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Post by bellastar »

i'm going to type episode 3 now. i've also planned the next 4 episodes. trust me, a lot's gonna happen! especially to you, young danni!...........
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Post by luvlicca »

it better be good bellastar!!!!!! lol
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Post by bellastar »

is that a threat? :)
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Post by bellastar »

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. All other people mentioned in the story have classified their permission to appear in the story. All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Personas of other people mentioned in the story do not reflect the real personas, ideas or beliefs of the actual individuals. All in good fun!

Episode 3- The Night Before and Morning After (And Everything That Happened) Bit

“Come on, in the car everyone!” announced Melissa.

The kids clamoured into the car, whilst Nanna slumped herself into the passenger seat.

Melissa got in the car and started it up, taking off towards the highway to home.

In all, it had been a long night, what with all the kids whingeing and a constantly urinating grandmother. But at least there had been one highlight of the game- the graceful and incredibly sexy Heath. Melissa knew he was rather young, what with his shock of red hair and freckles and the fact that he was only 20..........But that wasn’t going to stop her! Melissa liked ‘em young!

“Mum, Kayla’s smacking me!” droned Sherise.

“Quit it, Kayla...........” replied Melissa, still dreaming of Heath.

“The game’s just not like it used to be, complained Nanna. “In my day, it was all about getting it over and done it and getting away with beating one another senseless. Now, you have the whistle blown on you if you so much as tap someone! I miss the rough and tumble of the old game myself.”

But Melissa wasn’t listening. By now, she was thinking what Heath might be up to now after the game- maybe hitting a club right about now, celebrating the win, maybe surrounding himself with a whole crew of lovelies...........

Of course, Melissa knew she was just a bit too mature for that scene now, what with two kids and all. She probably couldn’t keep up like she used to, and why would Heath want to date some older chick when there were blonde bimbos to be had? Although, Heath might like a women with a bit of experience on her! She could teach him a thing or two, something those blonde bimbos wouldn’t even know how to do!

Melissa smiled to herself. Oh well, back to the mundane, but comfortable existence............ (Writer’s Note: Don’t worry, Mel. I don’t think you’re old at all! You can still swing it with the best of us!)


Danni walked out of the stadium, a little bit of a skip in her step. Her mind turned back to the letter. She wondered if Paul had taken the time to read it yet. Would he believe her and realise she loved him? Or would he freak out and call police? Or get his family to put a hit out on Danni? (NB: Not a racist joke. I’m Italian, I can say it!)

Only time would tell..........................


“Well, that was interesting,” noted Jade, hopping into the driver’s seat, as Maria sat in the front with her, whilst Emily sat in the back.

Driving along the highway now, Emily and Jade decided it would be the best time to interrogate Maria about Chris.

“So, where do your loyalties lie now?” grilled Emily. “After tonight’s performance, you’d have to be thinking about how Chris levels up now?”

“Hey, he did alright,” defended Maria. “He kicked a couple of goals and seems to be getting better. His technique’s improving slowly but surely.”

“I guess................” added Jade, questionably. “But he’s got a long way to go still.”

“And I agree,” replied Maria. “But it’ll take time, that’s all.”

“Its just I’ve heard that before,” griped Jade. “Its like its a tired excuse now. He had nine years to improve himself.”

“Hey, it hasn’t been all bad,” argued Maria. “What about 2003?”

“That was good, I’ll admit, as many others would, but the time is now. He has to snap back, ASAP.”

Maria was tiring of the subject. “Look, I’ve stated my case a million times now, alright?!” she snapped. “He did well tonight, but I’m glad Collingwood won, end of story! I’ll snap if Chris is mentioned again!”

Emily and Jade stepped down, feeling a bit bad. But they still thought otherwise.

Jade stopped on the corner, not far from Emily’s house. They had all decided to let Emily walk back, so as not to arouse suspicion by parking right outside her house. Common sense, really.

Just as Emily was about to bid farewell, Maria stopped her. “Wait, Em, stop a moment.”

