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Post by melissa »

Cool. New job. Or should i say, a job full stop! Probably set to become Macca's new drive through window employee of the month. Go me.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

hi! i'm back! i apologise for my long absence. i know it sounds really weird, but i got caught up in the bushfires at home and had to evacuate- twice! anyway, everything is fine now, and i am back for good!

Episode 6- The Dates With Uncertainty and Other Such Shocks Bit

“Danni, is that you? The Danni who sent me a love letter Danni?”

Danni nearly dropped the phone. ’No, it couldn’t be............’ “Um, Paul?.......”

“Your number was on the back of the letter, so I decided to ring you. How did your letter get into my bag?” asked Paul.

Danni was speechless. She just couldn’t lie to Paul............ “Well,” she began, stuttering a little. “During the game, I kinda snuck into the change rooms and slipped it into your bag.”

Silence. Danni had an inkling that Paul was fuming on the other end of the phone.

Then........ “I think we should meet up,” announced Paul, out of the blue. “I think we should talk.”

Danni was once again speechless, bewildered even. Was Paul supposed to be angry with her or something for what she did? Then again, she definitely wasn’t going to pass up the chance to meet the object of her affection! “Okay, then,” Danni finally replied, her mood brightening. “Just tell me what time and where.”


It was Thursday, which meant it was Jade’s turn to come into the ad agency to help out her dad. Her father, Jim Fuller, had worked in the ad industry for 20 years, and had produced many big advertisements. He was also one of the most successful ad executives in the state.

Jade worked as her father’s PA four days a week, and hoped to one day follow in his footsteps, but not without learning the ropes in work experience first.

At the moment, Jade was just doing yet another mundane task in her weekly routine- typing up a few letters for her father while he was in a meeting.

The door of his office then opened, signalling the end of the meeting. Out of habit, Jade looked up at the office door. Her father walked out, laughing and chatting enthusiastically whilst walking out with his client..............Alan Didak?

Jade froze. ’Please tell me this is just my imagination,’ she thought. ’Did I inhale something or lick some toads before I got here? I have to be hallucinating!’

As Jade was trapped in her trance, Alan flashed her a smile as he walked out. Jade’s supply of oxygen was thinning.

What the hell was he doing here?


Melissa had just gotten a call back from the job agency. Apparently, her resume had been accepted by one employer, and she was more than eager to take the job.

“Thank you, I can’t believe this,” said Melissa, amazed. “This really is my dream job. I can’t wait to start, I really can’t!”

The recruitment officer then gave her more details about Melissa’s new job and dream come true.


“How about this dress? Do you think Dale will like it?” asked Emily, parading around the lounge in a deep red silk, knee-length dress, one of her favourites.

“Sure, whatever,” droned Reanne, slumped on the couch, a hint of spite in her voice.

“Nah, still not sure,” said Emily screwing up her face. “I’m gonna go change.” She then raced back upstairs to her room.

Reanne was still bitter at the fact that Emily, once again, had somewhere to go at night (and someone to go with), whilst she would once again be home alone, pathetically watching yet another story about dodgy real estate salesmen on A Current Affair. But Reanne was concocting something to get back at her social butterfly of a sister.

’Ring, ring!’

Right on cue, Reanne’s plan came into action. Obviously, that would be Dale calling. He’d been ringing all week, so it was perfect that Reanne finally had the chance to scare him away for good.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hi, its Dale.”

Surprise, surprise.

“Hi, what would you like?” asked Reanne, feigning sweetness.

“I just wanted to talk to Emily, to ask her if she wanted me to meet her there or somewhere else.”

Emily’s not here at the moment,” Reanne replied. “She went out.......with her boyfriend......Jamie.”

Way to think on your feet.

“Her boyfriend?” wondered Dale, confused. “But I thought...........Then why is she going out with me?”

“That’s pretty normal behaviour of Emily,” explained Reanne, unable to hide her evil smile. “Didn’t she tell you? No, of course she didn’t/ She always was a player, always having at least five or six on the go.”

