The Boundary Line

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Post by bellastar »

And so, we’re here once again. Last season, we ended with a doomed and trashy wedding. How will it all end this time? Hoedown? Knocking down a 7-11? The long-awaited release of K-Fed’s (c)rap album? Read on, if you dare..........Bring on, Season 3!

And now, the 29th and final episode of Season 2.............

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Estella, Shae and Chris were still being held at gunpoint. Estella convinced Shae to get help, and she reluctantly left. Estella then tried to convince her father to put down the gun, but he refused, so Chris tried to take him on. It only made Mr Winchester more determined. He and Stifley made out as if they were about to shoot, but they were only bluffing. Time was running out.........Meanwhile, Arabella couldn’t bear the thought of Fenella kidnapping Ryan, so she set off to free him. Until she was attacked! When the fight was broken up, the assailant was unveiled to be...............Sarita- who wanted her revenge on Arabella for ruining her wedding and her relationship! Also, Mrs Muscat and Dale finally found a quiet moment to have a shag in the garden (as you do), when Dale contemplated that maybe they should end their affair, Mrs Muscat, horrified, laid the guilt trip on him and Dale gave in..................


“Can you believe it? That bloody daughter of ours has fled again!”

Mr Muscat had charged into the lounge, fuming that Arabella had run away again, apparently to find Ryan. He searched for Mrs Muscat around the house, looking high and low. “Where the devil are you, you feeble woman!?”

Mr Muscat then raced upstairs to the bedroom. He opened the door. “Harriet, where are.............”

Mr Muscat then gasped in horror. He was confronted with the torrid image of Mrs Muscat and Dale, tangled in a naked contortion on the bed, the Kama Sutra wide open on the side table.


Mrs Muscat and Dale quickly untangled themselves., scrambling for their clothes and the sheets. “Its not what you think, Gerald!” cried Mrs Muscat.

“What do you bloody mean, of course its what I bloody think!” snapped Mr Muscat.

Dale shook in fear. He knew what was coming next.

“And you!” screamed Mr Muscat, a vein in his forehead throbbing dangerously, pointing at Dale. “You are fired! Get out! Now!”

Dale quickly grabbed his clothes and left, without a word.

Mr Muscat then turned to Mrs Muscat, who looked down at the bed, ashamed. “How could you?” he spoke quietly.

“You do the same to me all the time!” spat Mrs Muscat.

Mr Muscat looked at her, shocked. He never thought she knew.

“I want a divorce,. Immediately!” Mr Muscat turned and then left the room, the tension still thick in the air.

Mrs Muscat was left all alone. Looking blankly into nothing, she burst into tears, sobbing dramatically. She was upset about her husband demanding a divorce, but she was devastated at losing Dale. She had not wanted to admit it, but Mrs Muscat had to face the truth: she had fallen in love with young Dale.

Mrs Muscat continued to cry alone, mourning the loss of her true love, nay, the death of her forbidden affair..................


Ryan was still tied to the chair, tossing the question around in his mind. The question he didn’t want to pursue: should he marry Fenella to save his own life?

“Well, Ryan, what do you say- will you marry me?” asked Fenella, ever-so sweetly, so creepily.

“I..........” Ryan couldn’t stall for much longer. “I............I guess. I mean, I do want to live.” But Ryan still sounded reluctant. But he didn’t see any other choice.

Fenella was over the moon. “Oh, this is so fantastic! Finally, I have made you marry me, Ryan! My one true love! I just know we’re going to be together forever and ever and ever...............”

And then, at that very moment, the door of the cheap hotel room burst open, in the nick of time...........

“Arabella?” cried Fenella, in total surprise.

“How dare you take Ryan away from me!” exclaimed Arabella, storming into the room, only centimetres away from Fenella.

Ryan watched on in a strange sort of relief, yet still in fear.

“You broke his heart, Arabella!” screamed Fenella. “You ran off with Brodie instead! I’m everything Ryan needs! I’m the one who truly loves him!”

“Oh, come off it, Fenella! Just face it, I got him before you ever did!”

That outraged Fenella. So outraged, that she grabbed her machete and wielded it at Arabella, ready for the kill...............But before she could do anything, Arabella pulled out her trusty AK-47 and blew Fenella away, riddling her body with round after round of bullets.

Then Arabella stopped, and watched Fenella (Well, what was left of her) fall to the floor, lifeless.

Ryan and Arabella looked at one another, the walls splattered with blood. They were both shocked and appalled, the only witnesses to the crime.

Had it really happened?


Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley were still holding Chris and Estella at gunpoint. Any minute now, someone was going to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, something snapped within Estella. Before anyone could stop her, she grabbed Stifley’s gun, ripping it out of his hands. Stifley then stopped. He then lunged towards Chris. But before he could, Estella, acting on impulse, shot Stifley in the chest.. He then stumbled and collapsed, lying dead on the floor. Estella was shocked at her actions. She began shaking violently, dropping the gun.

Mr Winchester was angry. His blood boiled. He was ready to fire. “Which one of you should I shoot first?” he laughed evilly.

