The Boundary Line

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Post by bellastar »

well, you can't be a method writer in every aspect, can you, Melissa!? Maybe Arabella's just a bit dim.............
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Post by bellastar »

Hi. How are you? Shocked yet? Is Arabella really ready top have a baby? What weirdo celebrity moniker will she give it? Do they even make Gucci maternity wear? And as for Chris? Well, we already have an idea of that already............


Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Roses are red, violets are blue........ All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. This story is getting scandalous, I‘m just warning you!............

And now, all rise for the honourable 21st episode of...............

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Arabella started to feel queasy. When trying to pinpoint the problem, she realised herself and Brodie had failed to use any contraception, and was now fearing the worst- Was she ready to have a baby? Meanwhile, Ryan bit the bullet and caught a flight around the world to find Arabella. However, Arabella was racked with maternal guilt, and confessed to Brodie she may be having his baby. Brodie was less than thrilled, to say the least. Also, Chris and Estella were caught up in some late-night fracas staged by Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley, who hired Paris and some hoons to take care of the job........


“.So, you say you and your girlfriend were about to take a taxi home when the hoons followed you and her from inside the club. Then Paris appeared and apparently sicked them onto you two. Correct?”


“They attacked you?”


“And you did not provoke them in any way possible?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“But you fought back, right?”

“Yes. To protect Estella.”

“I know, but she could have been.......”

Chris had been dragged into custody. It was now 6 am, and for the past hour and a half or so he had been questioned intensely by Det. Stifley in the interview room. Of course, unbeknownst to Chris, the whole thing was a set-up, and with Det. Stifley on the case he would most likely get busted down for assault.

“Chris, I’ve been looking at your criminal record and found a few interesting things,” said Det. Stifley, in a rather smarmy tone. “Like a black mark of careless driving..........:

“That was a long time ago,” defended Chris.

“........The couple of bar fights here and there...........”

“I was provoked!” (For the record, the defence of provocation has since been abolished in Victoria. Thank you, Legal Studies!).

“.........And the time you sold fake joints stuffed with oregano behind the bike sheds in school back in Mildura..........”

“I was young and stupid! I needed the money!” wailed Chris.

“Shut it, boy!” yelled Det. Stifley. He then picked up the rather hefty copy of the Yellow Pages and proceeded to smack Chris around with it, blow after blow after blow with the business side.

“Stop! Stop! Alright! I’ll do anything, just stop!” cried Chris.

Det, Stifley stopped, composing himself. He then threw the Yellow Pages aside, covered in Chris’ blood.

Chris’ head fell onto the table, throbbing with pain from the beating. He didn’t have the energy to sit up.

“Send him to the cell,” called out Det. Stifley to a guard. He smiled to himself. With Mr Winchester’s plan falling into place so perfectly, Estella would soon have nothing to do with Chris anymore. He would be gone for good. And the best was still yet to come.......Det. Stifley, come hell or high water, would ensure that Chris’ life would be left in tatters...........


Fenella drove by Ryan’s house. However, instead of driving up and down the street in a rather creepy fashion like she usually did, trying to have a peek through the windows, she stopped outside. She decided to go in, finally shrugging off the awkward incident she and Ryan shared when Arabella dumped him.

Fenella knocked on the door. Not hearing anything the first time, she knocked again. Still nothing.

She then noticed a piece of paper pinned to the left side of the door frame. Fenella cursed at herself for not noticing it first time around. Fenella ripped it off the door frame and read it to herself- ’Have gone around the world. Don’t know when I’ll be back- Ryan. P.S. Rubbish day is Wednesday.’

Fenella couldn’t breathe. Why had Ryan suddenly just decided to take a spontaneous trip all around the world without her knowledge?!

Then it hit her..............Bloody Arabella!!!!!

Fenella then raced off back to her car. She had to catch up to Ryan quick smart before he rekindled his relationship with Arabella!


“Party Pie Caught Up In Late-Night Brawl” screamed the front page of the Herald Sun. Already, the media were having a field day concerning the fracas, hurting Estella more and more with each article she read.