Emily froze. Jade also sat still.

“I just wanted to say to you both that I’m sorry for snapping. I’m just still embattled and confused, that’s all,” sighed Maria.

“Its cool, really,” smiled Emily. “Its gonna be hard to tear you away from Tazza, that’s for sure!”

“Don’t worry about it, Maz, really,” soothed Jade. “Its no big deal.”

“Well, I’ll be off then,” said Emily. “See ya.”

“Bye,” bid Jade and Maria.

Emily shut the car door and set off home. Jade drove off down the road again.

As Jade drove, though, her mind wandered towards him again, cheeky No. 4. What was it about him? She was driven crazy by the thought of it all. She couldn’t get him out of her head!


Emily quickly headed home. It was already 11:30pm, and her parents would be off to bed by now.

They still thought Emily was sulking in her room because she was grounded. They still believed Emily was acting like a drama queen, so they had just left her alone.

Gullible suckers.

Teenagers were getting more craftier these days. It was just so easy. Too easy in fact.

Emily finally ran up the driveway of her house, located on 76 Blue Moon Drive. She quietly raced up to the side of her house, ready to sneak back into her room. All the lights were off and everyone had retreated to bed. Emily had also left her window unlocked so she was able to get back in later. Clever.

Emily stated to climb up the lattice along her house, but not before knocking over a gnome, his happy plaster face down in the dirt. Emily cursed at herself, hoping no one heard. When the coast seemed to be clear, she set off once again.

When she finally reached the window, Emily heaved herself into her bedroom, quickly scrambling for her pyjamas and jumping into bed before anyone awoke. Luckily, finally getting into bed, she settled in. And Emily’s parents were still none the wiser...........


The next morning, Melissa and the convoy of her two kids and Nanna parked outside the front of the oval and hopped out, hoping to catch the morning training session. The kids were bored, so they were up for anything, even if it was just Melissa’s self-indulgence masked as a family outing. However, Nanna would be a bit of a problem since there were no toilets about for miles............It was really time to invest in those incontinence pads!

“Mum, what is this place?” droned Sherise.

“Its the Pies’ training session,” chirped Melissa, trying to sound upbeat to make the whole thing seem fun. “Its going to be great, really.”

Sherise had a bored expression painted on her face. Kayla was dragging her feet and Nanna looked guilty, squeezing her legs together in a suspicious manner. She really shouldn’t have had all those cups of tea before they left.

However, all those problems flew out the window as soon as Melissa’s gaze locked onto Heath. Doing a few drills closer to the left side of the boundary, Melissa quickly raced over, taking her tired family in tow. Melissa was as giddy as a teenager, but of course hid it well.

The foursome sat on the grass outside the boundary, obviously facing Heath for Melissa’s viewing pleasure. She watched as he ran the ground in his strong swagger, rolling and flexing his youthful muscles, bouncing himself back and forth. Melissa was transfixed.

So transfixed was Melissa that she didn’t even notice the football that was headed right in her direction.........As if in slow motion, everyone looked on in shock as Melissa was darted in the face with the red torpedo, pain shooting through her as she grabbed her face.

Nan and the girls quickly rushed over as Melissa held her face, as well as a few other strangers.

“Are you alright, I’m so sorry!”

Melissa was offered a helping hand as she was brought to her feet.

“Let me have a look at your face..........”

Melissa took her hands away.........And realised that the person now inspecting her face was Heath! Melissa instantly began to blush. She couldn’t believe he was a witness to her most embarrassing moment!

“I’m so sorry I hit you, I really am,” said Heath softly, feeling rather bad about it.

Melissa couldn’t speak. She felt a mix of embarrassment and lust, but mostly embarrassment. She couldn’t have cared less that Heath had accidentally hit her, he was actually talking to her!

“Um.......That’s okay, really. Its no big deal, I feel fine now,” stuttered Melissa, trying to keep cool.

“Good to hear then,” smiled Heath. “Really, though, I am sorry.”

