The Boundary Line

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Post by bellastar »

this may sound like i inhaled the reefer a little too deeply, but doesn't aker look like Satan with his beard?
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Post by luvlicca »

yeah he could pass for the devil........ thats why he aint my type!!!!!
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Post by bellastar »

Gabrielle and John off Desperate Housewives. Stifler’s Mum and that dorky guy off American Pie........And now, Mrs Muscat and Dale will enter the MILF hall of fame! Hey, every soap opera needs one, along with the token stalker, the quintessential forbidden love affair, a gallery of eye candy galore and the uber-cute couple! Anyway, the lights are now going down, so sit back and enjoy the show!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Q.) Which came first- the chicken or the egg? .All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. A.) Who gives a s--t? They‘re both so delicious!............

And now, the 18th episode of the tawdry Bush-Howard love affair........................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Shae found out about Chris and Estella’s burgeoning affair, and was sworn to secrecy, but was very pleased indeed! Meanwhile, Fenella followed Ryan to training and creepily took photos of him from behind the bushes (as you do!). Also, whilst looking for some kinky outfits to spice up their holiday, Brodie proposed to Arabella in the middle of the local sex shop. Caught up in the moment, Arabella said yes! Meanwhile, Mrs Muscat eagerly awaited for hot young applicants for the job as her gardener, but unfortunately got some redneck bumpkin and the eternal super-freak himself Michael Jackson. However, a beacon of hope came in the form of good old country boy Dale Thomas, who instantly got the job. Not on his merits, of course, but due to Mrs Muscat’s taste for toy boys...........


Dale packed his stuff into his locker, ready to set off to Mrs Muscat’s house for his first day on the job as gardener. He was glad to have gotten the job since he’d be making a bit of extra money (Hey, he wasn’t made of money like Sir Eddie, he had to eat too, you know!), and Mrs Muscat seemed nice enough.

“So, I heard you’ll be uprooting around Mrs Muscat’s garden?” said a voice from behind.

Dale turned around. Smiling knowingly were the Cloke brothers , laughing and sniggering.

“Yeah, I am,” replied Dale, a little confused. “What’s so funny?”

“Well.........” began Travis. “Lets just say that Mrs Muscat has a reputation around here. She’s known as a bit of a .............Well, a bit of a......................” Travis then started giggling like a little schoolboy who had just heard a dirty word.

Why don’t you just say it, numbnuts!? What are you, eight years old!?” snapped Jason. “Look, what we’re trying to say is that Mrs Muscat is practically the Aussie version of The Graduate. She’s well known around here as a bit of a...............Well, a bit of a MILF.”

Travis started giggling inappropriately, until Cameron gave him a backhander.

“Come on, that’s just stupid!” guffawed Dale. “She didn’t come onto me or anything when I was there.”

“Oh, give her time,” smiled Cameron. “It won’t be long till she starts putting the moves on you!”

“Yeah, and how do you know all this, smartarse?” snapped Dale.

The brothers went silent. “Look, we just know things,” remarked Jason, wanting to change the subject. They then all scurried off, with their tails between their legs.

Dale stopped for a moment, thinking carefully. Could the Cloke brothers’ claims be true? Was Mrs Muscat really a mega MILF?

‘No way, she can’t be!’ thought Dale to himself. ‘She couldn’t be! Why would she want to crack onto a guy like me anyway?!......’


Estella’s mobile rang on her dresser.


“Hey, gorgeous,” purred Chris, on the other end. “I’ve been thinking about you........”

“Me too,” giggled Estella. “I’ve been dying to see you again.”

“So, why don’t you? Tonight, we’ll go out. You can bring your mates along with you too, so it doesn’t look too suspicious.”

“Sure. I’ll just tell Dad I’ve gone to see Fenella. He’ll never know. He still hasn’t caught on!

“Well, that’s good. He’s not hunting me down yet!”

“So, I’ll meet you at nine?”

“Sure. On the corner of Massette and Falls St.”

“Okay. Can’t wait to see you.”

“I can’t wait either. Can’t wait to feel your body against mine again,” cheekily said Chris

Estella blushed. An exciting chill ran up her spine. “Don’t set me off now! I can’t control myself as it is........”

“You’re telling me......” replied Chris, knowingly.

“Okay. I better go then. See you at nine.”

“Okay. See you soon. Bye.”



Arabella and Brodie stood at the makeshift altar of the only church on Temptation Island that performed quickie weddings- The Temptation Island St Marilyn Manson of the Gothic Church (Yes, he performs weddings now! Available upon request).

