?”

Wow, Paris was actually hurt by Chris’ brutal honesty. She wasn’t used to rejection. “But..........”

“But nothing!” spat Chris. “You’re nothing but a slut! You are a total whore who is pathetic and delusional, and its about time someone told you that! Now I want you gone! Get the f--k out of my house!”

Paris was in shock. She had run out of seductive options. She turned and went to the door, but before she left.................”I’ll get my revenge. Don’t you worry, you’ll have to get with me sooner or later.........” She then disappeared, just like Nicole Richie.

Chris shuddered at Paris’ remark.

Chris took a deep breath. Now that Paris was gone, it was time to get Estella back. He wasn’t going to give up on her that easily. He just had to explain everything to her, and hopefully she would listen.



The wedding was due to start in 10 minutes. Just about everyone was seated. LeeLee was in her best Holden kit, whilst sitting next to her was Emily, taking in a good perving eyeful of Dale Thomas, who was sitting in front of her. She panted like a dog on heat. Meanwhile, David (whose invitation strangely ‘got lost’ in the mail), was hiding behind some ferns in the corner.

Fenella and Estella were still feeling down, and watched the hoopla of their surrounding, feeling incredibly bored.

“Where’s all the wedding party?” droned Estella.

“Who knows. Arabella and Brodie are probably going at it in a nearby closet or something.”

Just then, someone tapped Estella on the shoulder. She turned around cautiously. Standing in front of her was the person she dreaded ever seeing again. Chris.

“Estella, I really need to talk to you,” he pleaded. “Just give me five minutes, I swear, I’ll tell the whole truth!”

“No! I’m not interested!” yelled Estella, becoming hostile.

“Please, Estella...........”


“Just go, Estella! Just give him a chance to speak!” snapped Fenella, sick of Estella’s behaviour.

Estella pouted, then finally relented, getting up out of her seat and following Chris outside.

The dramatic should-be lovers sat on the steps of the church, silent.

“Estella, I swear to God I didn’t get a lap dance from Paris, I told her I wasn’t interested..............”

“You’re just saying that!”

“No, I’m not, you have to believe me! I told her this morning this well that............”

“You saw her this morning!?”

“She came to my place, unannouced, I swear............”

“Yeah, right............”

“Look, not all blokes are liars, alright! Just give me the benefit of the doubt!”

“No! I knew it! I knew you were just a typical male pig!”

“C’mon, Estella, you were there! You saw what happened! You’re jumping to conclusions!”

“I don’t need to be told what I’m jumping to by a man!”

“Estella, why do you think I care so much about this? Because I love you! Estella, please..........:”

But, out of the blue, Estella slapped Chris across the face. He held his cheek, shocked. “Estella.........”

“Don’t you tell me you love me ever again!” she yelled. She then stormed back into the church.

Chris held his face. Tears pricked his eyes. Now he had truly lost Estella.


Finally, the wedding was about to begin. The wedding party stood on both sides of Brodie, who was prodly waiting at the altar. The strains of the incredibly romantic ’My Humps’ by The Black Eyed Peas played as Sarita walked down the aisle, crying her eyes out once again. As they both stood facing one another, the priest stood between them. “Let us begin..........” he announced.

Of course, you don’t really wnat to hear all the vows and blah. blah, blah! So lets just fast forward a little bit, shall we?

Anyway, the priest got to the best bit of the service. “Do you, Sarita Chiquita Margerita Bernita Anita Vegeta Stella, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Brodie Superman Hercules Riddler Sailor Moon Holland, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

Arabella’s heart sank.

Ryan looked at her from his front row seat, smiling proudly at her.

Arabella’s heart sank further.

“And so, if anyone should object to this union, they should speak now, or forever hold their peace,” spke the priest.

The whole church was silent. Sarita gave out death stares around the place. (Ooh, scary).

“Right? Okay, let us continue........” said the priest.

But there were two people who couldn’t take it anymore. Two people who had been living the lie long enough. The truth had to be told. They knew it should’ve been said earlier, but they were ready to explode. What they would say would shock everyone, but the truth would set them free (and get their arses kicked!).


The ceremony grounded to a halt. Everyone turned around, facing the culprits. Those culprits were....................................................FENELLA AND STRAUCHANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A gasp fell over the crowd.