“Its okay, it was an accident. You didn’t mean it.”

Just as Melissa and Heath were staring at one another in silent, Nan had to, of course, interrupt the moment. “I think its time we left, hey Mel? That’s enough excitement for one day.”

Melissa’s heart sank. As much as the moment had been humiliating, she didn’t want to leave just yet. But she couldn’t let it show. Sadly, she relented. I guess I better go. Thanks anyway.”

“That’s cool. See ya.” Heath then ran back to the oval, resuming the drills.

Everyone else seemed happy to leave, but Melissa was dying to stay longer. Why couldn’t she at least given Heath her name?

“Well, that was boring,” droned Nanna. “Besides, I have to go to the dunny anyway...........”


Jade and Maria had just gotten up for breakfast. The best mates lived together in a place not far from Emily’s house. They had decided to live together since it would be easier, living so close to Uni and work. And, of course, it was cheaper.

Jade and Maria were sitting in the lounge room, watching Kerri-Anne attempt to move her Botoxed-to-eternity face on TV. Needless to say, she wasn’t achieving much expression.

“Look,” began Jade, breaking the silence. “I’ve been thinking............I’m sorry for all the things I said last night about Tazza. I only said them because I don’t want you giving up on the Black and White. You’ve been such a fan for so long, and I like sharing that with you.”

Maria smiled. She was touched. “I can’t believe you thought that!” she exclaimed, laughing. “I’m not quitting the Magpie army, and I never will!”

“That’s good to hear!”

Maria and Jade shared a quick hug, reconciling.

“Can’t wait for the next game, huh?” smiled Jade.

“Yeah, I can’t”

But Maria still couldn’t help but fight the feeling. As much as she was loyal to Collingwood, Tazza still lingered on her mind.........


Paul had finally gotten around to clearing his bag. It was a mundane task, no doubt, but it really was in dire need of a clean!

Whilst pulling out a few crumpled clothes, an old water bottle, and, weirdly enough, a copy of the latest Human Nature Motown album, a maroon envelope fell out, landing on the floor.

Paul, rather confused, picked it up. It had his name on the front, but he still had no recollection of it. Still, he opened it up, the fumes of raspberry and blackcurrant hitting him.

Paul unfolded the letter and began to read to himself. The more he read, the more strange he began to feel. Was somebody pulling a prank on him?

“What the hell is this,” said Paul to himself, getting worried. “Who’s Danni?.........”


To Be Continued.............
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Post by luvlicca »

oh yeah make me out to be a stalker!! nice one!! lol
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Post by melissa »

Wow, is 33 considered old now? If so, i'm stuffed! Would you call Heath a redhead? Oh well, I don't care, he's totally hot anyway. Thanks, Bella....
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Post by bellastar »

33 ain't old! not by a long shot! i'm just kinda emphasising it a little for the plotline, so no offence intended. plus, i wasn't sure if heath had red hair or not, i've just heard that from other people!
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Post by melissa »

Oh okay, lol... yeah i suppose you'd call it red. Or kind of gingery-blonde. I didn't take offence, don't worry!
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Post by bellastar »

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. All other people mentioned in the story have classified their permission to appear in the story. All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Personas of other people mentioned in the story do not reflect the real personas, ideas or beliefs of the actual individuals. All in good fun!

Episode 4- The Secret Yearnings and Love Letters Bit

Paul didn’t know whether to laugh or to feel very, very worried. He didn’t even know who this Danni girl was, yet she was pledging her love for him!

Of course, he was extremely flattered, having not received many love letters in his lifetime. Like any typical good-looking male, Paul loved the attention from the ladies- all the wolf whistles and sexy stares, especially when they called him the Italian Stallion like Danni did. Paul smiled to himself. He loved that compliment indeed.