Dressed in their casual clothes, Brodie and Arabella looked at one another. This was really it! They were really going to become Man and wife!

Then, in a huge puff of smoke went off, spooky style! Out of the clouds and darkness stood an eerie and shadowy figure. Brodie and Arabella stood frozen, shaking fearfully.

The figure came into view. “Hello, my children,” it spoke, in a low and croaky voice. Dressed in a black ceremonial hooded gown and shocking make up was the forever creepy Marilyn Manson. “I see you two wish to marry?”

“Ah, yes, we do,” squeaked Brodie, still in absolute fear.

“Isn’t love grand?” sighed Marilyn,. dreamily.

Brodie and Arabella didn’t know what to be more freaked out by- Marilyn Manson in his usual, ever-scary presence; or Marilyn Manson sighing dreamily about love and marriage in a lovesick stupor?!

“Well, are we all ready, then?” asked Marilyn. “Good. Let us begin.”

Brodie and Arabella stood in position, facing one another.

“Do you- please insert your name........”


“...........Arabella, take this man to be your lawfully-wedded husband, as recognised by all goths and emos everywhere?”

“I do.”

“And do you - insert name here...........”


“..............Brodie, take this woman to be your lawfully-wedded wife, as recognised by all goths and emos worldwide?”

“I do.”

After a while, Marilyn began to ramble on a bit, talking about such mindless crap as the reckoning of doomsday, how Satan is upon us; and why his fame seems to be on the wane. So, lets just fast forward, shall we?”

“...........And by the power vested in me by the Temptation Island St Marilyn Manson of the Gothic Church and the Prince of Darkness himself, I hereby pronounce you both Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride...........”

“Of course, Brodie and Arabella kissed. “Oh, thank you for such a fairytale wedding.........” said Arabella.

But Marilyn had already disappeared in a blaze of smoke, evil laughter, and a whole array of expensive pyrotechnics.

And so ended the ceremony, and now began Brodie and Arabella’s marital bliss...................


Dale stood at the door, a little bit nervous, but eager to work. He knocked on the door, and immediately someone came running. Opening the door was Mrs Muscat, wearing a pair of tight leopard print pants and a low-cut black silk top. She left little to the imagination (’Shudder!’)

“Darling, hello!” she cooed. “I’ve been expecting you! Come in, come in!”

Dale walked in, with Mrs Muscat leading him outside to the verandah, overlooking a beautiful, platinum-plated pool.

“The first thing I’d like you to do is clean the pool,” said Mrs Muscat. “I’m not able to do it myself on account of my bad back.”

Dale smiled. “Sure, I’ll be happy to.” He then walked over to the pool pole, ready to clean. Then...........

“Actually, before you begin, I think you should wear these,” said Mrs Muscat, smiling. She then produced a pair of really tiny, really tight powder blue lycra shorts, circa 1972.

Dale cringed. He really didn’t want to wear the shorts. They were so revealing and ugly! Why did she want him to anyway? But he couldn’t offend Mrs Muscat. Not on his first day............

“Um..........okay, then,” stuttered Dale, finally relenting.

“Very good,” smiled Mrs Muscat, rather suggestively. She then handed Dale the shorts, and he then went back inside to put them on.


Dale was now out on the verandah cleaning the pool. With nothing but the 70’s powder blue shorts on.

Mrs Muscat sat on her velour lilo with her diamond Dior sunnies on, lapping up the view. Her eyes carefully traced every inch of Dale’s lean and youthful body. Mrs Muscat smiled to herself sinfully. She was rather proud of herself for choosing such a fine specimen. It was the perfect revenge on Mr Muscat, knowing the types of skanky little hos he picks up!

“Oh, you seemed to have missed a spot there, Dale,” called out Mrs Muscat, pointing to the far end of the pool.

Dale walked over. Mrs Muscat smiled. She knew what he would do next.

Dale then bent over, reaching some leaves over at the far end. Mrs Muscat peered over her sunnies. She liked what she saw- that hot, young arse teasing her, titillating her!............

Mrs Muscat decided to tease him in return. “Its good to finally have some company around here, someone to talk to for a change,” she drawled.

“Uh huh,” replied Dale, still busy.

“I do admit, it does get pretty lonely when your husband’s always away on business,” she continued. “Especially when you don’t know what he’s up to.........”

Dale started to feel a bit uncomfortable. He was starting to see what the Clokes were on about. Mrs Muscat was starting to put the moves on him.

“You know, I better be going.......” said Dale, hurriedly. He out down the pool pole and walked back inside.