They knew he meant it. “Estella, please, I’m begging you, run NOW!” pleaded Chris.

“I can’t leave you, Chris, I just won’t!” cried Estella, tears streaming down her face.

Then, whilst the two were seemingly distracted, Mr Winchester fired his gun. With the bullet hitting Chris.

He fell to the ground, blood pooling beside him. Estella screamed in absolute horror. She kneeled beside him, howling, holding Chris. A crowd gathered around them. Mr Winchester had been restrained by security.

Everything became a blur..................

End of Season 2!!!!!!!!
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Post by luvlicca »

dude, ypu cant leave us hanging like that....

the new season better start soon!!
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Post by melissa »

Bugger! At least Chris didn't try to grab the gun and shoot Stifley, cos knowing his history with targets he would have missed. Good ending, Bella, to go out on a cliffhanger. Can't wait for Season 3!
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Post by bellastar »

wow, didn't even think about that regarding chris. but the most important question now is..............what happens next?

a big ovehaul, that's what!

gotta love the cryptic! ;)
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Post by luvlicca »

very good Bella!!
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Post by bellastar »

Welcome to Season 3 of The Boundary Line, the soap opera that’s kinda like that irritating uncle of yours that’s outstayed his welcome at your house. I may as well warn you now that things have dramatically changed in the story, but I do promise they are for the better, a whole new direction! New characters, new situations, but still some warn and fuzzy familiarity in between. So prepare to be stunned as we begin the first episode of Season 3...............

Disclaimer: Oh, f--k the disclaimer, can I really be bothered doing it anymore? I haven’t been sued yet, so lets just throw caution to the wind, okay?

And now, the 30th and first episode of Season 3 of........................

The Boundary Line

What Happened Last Season: Mr Muscat finally found out about Mrs Muscat and Dale’s affair. Firing Dale, he fled without a further word (as well as his pants), and Mr Muscat demanded a divorce. Mrs Muscat was left alone in devastation, naked and confused. Meanwhile, Ryan decided to marry Fenella own save his own life. And so, with the wedding about to commence, Arabella burst through the door, getting in the way. After one last showdown, Fenella then tried to attack Arabella with a machete, until Arabella blew her away with her AK-47 in such gory brilliance, leaving just a mangled corpse. Arabella and Ryan were both shocked at what had just happened. Also, Mr Winchester and Det. Stifley were still holding Chris and Estella at gun point. By chance, Estella grabbed the gun out of Stifley’s hand and shot him dead. Angering Winchester, he then shot Chris................


Arabella had been sent away to some strict, Sound-Of-Music-like convent in Switzerland, where yodelling was a favoured pastime. Her name was practically in disgrace and her life a shambles. She was still longing for her one true love, Ryan, and still had no idea where Brodie was.

The murder of Fenella was conveniently covered up by Arabella’s parents and John Howard (Hey, its an election year!). Ryan had been the only witness. Her parents now lied to their rich fat cat friends that Arabella was at The Priory Clinic with Pete Doherty (for the 100th time!), coping with her addiction to Demazin, Because it sounded way cooler and was more socially acceptable to the high class set.

Arabella reflected on her life now, the tawdry it had now become. She longed to right her wrongs, to have her old Laguna Beach-esque lifestyle back; to escape.

She realised that her life now sucked goats balls.


It had been a month. Chris was now living in Perth. He didn’t die (Obviously!), and was actually shot in the upper right arm. Estella’s father was sent to jail for life without parole. Bubba, Chris’ ex-cellmate, had now made him his bitch.

Estella hadn’t rang Chris at all since the siege, and Chris hadn’t done the same. Their relationship was now strained, standing at a crossroads. Estella wanted Chris back, but she feared she had scared him off because her father tried to kill him, after all. (Duh!)

To cope, Estella had thrown herself into her work, trying to forget all that had happened, all about her broken heart.

As Estella was typing, whilst talking to Shae, he name was called over the PA system. Cautiously, Estella got out of her seat and headed towards Eddie’s office.

Upon entering, she caught sight of Eddie’s expression. He was not pleased. Estella already knew. “Mr McGuire,” said Estella, softly, sitting down.

“Look, obviously you’re here because of all that has happened,” begun Eddie. “The office romance, your father shooting Chris and his conviction. Its garnered so much bad publicity. I’ve had so many media outlets ringing me today that I’m selling your story to the highest bidder- it’ll make a great story for A Current Affair.”

Estella stared at him, bewildered.

“Anyway, I’m sorry I have to do this, Estella, but you’re fired. Not sorry because you’re losing your job, mind you, but because I’ll have to pay Donald Trump royalties for using his catchphrase.”

Estella was appalled. She knew she would probably be penalised by Eddie, but not fired! “You can’t do that! Please don’t!” she cried.

“I’m sorry, but the decision is final. Effective immediately, you are hereby boned. You are to gather your things and leave now.”

Estella stormed out of Eddie’s office, on the verge of tears. Shae immediately caught sight of her, and knew instantly what was wrong. “This isn’t fair, Estella! How can they do this to you?” she exclaimed.