The papers were starting to make ridiculous and idiotic claims- like Who Weekly writing that Estella was just ‘some hooker’ Chris had picked up earlier; or The Age saying that Chris had provoked the hoons by dancing the national dance of Yemen; or the rather strange ramblings of Woman’s Weekly, which claimed that Chris not only got caught up in the fight, but was abducted by aliens, received an anal probe, returned to Earth, vilified a sheep, and, most shockingly of all, had Strauchanie act as his wingman back at the club! With every word Estella read, it broke her heart.

Estella even had to turn off the TV when Ten News revealed that not only was it really Chris who was responsible for the interest rate rises, petrol prices and heightening crime rates, but even John Howard and George Bush had decided to declare the war on terror against him! Chris was even making Osama bin Laden look good!

Estella had to clear her mind. She was so unsure, so uncertain of her future with Chris. It scared her. She knew deep down what really happened, that Chris was only standing up for her. But did anyone else believe that?

Estella walked down the hall. Maybe walking around in the fresh air for a while would ease her troubled mind.

As she walked down the hall, Estella passed her father’s study. She overheard both Det. Stifley and Mr Winchester talking, rather jovially. Out of curiousity, Estella listened in:

“So, all went well?” asked Mr Winchester.

“Perfectly,” replied Det. Stifley. “There’s no way he’s getting out of this one!”

“Smack him ’round a bit, did you?”

“Of course, Sir. By tomorrow, Chris should be charged with assault. The sentence will be fixed and he should be jailed in no time.........”

“And the hoons you hired,” questioned Mr Winchester, “Did they do the damage?”

“Rather willingly, Sir,” answered Det. Stifley, with glee. “They practically beat him to a bloody pulp!”

Mr Winchester made a small, low laugh. “Now Estella has no excuse to see young Christopher ever again. That will teach her to date beneath herself. Estella has learned a very valuable lesson, Stifley- Father always knows best!...........

Estella stood at the door in silent shock. A mix of emotions enveloped her- sadness, fear, anger........She didn’t know whether to scream or cry. She was about to explode.

Estella hurried out of the hallway, trying to remain calm. She had to tell Chris the truth before it was too late!.................


Arabella and Brodie sat in silence. Brodie still had that look of disbelief painted on his face. He still couldn’t believe it. Arabella was pregnant! With his baby! But how? Why?

“Are you sure, Arabella?” questioned Brodie, still worried.

“Of course I’m bloody sure!” she snapped back. “We’ve been together this whole time! All we’ve been doing is screwing for weeks! Without protection, I might add!”

Brodie turned away, hurt. She was right, though. But he still couldn’t believe it. “Its just...........I’m too young and metrosexual to become a father!” he exclaimed, horrified. “Why now!!??”

Just then, without warning, the front door opened. It was Ryan.

“Ryan?........” Arabella’s face went deathly white.

This was the last thing they all needed.


Chris sat in the cold, dank cell, appalled and ashamed with himself. He was being crucified left, right and centre. All because he tried to defend himself and his girlfriend. Why? Didn’t anybody care how he felt about the situation?

And Estella- how was she feeling? That was a stupid question. Of course she was angry! She was probably crucifying him too, for destroying their relationship, her good name, her reputation.............Chris hated himself even more now.

Chris was also in total fear. Not because of all the media scrutiny or the hoons, but because his cellmate Bubba was willing to make Chris his bitch. And it wasn’t just the fact that Bubba was 10” 10 and weighed 250 kgs, was covered in tattoos and piercings, and was a Cradle of Filth fan that scared Chris. It was mainly because of the fact that Bubba kept trying to entice him with fluttering eyelashes and his ridiculously long tongue.

“Hey, big boy.........” purred Bubba, licking his lips in anticipation. “Saw your picture in the paper. You wanna have a bit of a tussle in one of the conjugal caravans later?”

Chris gagged, cowering further into the corner.

Suddenly, a beacon of light shone. Estella came walking up to his cell, calling out to him. Chris quickly raced over, mostly out of fear of Bubba, clutching the cell bars. “Estella! Thank God you’re here!” breathed Chris.