“Oh, don’t go yet!” bellowed Mrs Muscat. “Stay a little longer............”

“No, really, I better be going.........” Dale then went inside to get changed.

Mrs Muscat’s expression changed. ‘Dammit’ she though to herself, angrily. ’I came on too strong!..........’


Estella and Chris were dancing in a rather raunchy manner in the middle of the club. But they didn’t care. Even with a few smartarse patrons yelling out for them to ‘get a room!’, it didn’t bother them. What with all the distance and secrecy surrounding them, they had to cherish these moments. It was the only way Chris and Estella could keep sane. They wish they could just be like any other normal couple, flaunting their relationship proudly. But, of course, it wasn’t that easy.............

“Danni seems to be enjoying herself over there,” laughed Estella, pointing at Danni, who was lapping up the attention from a few male patrons.

“But where’s Shae?” asked Chris. “Isn’t she here?”

“Yeah. Just not sure where.” They didn’t think much of it.

Estella then caught a familiar flicker in Chris’ eyes. She knew that look.

“What’s with you?” she smiled. “I know you’re up to something when you’ve got that look in your eyes.”

“I just thought we could go somewhere more quiet,” replied Chris, whispering in Estella’s ear.

“And you had in mind?.......”

“The alley outside............”

“Are you crazy!?” laughed Estella.

“What? Not adventurous enough?” Chris gently pulled Estella towards him, leading her outside.

As soon as they got outside and to the alley, though, they couldn’t control themselves. Estella practically jumped Chris, wrapping her legs around him. They slipped into the darkness of the alley.

“Feeling adventurous yet?” breathed Chris, smiling...............


Mr Winchester paced around nervously in the lounge room. He was panicked, practically anxious about where the hell Estella had gotten to. She said she was going out with Fenella, but this was just too ridiculous! She just had to be lying. He knew she couldn’t be trusted!

It was 4am. Where was she!?

The front door then opened, as if right on cue, an answer to Mr Winchester’s worried thought. He noticed Estella shake in fear when she saw him. She had been caught, and she knew it. “Dad?.............”

“Estella, where the hell have you been!? Its 4am!”

“Dad, I’m sorry! Fenella and I.............”

Were you out with Fenella?!” snapped Mr Winchester, accusingly. “I know you’re lying, Estella!”

Estella shook in absolute fear. She couldn’t tell the truth- not about Chris, not about anything!

“I was out with Fenella, I swear!” cried Estella, trying to be as convincing as possible.

“Were you!?”

“Yes!!!” Estella then ran upstairs, willing the tears that were pricking her eyes to disappear.

Mr Winchester watched, sighing angrily. But he was not yet defeated. He was getting more and more suspicious. He was now convinced that Estella was indeed up to something. And he, come hell or high water, would find out what it was, no matter what......................

Now You Decide:

What will Mrs Muscat do next in an effort to seduce Dale?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
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Post by luvlicca »

dude awesome!!
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The Boundary Line

Post by melissa »

Great episode, poor Dale, being hit on by Mrs Muscat. With the leopard print pants she sounds like Peg Bundy! Loved the Marilyn Manson wedding. He shoulda given them the short, short version
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

actually peg bundy was my inspiration for mrs muscat when i was writing about her!
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Post by luvlicca »

shes be great inspiration toooo................
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by melissa »

oh my god, that's so weird... it's like we think alike lol
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

i know its scary isnt it!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by melissa »

lol nah... i thought i was strange until i logged on here. Found lots of ppl just like me. It's great.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

omg bellastar when are you adding the next chapter!!! cant wait anymore
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Post by bellastar »

The soap opera genre seems to be alive and kicking at the moment- and with big changes happening in all of them in an array of ways- what is dastardly Cooper’s next move in ‘Passions’? Will Jade and Alan ever properly get their freak on in ‘The Plot Sickens’? And as for this soap opera? All I’ll say is pay very close attention to the next episode of The Boundary Line............There are going to be some shocks galore! Oh, and by the way, look out for Emily’s ‘Mercury Bay’- coming soon! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Expecting a smart arse remark in the disclaimer? .All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Forget it! Not this week!

