The Boundary Line

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Post by luvlicca »

yeah no paris, just let chris kick his ass
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Post by leelee »

hey you never said it would be a physical fight... she can rough him up alright though... hahahahaahhahahahahahaha
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Post by Emily14 »

ohh the powder blue shorts mmmmmm i can picture it on him myself :)
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Post by bellastar »

what, not even the fact that they're from 1972 doesn't turn you off?
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Post by Emily14 »

nope not at all
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Post by luvlicca »

nah hed look good in any shorts!!!
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Post by melissa »

are they those tight disco shorts like what Kylie Minogue wore? Hehe...
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Post by bellastar »

just an open letter,

hello, all!

i'm writing to just mention a few things:

*sorry i haven't posted the next episode of the story. at the moment, i'm still changing and drafting a few things, so it may take a few days. but be patient, it'll be hear soon!

*i've also been writing more things, unrelated to this story (ie, other stories, songs, etc)

*i'll still be here! (i know what you've all been thinking!)

*of course, things are gonna have to change in the story.

*keep reading!

love bellastar
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Post by melissa »

That's cool, mate, don't worry! We'll tune in! i have a couple of eps on the first season left of my story then i'm gonna concentrate on another one of my stories for a while. Can't wait tho!
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Post by luvlicca »

yes bell, how long now??
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Post by bellastar »

hi! i've written the next epsiode, and was ready to post it, but my monitor blew up! really, no s--t! it just started zapping and crackling and popping out of control! but now, we're using another monitor for the time being! thanks for wating and being patient! from now on, i'll start being quicker! and i've also planned the rest of the series!
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Post by bellastar »

Sorry it has been a while. A couple of weeks or so now, to be precise. Obviously, I hit a wall with the story , and a lot had to be redone, even though I just did that for the second time only three weeks ago! I think I’ve finally found the right way to go forward, so be patient and look out for it.

Also, I may as well say thank you to everyone who has been patient. I really do appreciate it. Please continue to do so, as it isn’t easy to fix up the plans for the next ten episodes or so! Once again, thank you!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. No jokes, can't think of any. Can you? All events and personas do not reflect those of the players (Even the ex ones?) and club. Send your jokes in for the next disclaimer!

And now, the 20th episode of the prison system’s favourite soap opera.........................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Mr Winchester hired his nutcase friend Det. Stifley to spy on Estella, whilst Estella kept secretly Chris (in the change rooms, you know, just for another ‘visit’....), while somebody creepily watched. Meanwhile, Mrs Muscat kept dreaming about her young hottie gardener Dale, while lamenting about her crappy and convenient marriage to Mr Muscat. Also, Arabella had finally convinced herself that she had made a mistake in marrying Brodie, and wished she had stayed with Ryan so they could’ve married in the future (Finally!). However, most shockingly of all, Det. Stifley brought back evidence from Estella and Chris’ change room rendezvous to Mr Winchester, who was extremely unimpressed. He then gets Det. Stifley to hire someone to hire someone to rough up Chris..............


Arabella was feeling queasy. Her stomach churned and flipped in an uncomfortable and stabbing manner, striking her over and over again like a sharp knife. She didn’t understand why she was feeling like this, or how it had happened. It had occurred so suddenly, without notice.

Arabella practically crawled to the bed, unable to stand up any longer. The pain was consuming her........

She tried to trace back, tried to think about how this started, when it did happen. Was it something she ate? Drank? Could it be her period? No, it hadn’t even arrived yet.......Actually, it still hadn’t arrived yet! It was meant to be here a week ago! A whole week!

Arabella was getting worried. ’But, I was being careful, right?’ thought Arabella to herself.

And then it got scarier. Actually, Brodie had rarely used protection at all. You see, they didn’t make extra-small condoms (Uh-oh! I smell a libel suit!.........And for legal purposes, that is not true! Not that I know the real size or anything..............)

Arabella was feeling even worse now, and not because of her stomach. Were they ever careful?

Arabella was scared. She can’t be having a baby now.........

Could she?


“I’d like one all around the world ticket, one way?”

“Sure, that’ll be $1800, thank you.”

Ryan handed over his money and accepted his ticket. He took his bags over and sat in the waiting lounge. He knew it was drastic, but he just had to get Arabella back, out of the clutches of the dynamic and immaculately groomed Brodie. He had lost her, and now he was going to get her back, through any means possible.

He knew it was risky. He was putting everything on the line. But he couldn’t live without Arabella. He loved her so much, and was ready to forgive and forget, to make a fresh start.