But he had to snap out of his ego stroking for the moment. Back to the letter. Who was ‘Danni’? How did she get the letter into his bag? When did she get the letter into his bag? Although it naturally disturbed him like it would any person, Paul had to admit he was intrigued. He had no idea of her personality or what she looked like, but Paul loved the air of mystery surrounding this Danni chick. Too bad she had no idea where she lived. There was no address on the back of the envelope.

Paul shoved the letter back into his bag, deep within the crevices. He had no choice but to wait. He’d see what would eventuate from this, if anything at all. He put the thought of ‘Danni’ aside for the moment.


Emily had just gotten out of bed. Being a day off from school today, she had slept in. It was 11am, and everyone was in the kitchen sitting at the table.

“Have a good sleep?” ask Mum, reading the latest copy of New Idea. “You slept long enough.”

“Yeah, it was fine,” sighed Emily. She smiled knowingly to herself. Of course, unbeknownst to Mum and Dad, Emily had been at the game last night when she was meant to be grounded, with Jade and Maria, having a right perv on Dale! She quickly wiped the smile on her face before anyone noticed.

Dad read the Herald Sun, opened, coincidentally enough, to the sports pages. Catching Emily’s eye was a huge photo of Dale on the left-hand side, taking a magnificent specky over some random Docker. Emily couldn’t help but smile. Dale had such talent, such skill.............It was a rather attractive trait in Dale. Emily’s heart fluttered.

“Eww, its that tool!”

Killing the romantic mood was Emily’s meddlesome little sister, Reanne, who always seemed intent on making Emily’s life a living hell. Didn’t know why, though. Emily’s ire seared.

“He looks like that thing out of The Muppets! What’s his name........Animal, that’s it! The one who plays the drums!”

Emily’s blood boiled.

“I don’t know what you see in that boy, Em, I really don’t,” groaned Mum, still reading.

Emily really wanted to crawl in a hole and die of embarrassment at that very moment! Why bring this up now!?.......

’What would Reanne know?’ thought Emily, bitterly. ’She barracks for Hawthorn anyway!........’


With Maria not leaving till 12:30 to go to a lecture and Jade not needed by her dad in the office today, the two were still in front of the TV on the couch, this time watching the morning news. Jade was reading the latest Cosmo magazine, doing the ‘Which Savvy Businesswoman Are You?’ quiz (Apparently, she was shrewd and clever like J.Lo), whilst Maria was reading about the continuing demise in dignity of the eternally-banal Paris Hilton in NW.

While they read, the sport report came on. Of course, like some cruel twist of fate, a news item about Tazza had to come on. Maria started to twitch. Damn temptation.

’So, you feel settled at Fremantle?’ asked the interviewer.

’Yeah, I really feel like I’ve adapted well. I feel like I’m getting back to my best, starting to feel better about everything again..........’

Maria tried to keep on reading NW, trying anything in her power to keep her attentions away from the TV, from Tazza.

’And the whole bad boy image that seems to have dogged most of your career?’

’Its history. In fact, I can’t even be bothered talking about it...........’

Damn, thought Maria. She had never admitted it, but the fact that Tazza was usually branded a bad boy was actually a bit of a turn on - kind of how your mum tells you not to go near the bad boys, making you even more determined to want one. Plus, he was tall, dark, rather naughty, and an incredibly handsome rebel painted in purple, green, white and red. That was a deadly mix indeed.

Maria seemed to be attracted to Tazza because he wasn’t so perfect. She loved the fact that he had some flaws, even with a cute face like that, and also because he wasn’t some pretty, lame-arse pansy like Matthew Lloyd or Shane Crawford. He had a dark, mysterious quality about him (even if that did sound rather cliche).

“Change the channel.............” droned Jade, still reading Cosmo.

But Maria couldn’t bring herself to do it. She tried to fight the urge, but she just had to watch!

’............So, enough of the serious questions. How about things on the female front- what do the ladies think of you in your new colours?’ asked the interviewer, cheekily.

’Um, I really wouldn’t know!..........’ Tazza kind of went all over shy on the subject.