Reanne was revelling in this. She could practically here Dale’s heart sinking. “I can’t believe this,” he finally replied, though very crestfallen. “Just tell Emily I can’t come. I’m suddenly feeling sick.”

’Yeah, sure I will,” thought Reanne. ’Yeah right!’

“I gotta go.” Dale then hung up.

Dale’s heart was broken. Emily now had no date tonight. Mission accomplished.

Reanne sat back on the couch.


“Who was that on the phone?” questioned Emily, walking down the stairs, this time wearing a white cheesecloth strappy dress with flower embroidery on the chest. “Was that Dale?”

“No, just a telemarketer,” lied Reanne, facing away from Emily so she couldn’t see her evil smile.

“Oh, okay,” Emily then walked back up stairs.

’What a shame,’ thought Reanne, like the cruel bitch she was. ’She looked so pretty in that dress, too. Too bad she’s got nowhere to go in it.............’


It was still playing on Jade’s mind. Alan, the guy she had been unable to stop thinking about since last week’s game, had graced the offices of her workplace, smiling at her as he passed. And what did she do? Star at him in a dopey kind of awe, that’s what! If only Jade could rewind the moment and try again..........

Jade needed some news- stat! She had to find out the goss on what Alan had been here for. Well, it couldn’t have been to steal Jade away form her boring filing tasks and run away together, like she always fantasised. Unfortunately.

Jade got up from her desk in search of her father. She cornered him, just as he was leaving to go out to lunch. “Hey, Dad,” asked Jade, putting on her ‘sweet daughter’ voice, not trying to make her intentions obvious. “You know that meeting you just had half an hour ago with that short, dark-haired bloke? Just out of interest, what was it all about?”

“Oh, he’s going to be in some new ad campaign,” mumbled her father. “Can this wait, sweetheart, I really have to get going.” But before Jade could answer, he had already raced off to the lifts.

So, he was going to star in a new ad campaign, huh? For what? Something sporty? Taxi services? Haemorrhoid cream? Bonds undies? (Hopefully!)

’Dammit!’ thought Jade, cursing herself angrily. I should have pressed for more information!’


Danni sat down in the quaint but cosy cafe, anxiously waiting for Paul. She kept thinking of all the possibilities for the meeting- was he going to berate he in front of everyone? Was he going to announce that he was taking a restraining order out on her? Or would he actually profess his love for her?! (No, hopes are way too high now!)

Then, like in some Hollywood romantic comedy, Paul walked through the door in slow motion, the light reflecting off his perfect features ever so beautifully, the wind softly blowing through his hair.........Except it was all in Danni’s imagination, so no one else could see it.

Danni mustered up the courage to wave to him, getting his attention, He noticed and walked on over. “Danni, right?” Paul asked.

Danni nodded, not knowing whether to smile or just to remain demure. Her face stayed expressionless. She nodded.

Paul sat down. Danni was already panicking- ’Why did I do it? How could I have been so stupid?!’

Paul got straight to the point. “Look, I’m not happy you snuck into the change rooms and planted the letter,” he spoke, a faint blunt tone in his voice. “We have a major problem with crazy girl fans and stalkers at the club.”

It was like receiving a lecture at the principal’s office. Danni felt real bad now. Did Paul really just think of her as just some ‘crazy girl fan?’

“But I must say I’m really flattered by your letter, though,” continued Paul. It was rather good. Stroked my ego well!”

Danni blushed and started laughing a little bit herself. She was beginning to feel a little better now.

“But the thing it.............I have a girlfriend.”

Danni stopped still. Her heart was beating like a drum. Her pulse quickened at an alarming rate. Her hands were all clammy.

He what!!!!!????

To Be Continued..................
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Post by Daisy Chains »

Glad to see your back Bellastar!
Geez......Glad that all is safe and well too.
Awesome episode.....can't wait for the next one!