And now, the 19th episode of the beautiful, the gorgeous, the wonderfully divine.................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: As Dale was about to head off to Mrs Muscat’s place, he received a warning from the Cloke brothers about her supposed MILF reputation in the area. However, Dale refused to believe them. Meanwhile, Chris invited Estella out, her was still defying her father, and Arabella and Brodie were pronounced man and wife by Marilyn Manson (no, really). Also, Dale began work for Mrs Muscat. And Mrs Muscat began her assault on Dale in an effort to seduce him! However, getting the hint, Dale bailed. And gave back the shorts she made him wear, circa 1972. Meanwhile, Chris and Estella were having fun out on the town (or a back alley, to be more precise!), and Mr Winchester was extremely worried, wondering where she had gotten to. When she finally came home, Mr Winchester cornered Estella, knowing that she was lying, but she still didn’t break. Mr Winchester vowed to find out the truth, no matter what.....................


Mr Winchester sat in the large, leather-bound chair, cradling a glass of cognac in his hand, whilst sitting by the fire. In the chair beside him was his good friend Det. Rod Stifley. He had been invited over to discuss some important, urgent business. Of the Estella variety.

“I just don’t know what to do anymore,” said Mr Winchester, exasperated. “I’ve tried and tried to keep Estella away from all temptation, but I just know she’s up to something.”

“Is it drugs? Alcohol? Don’t worry, I’ll smack it out of her!” screamed Det. Stifley, rather manically. With an obsession with guns and bombs of all varieties, and the fact that his idol was Jeff Kennett, Det. Stifley was rather deranged. And had a lot of crazy ideas!.....................

“No, no!” huffed Mr Winchester. “I think she maybe seeing a boy. I have a hunch because she looks way too happy and beaming for a rich girl. She’s meant to act like a real rich heiress- you know, be all miserable and be photographed s--tfaced in Who Magazine.

“So, just the standard PI work, go and follow her around?” asked Det. Stifley.

“Yes, yes, just go and see what she’s really up to.”

As Det. Stifley poured himself another glass of cognac, Mr Winchester sighed woefully. “I just don’t know what to do with that girl anymore. She used to be so sweet and innocent. But now I feel like I don’t know her anymore. I guess I’ve been so protective of her because my other children have left home, and she’s the baby of the family. Also, I became more protective when her mother died.............” Mr Winchester took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. “Estella was seven. It was her first time at the park.........She was so excited. But when her mother was warned not to feed the wild squirrels, she just still couldn’t help herself, she had to feed them..........” The pain of that traumatic memory was becoming too much for Mr Winchester. A tear fell from his face, tearing down his stoic demeanour. “She was attacked by the psycho squirrels......And Estella had to witness it all.........” Mr Winchester quickly wiped the tear away, not wanting to be seen showing emotion.

And so, the deal was done. Unbeknownst to Estella, she and Chris were about to be caught out. Big time.........


The next day, Estella was back at work. She was getting more and more gutsy with Chris and her sneaky around, getting themselves into situations they shouldn’t.

This time, Estella had snuck into the change rooms. She knew it was dangerous, but that’s what made it even more exciting. Plus, she and Chris were in the obsessive-compulsive, incredibly-lovesick, couldn’t-stop banging-one-another’s-brains-out phase of their relationship. And hey, who could resist Chris? (Like I’m gonna dignify that with an answer!..........)

Just as she thought, she found Chris alone near the lockers. He was about to get changed, ready to stop for the day, when Estella cornered him, catching him by surprise.

“Estella? How did you get in here?” asked Chris, a little bit surprised, yet smiling. He knew there was only one reason she had snuck in here...................

“I just walked right on in,” replied Estella, in a rather cocky tone. She knew he knew what was to come, which relieved her very much so! “I just thought I could fulfil my fantasy............”

“And what might that be?” asked Chris, knowingly.

Estella slowly walked over. She stood facing him, caressing his chest in a sexy fashion with the tip of her finger. Well, I especially love the fantasy where I seduce the man in uniform. I love a man in uniform............”

Chris was getting excited. And it wasn’t just the smile on his face that was showing it. “So...........what kind of uniform do you like?”

Estella pushed Chris down, making him sit on the bench. “ A black and white one is pretty ideal..............”

She then sat on his lap, straddling him. “Ready to make fantasy into reality?” she whispered .

There was no need to answer. Neither if them could help themselves as things got heated- the kisses more deeper and passionate, arms entwined, hormones raging. Estella practically ripped off Chris’ jersey, sweat and dirt permeating through the air But it was no deterrent. It was how Estella loved him best- rugged, raw and scruffy.

However, just as Chris and Estella were caught up in the throes of locker room intercourse, another set of eyes were watching. This sick voyeur watched on, hidden, unnoticed; taking picture after picture of the two in their most intimate of moments.................And Chris and Estella were none the wiser.