Maria couldn’t change the channel. Not now! But Jade would soon notice.........Maria picked up the remote, succumbing to pressure. She changed the channel to......Oh great, Days Of Our Lives! Yeah, this was just such a better choice!

“Just leave it hear,” said Jade, continuing to read.

Maria sighed sadly. ’I really wanted to see that.........’


.............Melissa awoke to the sounds of the soft, calming winds blowing through the grass and trees. Her eyes flickering open to the brightness, she slowly raised herself up and stretched her arms, shaking the sleep from her body.

“Hey, sexy.........”

Melissa stopped, She focused her attentions to Heath. He had just gotten out of the shower, his hair wet, his body saturated, the clean white towel clinging to his hips. She smiled. “Enjoy your shower?” she purred.

“Yeah........” Heath then crawled onto the bed and over to Melissa, giving her a soft kiss, smiling. “I love you........” he whispered.

Melissa then put her arms around Heath’s neck, pulling him close to her, falling into an embrace. Their kisses growing more and more passionate, they both fell onto the bed........

............Just kidding! Melissa was still dreaming about Heath, whilst Nanna had fallen asleep in her favourite chair and Sherise and Kayla were playing with their Bratz dolls in the lounge.

Melissa had been washing the dishes and had drifted away from the task at hand to a sexy, vivid journey, imagining Heath and her alone in a beautiful little cottage out in the country somewhere. Just the two of them- alone, secluded and loved-up!

“Mum! Kayla’s pulling my hair!” cried Sherise, from the lounge.

Melissa sighed. She stepped out of the fantasy and headed to the lounge. ’Better settle that........’ she thought to herself.


Another person off to Dreamland herself was Danni, her mind still drifting off to the letter. Had Paul gotten it yet? She did write her phone number on the back of the letter, after all. Hey, a girl couldn’t be too thorough, could she?


As Paul walked through the hall, he stopped and went to open his bag, pulling out a towel for later. He then zipped up the bag, then walked away.

However, unbeknownst to Paul, something very precious had fallen out of the bag. Danni’s letter. As he had pulled out the towel, the letter (which he had shoved back in his bag) had tumbled out and fallen to the floor. And Paul hadn’t even noticed.

.............Well, except for one person. As they walked down the same hallway unassumingly, they accidentally stumbled upon the letter. They stared at the maroon envelope laying on the floor, confused. Sure enough, curiousity began to get the better of them. What was in the envelope?

Looking around to make sure there were no witnesses, they quickly picked up the letter and opened it. Upon reading the first few lines, they quietly laughed to themselves. Who had written this?

With nonchalance, shoving the letter in their pocket, the quickly exited the hallway. As if nothing had happened at all..............

To Be Continued..............
Last edited by bellastar on Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by luvlicca »

oh my god!!! who has my letter!!!!!! please please give it back to paul!!!!
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Post by melissa »

Damn, i was only daydreaming?! I think if my mother hung around with me that much I'd have to tell her to take a hike! Go away, mum, i'm having a really good dream! Hehe...
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Post by luvlicca »

hehehehe its all good mel, just ignore the kids and your mum!! i know i would if i was daydreaming about paul!! oh wait a minute, i already do!!
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Post by melissa »

Yeah, two kids in primary school, a bf, a mum who rings me every day and god knows what else doesn't seem to stop me, either, lol!
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Post by bellastar »

sorry i haven't added anything new. been sick with the flu and the net got disconnected. enjoy the next installment!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. All other people mentioned in the story have classified their permission to appear in the story. All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Personas of other people mentioned in the story do not reflect the real personas, ideas or beliefs of the actual individuals. All in good fun!

Episode 5- The Sparks at Tullamarine and Other Such Connections Bit

Paul walked down the hall, ready to head home. As he walked through, he passed a group of some of the guys laughing hysterically at something on the notice board. With curiousity getting the better of him, Paul walked over to take a look himself.