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Post by melissa »

Oh my god Bella, didn't know you lived near where the bushfires were. Hope everything is okay now. Did they get very close?
Great episode, would love to know what job I'm applying for. Heath's personal massuese? LOL. Loved the toad licking reference, too. Ew...
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

my town was under threat, but thankfully nothing happened. apparently, they've arrested a teenage boy for starting the fires in my area. hope he burns (get it?!)
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Post by luvlicca »

man good ep, but i want paul, he cant have a girlfriend, that sux. get rid of her!! hahahahahaha
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Post by bellastar »

Episode 7: The Unwelcome Guests and Unceremonious Dumpings Bit:

“You..........You have a girlfriend?” stuttered Danni. How could she have not known this? She hadn’t seen Paul with any ladies lately in the Herald Sun social pages.

“Yeah, I do,” said Paul, softly. “Look, I know you were keen, and I’m very flattered. You’re a very beautiful girl, but it just can’t happen between us. I’m so sorry, Danni.”

Now Danni was feeling really, really bad! This wasn’t meant to happen. Paul wasn’t meant t break her heart like this. Paul wasn’t meant to break her heart at all!

“She’s actually coming to pick me up in a few minutes,” spoke Paul, matter-of-factly, checking his watch.

Then, right on cue, like in any slow motion fantasy, a woman walked into the cafe. six foot, long blonde locks and legs that never seemed to end, Danni just knew she had to be Paul’s girlfriend. A beautiful man like him just had to be paired up with an equally beautiful woman like her.

Unfortunately, Danni’s fears were correct. She sashayed her way towards Paul and Danni’s table. “Hi, gorgeous........” she purred to Paul, completely ignoring Danni. She then gave Paul a long and lingering kiss, unashamed of the public display they were performing. Danni so desperately wanted to gag at that very moment.

The amorous twosome then stopped, finally coming up for air. “Who is this?” she asked, a hint of annoyance deep within her voice, finally noticing Danni.

“Oh, this is Danni. She’s just a friend of mine,” smiled Paul, not noticing Danni’s hurt expression.

Danni’s heart practically sank into her stomach. Gee, that made her feel better.

“Oh, crap, I really better be off,” interrupted Danni, pouring on the sweetness. “But it was really nice to meet you both! Okay, bye!”

Danni forced a smile, then raced out of the cafe as fast as she could, trying desperately to conceal her shame and humiliation.

She just couldn’t believe it. Sadly, even Paul had fallen victim to a classic case of Footballer-Dating-Blonde-Princess-Bitchface-Syndrome.


“Oh my God, you’ll never believe who I saw today!” yelled Danni excitedly, as she cam in through the door from work. She placed her bag down on the ground and tossed her car keys on the bench.

Maria was sitting on the lounge, flicking through channels on TV, before finally settling on Entertainment Tonight, where they were reporting on yet another story on the exposure of Britney Spears’ ’lady garden’

“Who did you see, then?” Maria called out to Jade in reply.

“The man I’ve been dreaming about all week, of course!” trilled Jade, smiling dreamily. She then flopped herself beside Mia on the couch.

“I just couldn’t believe it when I saw him come out of Dad’s office. I didn’t even see him come in! Apparently, Dad said he was going to be in some new ad campaign, but I don’t know what it is yet. I will find out, though, I just have to!...........”

Maria was partly listening to Jade’s excitement. But her mind was elsewhere. As much as she had tried to distract herself with other things for the past few days, she just couldn’t get over Chris. She knew she was a hypocrite, that she was at risk of compromising her loyalty, but he was most definitely not a guy you forgot about in a hurry.

Maria had kept replaying their brief meeting at Tullamarine Airport over and over again in her mind. Still, she kept cursing herself for not telling him her last name, for not finding something more interesting and intelligent to talk to Chris about! He was probably just humouring her, whilst probably thinking ’Who the f--k is this nutter? She’s asking me the time and wearing a watch!’ Chris probably thought she was just some pathetic fan trying to pick him up. That so wasn’t her intention at all.