Mrs Muscat stroked the edge of her glass of Bourdeaux (?), sighing dreamily into thin air. It was Dale’s day off today, but she longed, yearned for his return. Ever since his first day, Mrs Muscat had been unable to get the image of Dale in those powder blue tight shorts from 1972 out of her head! Although, she did regret coming on too strong , letting her intentions be known to him too early. She should’ve tried to gain his trust, get to know him a little. But, of course, being impatient as she was, she just wanted to get him between the sheets right now! Oh, if only................

“So, dear, how in the new gardener working out?”

Mrs Muscat snapped out of her saucy toy boy thoughts. Mr Muscat appeared at the door, a set of papers in hand, most likely regarding work. “Is he doing a good job?” asked Mr Muscat, reading his papers at the same time.

Mrs Muscat sighed solemnly. Of course, Mr Muscat once again had asked her something whilst still doing his work. He even bought his work home with him.

Work had always come first. Mrs Muscat was the first to admit she had married out of wealth and convenience, but she thought there’d be more to it. Where were the pearls, the champagne on ice, the fine silks, the endless array of A-list parties? Mr Muscat, of course, showered her with those things, but only out of guilt, due to work, the trips away, the affairs he had that she wasn’t meant to know about.

No wonder Mrs Muscat was feeling stifled and had resorted to lusting after the young and intriguing Dale. She needed some excitement in her life for once! And an actual sex life, not just two minutes of Mr Muscat on top, grunting, then rolling off and falling asleep!

“Its going well. He’s doing a great job around the place,” she replied, forcing a smile, hiding the blush that threatened to redden her cheeks at the very thought of Dale.

“Good then,” mumbled Mr Muscat. He then shuffled out of the room, without so much as a further word.

Mrs Muscat pushed aside the maudlin thoughts of her marriage and went back to the dirty ones involving Dale, She smiled a secret smile to herself. She couldn’t wait till they would meet again. She knew what she was going to pull out next in order to seduce Dale. Three little words: Fluffy. Pink. Handcuffs.


Arabella sat on the edge of the bed in a somewhat blank and confused daze. By now, she and Brodie had been officially married for 28 hours, 17 minutes, 35 seconds and 20 energetic lovemaking sessions. Yes, she was already counting.....................

The more Arabella thought about it, the more scared she became. She was married, actually married! She had actually taken the plunge! And with Brodie, of all people, the metrosexual nymphomaniac!(say that five times fast!)

What had she done? She was only meant to keep Brodie as her secret lover, not make him her husband! And if he had broken up one relationship before, he was bound to do it again. Once a cheater, always a cheater..................

Why had she done it? She had been so caught up in the moment with Brodie, desperately wanting to make it work.......And now she had dug an even bigger hole for herself.

She was meant to marry Ryan in the near future...................

The second thoughts continued to haunt Arabella. What the f--k had she done?

Det. Stifley appeared at Mr Winchester’s office door. Mr Winchester looked up from his work, gesturing to Det. Stifley to enter the room. Det. Stifley obliged, walking in.

He stood before Mr Winchester, holding a black folio in his hands. “The information on Estella...........Its done,” said Det Stifley, low and succinct.

He handed it over. Mr Winchester opened it, scanning the information. His expression turned to a face made of stone. It didn’t take long or it to turn to anger.

“What is this?!” he snapped, obviously incensed at the calibre of photos they were, what Estella was partaking in with Chris in them.

“Its obvious she’s seeing someone, as you can see,” remarked Det. Stifley. “They’ve been seeing one another for a while now.”

Mr Winchester froze. His anger seared. He then slammed the black folio on the desk, getting up from it, slowly walking towards the window. He had calmed down as soon as he had fired up. Mr Winchester prided himself on maintaining his composure, not to show any weakness or emotion.

“I know this man,” he finally spoke, in a rather deathly voice. “You know what to do.”

Even infamous nutcase Det Stifley was becoming scared of him. “And then?............”Det. Stifley dared to ask, letting the sentence trail off.

“You know what to do to Chris...........” replied Mr Winchester, that deathly voice returning....................

Now You Decide:

Who will Det. Stifley hire to rough up Chris?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
*And please answer the question!!! I can’t read your mind on what’s gonna happen next! YOU have to tell me!
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Post by leelee »

Paris... he will hire paris... bahahahaha muahahahhahahahaaaa
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Post by luvlicca »

he better not hurt chris!!! Chris will end up beating the shit out of him and then estella will move out of the house and away from daddys prying eyes
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Post by bellastar »

oh, come on, paris couldn't even fight nikki webster!
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