Estella weakly smiled. But she couldn’t hold it for long as her face then crumpled, bursting into tears. “Oh God, Chris! What are we going to do!?” she bawled.

“It’ll all work out, I promise you that,” sighed Chris.

“No, its not that,” said Estella. “Its much worse............”

Chris was confused. “What do you mean ’worse’?” he replied, fearfully.

Estella took a deep breath, wiping away her tears. “The whole thing’s a set up. Dad and Stifley hired Paris and the hoons to beat you up so they could get you into trouble and away from me. They’re gonna bust you down for assault no matter what, and they’re planning more! I don’t know what to do!............” Estella began crying again.

Chris’ face fell. He was in total deep shit. He was practically on death row! “Oh God.....” he whispered. He couldn’t speak. Tears welled in his eyes.

Estella grabbed Chris’ hand through the metal bars. “Don’t worry,” she told him. “I’ll get you out of this. Even if I have to break you out of here myself..........”

Now You Decide:

What weapon of choice will Fenella use on Arabella?
*Reviews and Suggestions appreciated!
*First posted, first served!
*Please answer the question- I have to know the answer in order to answer it and to write the rest of the story!
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Post by luvlicca »

brilliant. cant wait to see what estella does to daddy dearest after finding that shit out!!
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Post by bellastar »

i need an answer- what weapon will fenella use on arabella?
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Post by luvlicca »

Umm I dont know, how about her nails?? No No, a hammer!! actually I have no idea!!
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Post by bellastar »

i've written the next epsiode, i just need to write one more word and then i'm done! i just need a weapon! anything will do!
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Post by luvlicca »

how about a machete?? To cut her head off!!! hahaha
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Post by bellastar »

you know, i was actually thinking machete too! a machete to 'cut her
f--king head off!'
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Post by bellastar »

As you can see, I’m really trying to stay on top of it all and trying to post The Boundary Line as quick as I possible can. But, of course, I do a lot of juggling. Not only do I have to keep up with writing The Boundary Line, but I also write:
*Sneak..... (Ready to type the 3rd episode, and have planned the next 4 episodes)
*My first actual full-length novel (Only three chapters left to write!)
*Various songs to be written
*Planning both The Boundary Line and Sneak.....
*Planning and writing ideas and characterisations for other stories I want to write.

Phew! What a lot to contend with! I know you’re probably thinking I’m making excuses, but really, its a lot to keep up with, especially when you’re not only writing, typing and uploading not one, but two soap operas at the same time on the same website! I really do love to write! I hope you all still remain patient and thank you all for doing so. Keep reading!

Anyway, on with the show!................

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Lets hope this disclaimer shishizzles your nizzle! All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Its just so totally gooney goo goo!

And now, the 22nd episode of Fev’s leprechaun fight........................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Chris was taken into custody and questioned by Det. Stifley, even though Stifley has set the whole thing up and will bust Chris down for assault anyway. Chris was also given a good old-fashioned phone book slapping by Stifley, too. Meanwhile, Fenella went to Ryan’s house, but instead found a note saying that Ryan had gone to fly around the world. When Fenella realised he had gone to find Arabella, she snapped and went off to follow him. Also, Estella was distraught at the news of Chris’ troubles, and decided to take a walk to clear her head. As she went down the hall, she passed her father’s study and overheard Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley talking of their dastardly plan and how successfully they had gotten Chris in trouble, hoping that once and for all he and Estella would finally be torn apart. A shocked Estella went off to tell Chris. Meanwhile, Arabella and Brodie were still coming to terms with Arabella’s pregnancy. Brodie was so appalled and was freaking out.............Then Ryan came through the door! Also, Estella visited Chris in prison, saving him from the clutches of his horny cellmate Bubba making him his bitch. Estella confessed to Chris that Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley had hired Paris and the hoons to beat him up so he would get into trouble and stay away from her. Chris couldn’t have been more devastated. Estella swore to get Chris out of prison.............