“Maybe Alan will come back. I have to find out when! That’s the first thing I’ll ask Dad tomorrow. Well, I won’t make it obvious why I’m asking, of course...........” continued Jade, not noticing Maria’s spacy state of mind.

’God, I wish I could see you again, Chris............’ thought Maria.


Emily, waited patiently, but excitedly, for Dale to arrive for their date. She had finally settled on a royal blue pleated dress with intricate beading on the chest.

She couldn’t wait to see Dale- that cheeky smile of his, his crazy mop of hair, those sexy eyes. She couldn’t believe the feeling was mutual. And it was even more harder to believe that Dale had asked her out ! Emily was still pinching herself!

Dale was such a nice bloke- so kind and respectful. It was so rare to find a guy like him at his age, since most guys then were complete knobheads.

However, the longer Emily waited, the more frustrated she became. And the more frustrated she became, the more her excitement waned. And the more her excitement waned, the more unfortunate it became that Dale just wasn’t coming.

It had been nearly an hour. Emily began to cry. She swore to herself bitterly, then walked back down the street towards home. She assumed to herself that Dale really was a complete knobhead like most boys his age after all.

If only she knew the truth..............


Another person in sorrow over their love life was Danni, who was still hurting over her embarrassing meeting with sexy Paul and the unexpected arrival of his skanky girlfriend, Bimbo Barbie. How could someone so handsome and kind go out with a tart like her!? It just didn’t add up!

Danni decided to try and get her mind off the subject, so she picked up the paper, flicking to her favourite section- the social pages.

However, just as she was settling in for a read, she caught sight of a picture of Paul. And her!. Looking so beautiful and photogenic, they were attending some bash for a mobile phone launch. To make it even more painful, Paul looked absolutely hot in his crisp black shirt and dark blue jeans, so suave and steamy! Unfortunately, his moll also looked incredibly elegant.

Then Danni found something interesting of note. In the caption under the photo. That tart’s name: Jackie Ross.

“Jackie. I’ll always curse that name!” yelled Danni, rather dramatically. Her anger returning, Danni tossed the paper across the room, which felt a little bit liberating in the least.

Danni then saw a pen on the coffee table. She had an idea. She picked up the pen, then walked across the room to retrieve the paper. ’Time for a little bit of vengeful artwork.......’she thought naughtily to herself...........


Just as Maria and Jade were about to consider making dinner, a racket suddenly burst through the front door. Maria and Jade quickly ran into the lounge, a little scared. A dishevelled, light-haired brunette appeared before them.

“Deena, is that you?” Maria exclaimed.

Deena was Maria’s cousin. She had her suitcase with her, and was in a flurry of tears. “He dumped me, Maria!” she sobbed. “That arsehole dumped me!”

That arsehole who dumped her was Stoner Thompson, Deena’s now rock star ex-boyfriend. Well, he really wasn’t a rock star in any sense of the term- more of a dole bludger who played guitar with his delusional punk-rock band in his garage.

“He told me he wants to date groupies and get famous with his band!” continued Deena, still crying.

Maria rolled her eyes in irritation, while Jade looked on in confusion.

“Do you think I could stay the night here tonight?” asked Deena, ever-so-innocently.

Maria and Jade looked at one another in shock.


Emily came bounding inside, slamming the door with such fury. Reanne bolted upright, turning towards her, sitting on the couch.

“What happened?” she asked, even though she knew perfectly well what happened. Reanne had caused all the trouble, after all.

“Dale didn’t turn up!” cried Emily, ripping her heels off and throwing them on the ground with force. “That b--tard!”

Emily then ran upstairs, covering her face while the tears continued to roll.

Reanne smiled evilly to herself. ’She’s always so lucky,’ sh thought bitterly to herself. ’Its about time she got what she deserved.............’