Making his way through the group, a couple of the guys started pointing and laughing at him, making a few whispers to one another. Paul didn’t take much notice of it...............Until he saw what was pinned to the notice board. ’Dear Paul........’ It was that Danni chick’s letter!

“What the f--k!?” exclaimed Paul. He then angrily ripped the letter from the notice board and walked off with it, fuming, whilst receiving a few smartarse remarks here and there from some of the guys. Who had stolen it? Paul swore to find out who the punk b--tard was!


Melissa was seated in the waiting lounge at the job agency. Now that the kids were at school and with Nanna usually busying herself at the local Pokies during the day, Melissa felt it was the right time to get back into the workforce. She had already been interviewed, and the recruitment officer was about to come back with some offers.

“Ah, Melissa, I have the perfect job for you right here,” explained Sally, the recruitment officer, holding a piece of paper. “Of course, I can’t tell you what or where it is due to legal reasons, but you’ll be glad to know that we have sent your resume to the prospective employer.”

Melissa got up from her seat and thanked Sally. As she bid goodbye, she couldn’t help but feel a little excited as to what her new job could be.


Jade walked into the kitchen, where Maria was writing out notes from yesterday’s lecture. “Hey, I was wondering if you’d wanna come out with me to Tullamarine Airport?” asked Jade.


“To see the Pies off to Adelaide when they play Adelaide (Duh!),” replied Jade.

Maria thought about it for a moment, then “Okay, I’ve got nothing to do anyway.”

“Good then. Be ready by one.”


Another person with the same idea was Emily, who had snuck out of the house saying that she was going to the ‘library’ to do ‘homework’, bringing along Reanne as her alibi. “Why am I even going to the library? I’m not doing your homework with you!” spat Reanne, dragging her feet along as she and Emily made their way to the train station.

“I‘m not going to the library, dips--t!” snapped Emily. “I needed you as a front so Mum and Dad don’t find out I’m really going to Tullamarine Airport.”

“Why are you going there?” droned Reanne.

“To see the Pies before they go to Adelaide, and to see Dale before he goes. That’s why I didn’t tell Mum and Dad the truth.”

“I’m not going to see that knob!” exclaimed Reanne. “I barrack for Hawthorn, remember?

“Just shut up, we’re nearly there!” answered back Emily, as they turned the corner and headed towards the station.


Jade and Maria entered Tullamarine Airport, heading straight to the waiting lounge.

“C’mon, hurry!” rushed Jade, quickening her pace.

“Why are you so eager?” asked Maria, suspicious of Jade’s intentions.

“I just have to see.............them, that’s all,” stuttered Jade.

“Which one specifically?”

“Um, over there!” Jade then raced off in the direction of Didsy. Maria laughed to herself. Jade hadn’t shut up about him all week!

Then, just as she was laughing at the thought, all changed. Something suddenly caught Maria’s eye.

“No way,” she murmured to herself in shock.

Just as she was trying to forget him for the sake of Black and White loyalty, Maria watched as Tazza had just come off a flight landing in Melbourne. Maria then remembered that Fremantle were supposed to be playing St Kilda the coming weekend.

She thought about it for a split second. Maria then decided to sneak on over. She’d be back in time before Jade noticed........................


Just as Jade was trying to make her way through the bustling crowds, she suddenly bumped into Emily, along with her sister Reanne, who Jade knew was famed for being an ice princess. Of course, Jade and Maria didn’t like her very much.

“I didn’t know you’d be here,” smiled Jade, surprised. “Maria and I would’ve asked you to come, but we weren’t sure if you were allowed out of the fortress yet!”

“Nah, I lied to Mum and Dad!” laughed Emily, whilst Reanne stood bored, rolling her eyes. “I said to them that me and Reanne were going to the library to do homework!”

Jade laughed in reply. “Parents seem so gullible, hey Maria?” Jade turned around and found that Maria wasn’t there. “Wait, she was here a minute ago..........” said Jade to Emily, rather confused.


Maria wandered through the crowd, looking for Chris, but not trying to make it too obvious that she was doing so.