Fenella stared out the window of the plane, deep in thought about where Ryan could have gone. She was also curious as to where that bitch Arabella could’ve gotten to with Brodie.

Why was Ryan bothering with that ho bag? She broke his heart, didn’t he remember that?! Dim young man. But Ryan was supposed to be Fenella’s dim young man!

That would all change soon. Fenella had a plan. The little cure to all her troubles was concealed within her bag, the machete hidden away from prying eyes. Not long now until Fenella found the real location of Arabella and Ryan. Pretty soon, Arabella would no longer be in the picture. And Ryan would be in Fenella’s arms forever and ever and ever....................


Dale pulled out a few troublesome weeds from the corner of the garden bed, his mind still working overtime.

He had noticed Mrs Muscat’s advances getting stronger and stronger, which had been happening for a while now. While Dale was trying to keep it as strictly professional as possible, Mrs Muscat was pushing the envelope with offers of baby oil for his bruised and battered skin, or asking to rub sunscreen on her back when he just happened to be gardening; or ‘accidentally’ spilling water all over her breast whenever she had to pass the hose over to him. Dale wasn’t sure whether to feel flattered or scared of Mrs Muscat- he loved female attention, but she looked like the kind of woman who could crush him with one blow, what with her being 7ft tall, rather beefy and clad in Lycra.

Dale thought it through. Maybe he should consider getting a new job. He just knew that Mrs Muscat was going to eventually corner him and he’d be trapped. Dale had to get out before he got himself into that situation...........

“Hello, Dale...........”

He turned around. Wearing nothing but a transparent negligee and a kinky smile, Mrs Muscat stood before Dale at the side of the flower bed.

Dale was speechless. Her body was so wrinkled it resembled the Melways. Her boobs were practically sagging, she could trip over them..............But Dale was started to get kind of excited. He liked the fact that even older women couldn’t resist him, giving his.......ego a good stroking. And he basically had the sex life of a nun at the moment, so he could do with a little bit of action (and experience!). This older lady could teach him a thing or two...........

Without words, Dale and Mrs Muscat fell onto the garden bed, rolling around amongst the azaleas. The negligee was ripped off from Mrs Muscat’s body and thrown aside, whilst Mrs Muscat held Dale down in the dirt, rubbing his broad, youthful shoulders sensually.

“Looks like you’ll be doing some fertilising right about now?” laughed Mrs Muscat dirtily.

And so, she grabbed a certain tool of Dale’s not used for gardening at all, and the age-challenged twosome got down to some al fresco fun!.....................


Estella had to go right now while Mr Winchester was out of the house. She had just pinpointed on the right plan to bust Chris out of jail and had to act fast before it was too late (And before Bubba made him his bitch!)

Just then, as Estella went to pick up her handbag from the corner of her bed, she was suddenly grabbed from behind, a cloth masked over her face, stifling her cries for help. She tried to fight back, but the intoxicating fumes of the chloroform were all too much.

Like a rag doll, Estella collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Without seeing the face of her attacker...............


“Ryan, what are you doing here?”

“I came to get you back, Arabella. I finally found you, so..........”

“A bit too late, don’t you think?” interrupted Brodie. “I think you’ll find that Arabella’s married to me now................”

“What?” Ryan was crushed.

But before Arabella could stop him, Brodie continued, dropping the bombshell, “...............And she’s having my baby!”

You could read the obvious devastation on Ryan’s face. “Arabella, is this true?” he whispered.

“Well, I think............” she stuttered.

But at that moment, something occurred to Ryan. He had just realised something pretty incriminating. “Wait..........How do you know that Brodie’s the father? We did it not long before you ran away here and I distinctly remember not using protection!”

Arabella was appalled at Ryan’s remark, but it soon dawned on her that he was telling the truth.

“Like hell that’s true, Ryan!” blasted Brodie. “You’re just making that up to get Arabella back!”

But Arabella confessed. “No, Brodie.............He’s telling the truth, I remember it now”

Everyone was severely worried and confused. Who could possibly be the father of Arabella’s baby?

