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Post by mel_kay39 »

Wow. That's cutting out the middle man! But I've always wondered, why buy the cow when you can get the sex for free? LOL...
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Post by mel_kay39 »

Hey we should start one of those stories where you get to a certain point and then someone else takes up where you left off. I used to really like writing those at high school. You could make them as funny or as weird as you liked. Anyone interested in giving it a go?
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Post by mel_kay39 »

You used to be articulate, Ash? LOL...


It was a cold, dark night. The wind whispered through the trees as Snow Black wandered through the White Forest. No, you didn't read that the wrong way around. Snow Black was her name because her wicked, evil stepmother made her clean the floors down on her knees in the only dress she owned. There was soot on her cheeks and dust in her hair. But still, she was completely and utterly breathtaking.
Anyway, Snow Black had been lulled into a false sense of security. During her evening constitutional, she hadn't been mugged, assaulted, raped or otherwised bothered by pesky little men with beards, so she thought she was safe. She even started singing, but sadly for her, unlike Disney's Snow White, she couldn't sing a note, and a poor robin in it's nest fell dead to the ground with fright. He thought she was a feral cat.
Suddenly, she heard a noise behind her. Like a rustle in the bushes. She spun around, clutching her trusty taser gun. But she laughed when she saw that it was...
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Post by bellastar »

what was it? shane warne and his trusty mobile phone? michael jackson, a' la the thriller years? maybe you should call snow black 'nera neve' (pronounced 'ner- ah ne- vay') instead. the italian version has a cool ring to it.
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Post by mel_kay39 »

Isn't anyone going to continue the story? That's the whole point!
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Post by bellastar »


'...Brendan Fevola! He of the scum, the Filth, was on the lookout for young and deluded girls after losing Lara Bingle. Snow Black tried to run away from his evil clutches, dangerously being within the 17-21 demographic.

"No, Stop!" Snow Black cried out.

"Now youse will be mine!" Brendan slurred, in a thick woggy drawl...'

Good enough? :)
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Post by bellastar »

'...The Suernatural Boys! Snow Black had always regarded them as just the gay, incestuous version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but as she watched the guys walk in typical movie-cool slow-motion, that was soon changing...

"Hello, fair maiden..." purred blatant manwhore, Dean.

"I ain't your fair maiden!" spat Snow Black, trying to keep her toughness in check, but was blushing like mad.

"Care to join us down deeper into thespooky forest?" asked Sam, also seeming eager.

Snow Black had to think it over...'
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Post by mel_kay39 »

For like, a second! These two were really hot! She smiled at them and twirled her hair around a sooty finger. 'Sure, boys' she said. 'I'll come into the forest with you!' she giggled. 'Come, get it?'
Dean and Sam looked at each other. 'Hey, if you're thinking what I'm thinking' Dean said, 'We could really have a party here'
Sam frowned. 'There's no time for parties! We've got to catch the Winnego/poltergeist/yellow-eyed thingie that killed my fiancee and put that curse on you!'
Snow Black looked at Dean. 'You have a curse on you?' She asked.
'Yeah. I've got one year to live. I sold my soul to the devil' he explained.
Snow Black gasped. 'Oh, that's terrible! You're too cute to die'
Dean grinned at her. 'Thanks. You're pretty cute yourself'.
They were giving each other the eye when suddenly there was a loud howling sound. 'Uh-oh' Sam said. 'We better get out of there. That sounds like...'
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Post by Emily14 »

sam and dean supernatural boys?
ohhh i hope that comes back on t.v
i love sam winchester!
so hot
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Post by bellastar »

'...Matt Corby screeching again, howling at the moon and still smarting about Aust. Idol, no matter how much he tried to paint a pretty picture of the whole thing.

"God, what is that awful sound?" moaned Dean.

"Oh, just Matt Corby again," sighed Snow Black.

"...Just the demon we came here to kill," noted Sam. He then started to load his gun as the howling became louder and louder.