But it was too late. Estella was gathering her things and preparing to leave.


Denise was starting work at the Lexus Centre today. She was practically shitting herself, and was trying to find her sister, Shae, for reassurance. But she was too busy chasing after her friend, Estella, who looked as if she had just gotten fired. That really wasn’t promising at all.

Denise had finally caught up to Shae, but before she could speak to her about her deepest fears for her new job, Shae stopped her. “Sorry, but I have to go find Estella, she’s just been fired. Look, you will be alright, Denise.” Shae then ran off after Estella.

Denise had a right to be nervous. She had lied left, right and centre on her resume for the job to become equipment manager for the team. Denise had embellished quite a bit about herself- she lied that she was a Miss World finalist; ran a small business selling designer cat food; was head prefect at a top private school; and famously turned down the sleazy charms of Colin Farrell. The only thing Denise didn’t lie about was being a Pies fan!

Densie sighed. She had no choice but to bite the bullet.

How the hell did she get this job?


“Now, there is to be no horseplay, no personal phone calls, no talking to strangers, no wandering off, no uploading songs to your IPod.........”

Emma was doing work experience at the Lexus Centre. Her mum, Jenny, worked there as an assistant director, and was a total paranoia freak.

At the moment, Mum was lecturing Emma on what she couldn’t and couldn’t do during her work experience at the Lexus Centre (mostly couldn’t). Emma was already bored at the thought of having to do filing and typing, but her Mum was making her do it because it would look good on her resume for future job prospects.

Emma fought the urge to roll her eyes. She guessed that her mum enjoyed ruling her life because that was the main joy of being a parent. That, and the fact that her mum had no man in her life.

Emma continued to nod along to her mother’s rant. It was going to be a loooooooong experience indeed.


In a bold and shocking move, Collingwood had also hired a spiritual leader and adviser (‘cos Eddie’s, like, so into natural therapies). Her name was Monica, and she was deep into holistic remedies and herbal medicine (not that kind of herbal medicine!)

Monica was also Eddie’s younger sister, so the decision was kind of nepotistic. She was a bit bitter about working for her older brother, since she had always been in his shadow. He had always been his favourite. They always seemed to be rubbing Eddie’s success in her face.

But Monica had to take the job. To escape her past. She was hiding a deep dark secret.

But what?


In another bold and shocking move, Eddie also hired an image consultant for Collingwood. Jess was hired to overhaul the club’s scandalous and tawdry image that had been tainted by a series of in-fighting, arguments, fights in car parks, illegal activity and ill-advised appearances on D-grade reality shows.

Jess didn’t exactly know how to clean up the image of Collingwood. Maybe she could meet in the middle- not be scandal-ridden like West Coast or Carlton; but not be boring like Port Adelaide.

Jess twiddled her thumbs for a moment. Then, like a light bulb going off in her head she got an idea. A fantastic idea! A rather daring idea indeed...............


Shae had tried to comfort Estella. She felt so bad for her. Why did she have to lose her job at a tough time like this? Shae knew that Estella’s evil father had just been sent to jail and Chris hadn’t been in contact with her for a month now. How much could one girl take?

Well, Shae could sympathise with Estella to a certain extent. She hadn’t told anyone yet, but she too had secretly been seeing someone within the club! As she walked towards the stands, Shae could see him smiling at her, waiting. They had been seeing one another for two months now and still no one knew, not even Estella!

She fell into his embrace, smooching up a storm, away from the watchful eyes of the Lexus Centre.

“Estella got fired today because of all the bad publicity about her dad and ‘cos she got with Chris,” said Shae, a quiver in her voice. “What does that mean for us? I’m scared. What if we get caught?”

“Don’t worry,” he smiled, planting a kiss on her lips ever so softly. “That won’t be us at all............”

Now You Decide:
What Should Be The New Image of Collingwood?

Vote Now!
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Post by luvlicca »

Oooooooooo, interesting!!!! I wanna know who Shae is dating?? I think the new image of the pies should be, Paul dating me!! Mel getting Heath, Estella finding her way back to Chris and Emma finding Dale.
So happy families basically!! hehehehe
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Post by melissa »

Mmmm.... Heath... Anyone get their copy of Black and White mag today? Love the front cover! Heath may have Olivia (cow) but I still dig him!
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Post by magpiesgirl »

Yep got mine yesturday,sat at the back of work reading it at lunch.Not a bad pic at all
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Post by melissa »

I think the new image of collingwood should be the old image: the image of 1990, the team all other teams fear, the team every supporter who doesn't barrack for them hates, but respects at the same time, the team to beat to the flag! Move aside all pretenders, the Real Deal is here!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

still waiting for mine!!

I hate living in bloody wa!!
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Post by bellastar »

just so you all know, i now have a laptop of my own, making my job so much easier! in fact, i'm using it right now! and i am home for easter.
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Post by bellastar »

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Post by luvlicca »

hehehe good one!! cant wait to read in further!!
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Post by bellastar »

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