To Be Continued.............
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Post by luvlicca »

dude i loved it!! but i better be getting a phone call from paul to tell me he wants to see me again, and hes gettting rid of bimbo barbie!!!
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Post by melissa »

okay, cool... but what's my dream job?
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

Episode 8: The Bit Where Arguments Happen and Deena Continues to Whinge

Today was the day Melissa started work at the Lexus Centre as a remedial masseuse. And she couldn’t have been more prouder. Not only was it her dream job, but she was giddy at the thought of actually getting to see Heath each and every day. What bliss! and she was hoping to see Heath very, very soon. Not that Melissa was hoping he would get hurt anytime soon or anything! After all, she would much rather see him kicking goals for the Mighty Pies anyway (As he should be!).

“Hi, Melissa is it?” asked a woman heading towards Melissa.

She nodded.

“Hi, I’m Susan. I’ll be showing you around the centre and to your quarters today. Oh, and welcome to the team, by the way.”

Melissa shook her hand. They got to touring the centre, eventually going to the healthcare department, of which Susan was the head of. Melissa felt an immense sense of pride and achievement upon entering.

“And obviously this is where you’ll be working,” trilled Susan, waving her arm around the room like a game show hostess.

In the corner there was a woman stocking dressing in one of the many cupboards.

“Oh, and over there is Sheila, an assistant remedial masseuse.”

“Hi, Sheila,” greeted Melissa, naturally.

But Sheila didn’t even turn to look at her, and left without a word.

Susan looked a little uncomfortable, as was Melissa.

’What was that all about?’ wondered Melissa.

But she quickly brushed it off, not thinking too much of it. Today was too good a day to be spoiled by anything petty. Because Melissa had finally gotten her dream job.


Jade and Maria had just gotten up, listening to Deen pour her heart out bout being dumped by Stoner. Still. Jade and Maria were desperately trying not to fall back asleep, but it was tempting as it was there only means of escape from this tawdry.

Maria always knew her cousin’s now ex-boyfriend was a dick. But Deena refused to listen to anybody who said so, and look what happened.

Stoner was nothing more than a two-bit, untalented muso, and an unashamed sleaze. He played bass guitar in his really shit garage band called Devil’s Afro; and wrote, composed and (unfortunately) performed such awful songs as ‘You Broke My Heart (As Well As My Leg)’, and ‘Ode To John Howard’. However, delusional Deena, being into punk-rock knobs, had once again been bitten on the arse.

“Well, I’m glad he’s gone,” huffed Maria. “He was nothing but a tool anyway.”

“But he was the love of my life!” wailed Deena (who strangely said the exact same thing about her last punk-rock boyfriend). “He was my tool! Oh, Stoner!”

Jade and Maria rolled their eyes. Why did they take Deena in?!


Poor Emily, of course, was still bawling her eyes out about Dale standing her up last night. She still couldn’t understand it. Why did Dale do it? Why did he lead her on like that? Emily couldn’t believe she had been so blind. So much for Dale being a rarity.

Then, waking out of her sullen thoughts was her mobile vibrating on her dressing table. She slumped over to the table and answered it.


“Emily, Its me, Dale.”

Emily’s blood began to boil. “What do you want?” she snapped.

“Look, I’m ringing to ask you why you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend?” asked Dale, a little irritated. “Why did you lead me on like that?”

Emily was totally confused. What?! “What are you on about?” she exclaimed. “I don’t have a boyfriend! If I did, I never would’ve asked you out! I’m no slut!”

“But that’s what your sister said.”

Emily nearly dropped the phone. She what!!!??

“She told me you were always a player, always having five or six guys on the go,” replied Dale.

Emily was shaking. “I have to go,” she stuttered. She then hung up on Dale and stormed off to kill Reanne. That lying bitch was certainly going to pay now. No words could express how angry Emily was at that very moment.

Reanne wouldn’t know what she would cop.


Melissa still couldn’t believe her luck. It may not have been anyone else’s definition of the ultimate dream job, but Melissa had truly found perfection with this one. And what would make it even more perfect is if Heat decided to come in one session, begging Melissa to soothe his aching body with her soft, nimble fingers..........The thought of it made Melissa go weak.