“You have to do a paternity test, Arabella,” pleaded Ryan. “Its the only way we’ll know..............”

Now You Decide:

Will Arabella take the paternity test?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
*And please answer the question!!! I can’t read your mind on what’s gonna happen next! YOU have to tell me!
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Post by luvlicca »

very good dear very good!!!
go ryan hope the baby's his !!
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Post by melissa »

Ooh, interesting what's going on with Estella! Hope she manages to bust Chris out eventually.
I think Arabella should take the paternity test. There would be nothing worse than not knowing who the father of your baby is. How much of a slut would that make someone feel?!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

Well, well, well. It seems the characters are digging themselves into deeper and deeper s--t: Dale’s gotten it on with his employer’s old but horny wife, Arabella doesn’t know who the father of her baby is; and Estella’s taking on more than she can handle with trying to get Chris out of prison, what with her now unconscious. Whatever could happen next? Only in the world of soap opera.................

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Not long till the end of this season........ All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Only five episodes left!

And now, the 23rd episode inspired by Britney and K-Fed’s divorce of.....................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Fenella took a plane to Temptation Island, threatening to murder Arabella and kidnap Ryan. Meanwhile, while Dale was gardening, wrestling with whether he should quit the job because Mrs Muscat keeps hitting on him, she appeared to him in nothing but a negligee and a ready smile. Thinking with the brain in his pants, Dale and Mrs Muscat got it on right on top of the flower bed! Also, just as Estella was about to go bust Chris out of jail, she was attacked and knocked unconscious by a dose of chloroform, rendered useless. Meanwhile, Arabella, Brodie and Ryan all fought about Arabella and Brodie’s unknown marriage and unborn child........Until Ryan admitted that the baby could be his, having had relations with Arabella without protection before she ran away. With the situation more confusing than ever now, Ryan begged Arabella to have a paternity test...............


Dale awoke, sore and numb. The light peeking through the split between the curtains burned his eyes, causing him to rub them furiously. He had no recollection of what had happened. He didn’t even know where he was. He turned over.............

“Hi, sexy..........” purred Mrs Muscat.

Now it was all coming back to him................

Dale shot upright in bed. Oh God.................Did he really do what he thought he did?

“Was it as good for you as it was for me?”

Dale couldn’t answer. He was in too much shock. He had just slept with a woman old enough to be his Nan! What was he thinking?! (Well, that’s what happens when you think with your.............). What a bloody lapse in judgement indeed! And what about Mr Muscat!? He’s kill him!

“Look, I can’t do this. This was a mistake,” stuttered Dale, panicking. He tried to get out of bed, but Mrs Muscat held him back with her iron grasp.

“Where are you going, lover?” purred Mrs Muscat, grabbing onto his hip, almost crushing it.

Dale yelped in pain. “But...........Mr Muscat, he’ll kill me! I shouldn’t be doing this!”

“But it feels so right!” pleaded Mrs Muscat.

“But why me?” reasoned Dale. “I’m only 19! You’re way older than me! How could I have satisfied you? I just don’t have much...........y’know.........experience and skill.” Dale started to blush.

“Oh, I beg to differ, darling,” laughed Mrs Muscat. “ I’ve never felt so alive!”

Dale looked at her, bewildered.

“Seriously, honey, I loved every minute of it! It was extremely liberating compared to my husband, who just rolls on, grunts, then rolls off and goes to sleep, all within 30 seconds. But with you...............I’ve never felt so alive!”

Dale stopped still. A smile started to grow on his face. “So............I was that good, was I?”

Mrs Muscat nodded in a flirtatious manner. “Wanna go for another round?”

Dale didn’t have to be told twice. He immediately pulled the covers over himself and Mrs Muscat, and they both got back down to business!


Another person awaking form their slumber was Estella. Finally coming out of her comatose state, she found herself in bed in her own room. She felt rather dizzy and nauseated still What happened? The last thing she remembered was getting ready to bust Chris out of jail, then being grabbed from behind. Then........what?

“I see you’ve finally awoken, Estella.”