As if on cue, Maria saw Tazza sitting alone on the other side of the waiting lounge. Her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. Even though her mind was at a blank, that she was at a loss at what to actually say to him, Maria still found herself walking over towards Chris.

Eventually, and too soon enough, she found herself right in front of him. Acting as casual as possible, Maria sat down in the spare seat next to Chris.

“Um, do you have the time?” asked Maria, still acting casual, but still fighting the nervous quiver in her voice.

Tazza turned around, staring at her in a strange fashion. Mum was confused. “You do know you’re wearing a watch, don’t you?” he replied.

Maria was still confused. Then, as she looked down at her wrist, she was absolutely mortified to discover that she was indeed wearing a watch. Maria wanted to hide. ’Dammit!..........

Tazza started laughing. Maria’s heart sank, feeling even more humiliated. “Hey, its alright, I was only joking around,” he assured, still laughing. “Didn’t mean to make you feel stupid.” He had cottoned onto the fact that Maria had recognised who he was. “But it was funny, huh?”

Maria blushed, feeling even more stupid now, trying not to show it.

“And its 2 o’clock, by the way,” added Chris.

“Thanks........”replied Maria, rather shyly.

“What’s your name anyway?”



Awkward silence.

“Well, I better be off then, I have to go find a mate of mine,” sighed Maria, reluctant to leave.

“I’ll see you around then,” smiled Chris.



As Maria walked off, her heart was aflutter. That gorgeous smile, those dazzling eyes were setting her off.

Temptation was getting even more harder to resist now...................

“Do you see him yet?”

“No! And I don’t care!”

Emily had been dragging Reanne along, desperate to spot Dale, but with no such luck yet. Until..........

“Oh my God! There he is! C’mon!” Emily quickly set off, holding onto a sulking Reanne, ready to pounce on Dale.

Once they reached him, a rather forward Emily tapped Dale on the shoulder. “Hi there,” she said, putting on her most flirtatious smile.

Dale seemed to be appreciating the attention. “Hi yourself,” he replied, cheekily.

“I saw you last weekend playing Fremantle. You were really good,” gushed Emily, flitting her eyelashes.

“Thanks. Glad you liked it.”

As the two flirted up a storm, Reanne practically became invisible, which really annoyed her because she thrived on being the centre of attention.

Dale was starting to get a little bit keen on this chick. “Do you think I could call you sometime, maybe get your number?”

Emily was shocked. She didn’t expect Dale to ask her out! But it was the one thing she’d been dreaming of. “Sure.........” she replied, coolly.

The two happily exchanged numbers and set a date for tomorrow, whilst Reanne continued to sulk. Suddenly, a metaphoric light bulb went off in her mind. Something cruel, something most foul began to form in her mind- a plan to destroy Emily and Dale’s upcoming date................


Jade quickly paced around the waiting lounge, looking for Maria. Even though Maria was clearly old enough to find her own way around, Jade couldn’t help but feel a little concerned.

Finally, she saw Maria, wandering around as well around the waiting lounge. “Maria where were you?” asked Jade, walking up to her. “I was looking for you everywhere!”

“I was looking at some handbags at duty free, there were some nice ones there,” quickly lied Maria. She knew if Jade found out she had really been chatting to Tazza, the enemy, she would never let Maria forget it and berate her to no end.

“Oh, okay,” replied Jade, simply.

Maria breathed a subtle sigh of relief. “So, did you ever get to meet Didsy, by the way?”

“Nah,” groaned Jade. “I just missed him! Isn’t that the way, huh?”


Danni was searching her way through the fridge for a snack when the phone rang. Aborting her mission in the fridge for the moment, Danni headed to the phone, answering it. “Hello?” she asked.

“Danni, is that you?”

Danni froze. That voice. It was so familiar. It couldn’t be.............

“Danni, are you there?”


To Be Continued.....................
...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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Post by luvlicca »

nice nice, that better be paul on the other end!! not my letter stealer!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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