But she had to push aside the fantasies for the moment and go back to the task at hand: trying to find some bandages and dressings.

“Hey, Sheila,” asked Melissa.

Sheila had just entered the bay.

“Do you know where I could find some bandages and dressings?”

But Sheila just huffed and exited the bay. Melissa was bewildered. “What is her problem?” she said to herself.

“I can field that one,” said a voice from behind.

Melissa turned around. Susan had just come in, making a small laugh. “You’ve rubbed Sheila up the wrong way because you took the job she wanted. She wanted to be one of the head remedial masseuses here, but she didn’t have her Certificate 4 that was required to advance on. So now, she’s bitter because she’s still an assistant while you, the new girl, take the opportunity out from under her.”

Melissa felt really bad. “Oh, well, sorry..........If I had had any idea that she was.......”

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” hushed Susan. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Sheila just didn’t have the requirements needed. That was her own fault.”

Melissa brightened a little. “Well, when you put it that way...........”

“Good then,” smiled Susan. “I’ll let you get back to work.”

Although it still annoyed Melissa a little, she decided she wasn’t going to give Sheila the satisfaction of getting to her. She pushed Sheila’s bitterness aside.

Melissa’s mind then turned back to Heath. ’Come on, Heath....’ she willed, smiling. ’You’ll have to meet me in here sometime........’


Emily burst into Reanne’s room. Hell hath no fury like a sister scorned by another.

Ho could you!?” she cried. “Why did you do it!? How could you be so cruel!” Emily was ranting and raving like crazy.

“What are you on about?” snapped Reanne”

“You know what you did!” confronted Emily.

“C’mon, you get enough attention from guys!” spat Reanne. “Why not me for once?”

“You implied I was a slut to Dale! You knew I liked him! You said you hated Dale! What did I ever do to you!?””

Emily marched to the door, all worked up. Then............... “Don’t you dare come near me!” she then stormed out of Reanne’s room.

Reanne just stared at the door. And yet, she had no remorse.


Deena was still crying! And Jade and Maria had just about enough! How many tears could one person possibly shed for one dickhead?

“That’s it!” exclaimed Maria, getting annoyed. “Something needs to be done!”

Suddenly, someone appeared at the front door. Jade went over to open it. “Hey, there,” she greeted. It was Michelle, the girls’ neighbour and fellow friend.

“I heard heaps of yelling from outside. Is this a bad time?” asked Michelle , concerned.

“No, its just Maria’s cousin, Deena. She was dumped by her dickwit wannabe-rockstar boyfriend,” explained Jade. “She was so distraught, she ended up staying over last night.”

Michelle laughed. “So I see things are going well then?” she noted, sarcastically.

“Hey, I have an idea,” announced Jade, turning around to face Maria and Deena. “Instead of staying home another night trying to resist the urge to kill one another, maybe we should have a night on the town. What do you all say?”

Everyone looked at one another, then all started to nod in agreement with Jade, relieved that they would be able to escape the house for the night. And so, everyone went off to get ready.

Anything to stop Deena and her whingeing!

To Be Continued........
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Post by Daisy Chains »

ooooo awesome Bellastar!
Ahhh the it!! Keep the eps coming...I'm so addicted to these stories! They keep me occupied at work when i get really bored :-p
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Post by bellastar »

you should really join the msn group me, danni and mel have set up. the link is in my signature. i'm glad you're enjoying the stories. would you ever write one of your own? i love reading other people's work!
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Post by luvlicca »

nic work bellastar!! keep it up!! cant wait for the next ep!!
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Post by melissa »

Yeah, nice work, bellastar! That is my dream job!! Along with owning my own bookstore or being Marat Safin's personal assistant, but we won't go there hehe
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

Well Im assuming it would be a hard decision for you Mel if you had to choose between them all!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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