Estella bolted upright. Standing at the end of her bed were Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley, with evils smiles on their faces.

“You did this!” she screamed. Suddenly, she discovered the chains attached to her wrists and ankles linked to the ends of the bed. Estella was horrified. “Why are you doing this to me?” she screamed. It was all dawning on her now. “You spied on us! You got Chris in trouble! You sick b--tards!”

But Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley couldn’t care less. “I warned you about dating beneath yourself, but you didn’t listen!” snapped Mr Winchester. “No matter what you try to do, you will never see that boy again!”

“Where is he!?” demanded Estella, pulling at the chains linked to her wrists and ankles.

Like the evil smartarse he was, Mr Winchester made a low and unsettling laugh. “Well, lets just say that both Collingwood and I have struck a little deal with one another...............”

“What do you mean?” cried Estella, fearfully.

“He’s off to the other side of the country,. dear Estella!” And, as is tradition with all villains, Det. Stifley and Mr Winchester laughed evilly. They both then walked out of the room, leaving Estella alone, chained and bound to the bed.

Estella was still trying to comprehend her evil father’s words. She began to cry. What happened to Chris?..........


Chris was still waiting in his prison cell, staring longingly through the metal bars. He had been waiting for Estella for hours, and she still hadn’t arrived yet. She had promised to get him out today. She just wouldn’t leave him to rot here, would she?

Then it occurred to Chris. Mr Winchester must’ve gotten to her. She would never just give up on him like this.........Chris began to panic.

Just then, a guard appeared at his cell. “Oi, you have a phone call,” he simply said in a gruff tone. He passed Chris the phone, then walked away.


“Listen carefully,” said the mysterious voice, which seemed to have been altered using some sort of technology. “Don’t ask questions. Effective immediately, we have decided that you are to be traded from Collingwood to Fremantle.”


But the mystery caller hung up before more could be said. Chris sat there, phone still in hand, in shock and disbelief. He didn’t have to be told why the decision had been made. He didn’t have to be told who was behind the decision.

Chris felt like giving up. He knew what deep s--t he was in now.............


At the local Temptation Island hospital (where the nurses were always naughty!), Arabella, Brodie and Ryan all waited in uncomfortable silence for the results of the paternity test.

Arabella thought to herself worriedly. ’How will I cope with raising a child? What will my parents say? They’ll disown me!’

Ryan was also doing some deep thinking. ’What if the baby’s mine? Will I ever be able to ever see it?’

Also doing some soul searching of his own was Brodie. ’I wonder if I could get a photo deal with New Idea with me, Arabella and the baby? Well, if Bec and Lleyton can exploit their kid...........’

Then, the doctor came back into the room with the results. Everyone sat upright, fears heightening.

“Who is it?” asked Arabella, exasperated.

The doctor sat down, a confused and bewildered look painted upon his face. “Is this a joke?” he said, unamused.

No one understood what the doctor was on about.

“You do realise you’re not pregnant, right? Did you even bother to do a pregnancy test?”

Arabella sat stony-faced, highly embarrassed. She was so hysterical about everything, that she just jumped to conclusions. She hadn’t even thought to do a pregnancy test................

The guys were even more shocked. “So, what’s wrong then?” exclaimed Ryan.

“Arabella’s just constipated, that’s all,” explained the doctor. “That’s why her stomach’s bothering her and why she’s bloated.”

Arabella couldn’t have felt more humiliated. The boys were extremely angry. They had been duped.

Arabella was constipated!?

Now You Decide:

What will Arabella do with her relationship with Brodie now?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
*And please answer the question!!! I can’t read your mind on what’s gonna happen next! YOU have to tell me!
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Post by luvlicca »

that is an absolute cracker bell, ripper!!!

how stupid does she feel now!!!
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Post by melissa »

Oh my god, how embarrassing! talk about a bit dim! So now does she do a ripper fart and deflate? Maybe she should buy some metamucil or something.
Seriously loving it. Poor Dale, though. Getting it on with a woman old enough to be his nanna... is he really that hard up?!!!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

he obviously takes what he can get!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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