Arabella just got caught up in the moment. Brodie was irresistible, Ryan knew that! Even he nearly got lost in those eyes once!.............

It was now or never. He knew it was crazy, but he and Arabella were meant to be. He had to get her back............


Arabella paced around the room nervously. Brodie was going to be back any minute, and she had no idea how she was going to tell him she was pregnant with his child!

They had talked about children only once before. Brodie had said that he wasn’t ready, that he was at the peak of his career, and he owed it to Australian society, nay the universe, that he had to remain his most desirable and metrosexual. A baby could destroy all that!

“Arabella, I’m back!” announced Brodie, happily walking through the door, oblivious to Arabella’s anxiousness.

Arabella looked in his direction. He then caught her nervous gaze. “Arabella, what’s wrong?” asked Brodie, concerned.

Arabella couldn’t speak. How was she supposed to tell him? It was going to devastate him...........

“Arabella? What’s wrong? Tell me!”


“Come on, I can take it! You can tell me anything......” soothed Brodie.

Arabella was stuck. She had no choice. She had to say it. She couldn’t hide it any longer.................

“Brodie...........I think I’m.............pregnant. With your baby.”

Brodie’s face fell. He couldn’t speak. Was this all really happening?.............


Chris and Estella were, of course, out having a good time and defying Daddy at the same time. It was becoming so easy now, so simple to slip away to spend a little time together. Even with the little tiff she had with Mr Winchester the other night, Estella wasn’t letting it bother her in the slightest. All that was important to her was her relationship with Chris, and nothing was going to tamper with that!

“Oi, love!” yelled a voice from behind, irritating Estella. She and Chris turned around. A couple of wasted knobheads started ogling Estella, looking her up and down in her clean white ankle-length skirt and lilac-hued singlet.

“What do you want?” snapped Estella. She was capable of handling herself, even though Chris was at the ready, putting a protective arm around her.

“Just checking you out, sweetheart!” drooled the shorter, fatter one of the two.

“Yeah, well, you’ve had your look, now leave,” said Chris, trying to remain calm, but these two dickheads were really testing his patience.

“Come on, gorgeous, why are you with this loser?” guffawed the taller, greasy-looking one, who happened to missing a couple of teeth. “Last time I heard, he was struggling to get back on form! Come on, babe, I can show you some real form if you’d like.......”

“You better f--k off right now or else!” spat Chris, finally boiling over. “We’re going, Estella!” He grabbed her hand, with Estella more than happy to get away from these losers.

They walked out of the club, still rather annoyed. They waited on the corner in the taxi queue, now really wanting to go home.

“Are you okay?” soothed Chris, concerned. He pulled Estella closer to him. “I’m so sorry about that....”

“Its okay, really,” assured Estella. “We’re away from them, that’s the main thing. And I appreciate you standing up for me.”

“You know I would do it for you. I care for you, Estella.” Chris then had the urge to hold Estella a little tighter.

“.........So, gorgeous, thought about my offer?”

The two turned around., staring in shock. The hoons were back. And they had brought along another friend. They stepped out of the darkness and into the street light. Out of the shadows came.............Paris!

“What is she doing here?!” snapped Estella, extremely pissed off.

“You know what to do, guys.........” Paris smiled evilly.

Suddenly, in one scary split second, without warning, the hoons advanced on Chris, with even more joining in, coming out of nowhere. Estella was hysterical.

“Stop! Stop!” she screamed. “Chris!”

But it was useless. Chris and Estella were outnumbered, She tried in vain to get through the pack of drunken hoons, desperately trying to save Chris, but was unable to reach him.

By now, Estella was distraught, crying, screaming, collapsing to her knees. “Just stop! Leave him alone!”

And Paris stood by, laughing. Det. Stifley hired her because he knew she wanted vengeance for being unable to seduce Chris, especially on Estella. Not only was she pleased, but Mr Winchester was going to rejoice that his dastardly plan was all coming together. Everything was falling into place..................

Now You Decide:

Will Ryan find out about Arabella’s pregnancy?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
*And please answer the question!!! I can’t read your mind on what’s gonna happen next! YOU have to tell me!
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Post by melissa »

i reckon Ben Johnson should show up and help Taz out...
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Post by luvlicca »

mel you and i are thinking alike its scary!!
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Post by melissa »

Why scary?

Just a tip, bella, from someone who has been pregnant, Arabella shouldnt be in that much pain unless she's miscarrying... but i did get a fair bit of indigestion with my first which is a pain like no other...
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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