"Do you think I can do that?" asked Snow Black. "I'd love to take a shot for Ben and all the other intelligent music lovers out there?..."
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Post by mel_kay39 »

'Oh, totally' said Dean, grinning. He passed the gun over to Snow Black and asked if she knew how to use it.
'Not really' she admitted. 'I guess you just point 'n' shoot, right?'
'I'll show you' said Dean, and standing close behind Snow Black, he held his hands over hers on the trigger. 'First you take the saftely off, like so' he said, whispering in her ear, 'Then you line up your target with your sight - see the red dot?'
'Yeah' said Snow Black, concentrating the dot on Corby's forehead.
'Then you squeeze the trigger. But brace yourself, this gun's got some kick!'
Snow Black pulled the trigger and found out Dean was right! She fell over backwards from the gun's recoil, and found herself sprawled on top of the sexy demon-hunter. 'Oh, I'm sorry' she breathed. 'I didn't mean it. Did I get him?'
'I don't know, but you sure as hell got me' Dean said, holding his bits. 'Your bony butt landed right on the meat and two veg!"
'Oh, I'm sorry' said Snow Black, turning over. 'Do you want me to rub it for you?'
Before he could dignify that with an answer, they heard a sound above them.
'Ha-ha' Matt Corby laughed. 'You missed, suckers!'
Suddenly an unidentified flying object smacked straight into Corby and sent him tumbling into a ravine. Snow Black and Dean forgot about their flirting and went to see who had attacked Corby. They couldn't believe their eyes. It was...
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Post by bellastar »

'...Corey the Party Boy! He had somehow used his magnificent white Sunnies of Steel (TM) to hit Matt in the head, sending him flying into the ravine.

The merry trio of demon hunters quickly raced down to the ravine to inspect the damage. "Corey?" said Snow Black, confused. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be the subject of yet another cheap and tacky Today Tonight report?"

"Well, me party tour wasn't goin' so well because that p--ck Matt Corby was stealing all the babes from me!" spat Corey. "Damn Australian Idols!"

"So why are you here now?" asked Dean, suspicious.

"To kill Corby! I was gonna trap him in the forest where there were no witnesses and drown his arse in the ravine! But you shit heads came and destroyed my plan!"

Suddenly, interrupting the stand-off, there was an obligatory rustle in the bushes. The group watched as a man clad in a top hat and long red coat, holding a cane. It soon dawned on everyone that this man was...'
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Post by mel_kay39 »

'Wow, it's Willy Wonka' Dean said, excitedly.
'No it's not, it's Brendan from Panic at the Disco' Snow Black swooned. 'He's positivvely dreamy'.
Brendan walked over to Snow Black. 'You, my love' he said, in a sexy, hypnotic voice, 'Are coming back to my Big Top with me'.
'Yes, I'm coming with you' Snow Black said, in a trance-like state. She couldn't stop staring into Brendan's eyes.
'Is anyone else having a problem with this?' Dean asked no one in particular.
'You don't want her to leave because you like her' said Sam.
'No, I just think she's being hypnotised. She's not really in control' said Dean. 'She wanted to come with us'.
'Well, she's with me now' said Brendan. 'I need one more dancer for my burlesque show'.
'Hang on' Snow Black said, blinking. 'I need help! Someone has to help me kill a demon! He's plotting to take over the world, with the Scientologists! And his dippy bride makes me scrub her floors until they sparkle! It's so unfair! They need to die!'
'Let's go!' Dean said.
'Wait!' Corey said. 'You said her floors were shiny? Could I see myself in them?'
Snow Black nodded.
'I'm coming too!' Corey said.
'And so am I' Brendan said.
'What are you going to do?' Dean asked.
'I can distract Snow Black's bride while you kill her husband' said Brendan.
'Okay. Let's all go' Dean said. And with that, the five of them headed off for Cruise Castle, unaware that they were being followed by....
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Post by bellastar »

sorry to interrupt the story for a moment, but that's where i wanted the story to go, thanks! by the way, there's this story i had to read for literature last year caled 'fairy tale: the blue beard' by charles perrault, where the this creepy old dude marry this young girl and he gives her free reign of his castle while he is away, but tell her to avoid this one room. but, of course, she can't help herself and goes in anyway... and finds the bodies of his former wives! she tries to hide the fact, but confesses to blue beard when he gets home. he tries to cut her head off, but her brothers end up saving her in the end.

lovely story, huh? totally reminds me of a 1800's tom and katie! :)
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Post by bellastar »

'...Tom Cruise himself! He had been watching from up some nearby tree, considering he wasn't tall enough to actually see the merry group of freaks from anywhere else. He laughed a low evil cackle to himself. Soon those weirdoes were going to find themselves in a trap that was going to be pretty complicated to escape from, much like Nicole Kidman when she tried to escape Scientology. And, of course, Snow Black would then become his beloved....

Tom jumped out of the tree Mission Impossible-style and followed the trail of the rather eccentric group of crimefighters...'
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