“You know, we’ve been through this bit already..................” snapped the priest.

But everyone’s attention was solely on Fenella and Strauchanie.

“Brodie is nothing but a liar and a cheat!” exclaimed Fenella. “He’s cheating on Sarita with Arabella!”

The whole church gasped again as Fenella pointed to Arabella. Arabella stood in shock.

“Ryan, we begged Arabella to tell you, but she just wouldn’t! I’m so sorry!” yelled Fenella over to Ryan.

“Ryan stared at Arabella, speechless. “ this true?” he finally spoke.

“Ryan, it just kinda happened, I’m sorry............”

Ryan looked down on the floor in disbelief.

“Yeah, and him and Arabella were getting it on in the Lexus Centre toilets! I was gonna sell the story!” cried Strauchanie.

And that was enough to set Sarita and Ryan off. Ryan began to beat the living shit out of Brodie, while Sarita started to bitch-slap Arabella senseless (Wouldn’t be the first time................).

The whole church erupted into arguments and screams, trying to stop the carnage, but just creating an even bigger one.

Somehow, Brodie found his way to Arabella, and dragged her up the aisle with him. “We’re outta here!” he screamed. Before Arabella could realise what was happening, she was raced out of the church by Brodie. She and Brodie disappeared.

Everyone tried looking for the adulterous two, but ther were nowhere to be found. The whole church was left in disbelief. Fenella and Estella were in shock. Sarita was obviously distraught, and Strauchanie had raced off to the reception to get a head start on the booze and wedding cake. What could possibly happen from here?..............................

End of Season 1!!!!!!! Yay, I got through it without being sued!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now, you decide for Season 2:

Where do Brodie and Arabella run away to?
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Post by David »

lol, hiding behind ferns? :lol: great finish anyway :)
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Post by Emily14 »

HAHAHAHAHA panting like a dog ha ha ha like it thats gold
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Post by bellastar »

well, the panting like a dog thing is accurate, right? and hey, turning 16 soo- you'll be closer to consentual heaven with daisy! = )
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Post by Emily14 »

hahahahaha yess :D......and all accurate my goodness im sad :P
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Post by melissa »

Brodie and Arabella should run off to Majorca. Why? Cos when everyone hates your guts and wants you dead, that's where u run off to.
Paris gives up on Chris and goes after Nick Lachey. Chris goes to great lengths to make it up to Estella... maybe he proposes on Sportsworld? (Hey if Kosi can faint on national television anything can happen). Heath Shaw should get it on with the new physiotherapist (me, hehe...) and Daisy and Em are the new IT couple now that Brodie and Sarita are no more. That's what I reckon should happen. But that's just me.
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Post by bellastar »

1.) Gee, you really hate Brodie and Arabella, Melissa! Don't worry, though, I can't stand them either! By why should they go to sunny Majorca? They should go to somewhere crappy like Yemen or Kazahkstan!

2.) Proposing on Sportsworld, How romantic! (I think)

3.) Heath getting it on with the new physiotherapist? I wonder who she is?...............(I thought Ryan was more your style?)

4.) I can totally see Em and Dale being the new King and Queen of Melbourne society- and I can see Em as a game show model, hand movements and all!

5.) The Boosh- I remember that show! Very weird indeed!

6.) You didn't actually try to speak Italian in Spain, did you? Putsa!
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Post by Emily14 »

i like i like :)
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Post by melissa »

I still like Ryan. But Heath is my fave. What can I say, it's the freckles. They do it for me. I'm fickle, okay?!
Nah I don't hate Brodie and Arabella. I just think everyone else does. I personally wouldnt cheat on Ryan with Brodes cos he just doesn't do anything for me. And I am the new physio! (hey if Em and Dave can get in on the act, so can I!).
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Post by leelee »

ok ok THATS IT... NO MORE MISS NICE GUY! I would like in too please :D (either ryan or pendles or rus... whichever you see fit) lol thank you bellastar :D
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Post by melissa »

leelee i thought u already were in... sitting in the front row in your racing gear. LOL. Rick Kelly was in CLEO's bachelors. Did u see it? He's not bad.
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Post by leelee »

Lol course i saw rick! hehe but he too skinny lol... i need a man with muscles!
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