The Boundary Line

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Post by luvlicca »

I thought that season 1 was awesome, cant wait to read season two!! Bring it on!!

Want to see chris and estella get together, but am day dreaming it is me!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by melissa »

yeah, Ryan's shoulders are yum. Not to mention the rest of him. I think Heath is built nice too, lol. For a 20yr old.
By the way can someone tell me how to put a pic on here, I've tried to put an avatar on and it's tiny but they keep saying it's too big! I'm confused.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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NEW EPISODE FOR SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE FIRST!!!!!!!

Post by bellastar »

hey, i didn't know i was casting new characters! and there's only one true estella! i live vicariously through her!

Wow, what a whirlwind! We’re already up to Season 2! Didn’t we have some good times back in Season 1- the fights, the steaminess, the bitching, the heartbreak,, I don’t know, the random bogans that contaminated each episode? (‘cough!’ glamour bogan Brodie, ‘cough!’)

So, you think you know what’s gonna happen in Season 2, huh? Well, you’ve got some nerve, smartarse! Just kidding, just sit back, relax and shut the hell up, because the first episode of Season 2 is here! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. On this week‘s episode of Jerry Springer- When Good Bogans Go Bad .All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. No bogans were harmed in the making of this episode............

And now, the 15th (but first episode of Season 2) of the ‘Emmy-award winning’ soap opera.............

The Boundary Line

What Happened Last Season: The wedding finally happened, with Arabella still feeling guilty. She felt compelled to finally break it off with Brodie, to which he was upset about the decision. Meanwhile, Fenella and Estella bitched about their torrid love lives- Fenella still longed for Ryan, whilst Estella was still upset about the lapdance incident. Speaking of that, Chris still felt like shit about the situation, and was determined to make it up to Estella. However, Paris’ reign of terror reared its ugly head once again when she turned up announced to Chris’ house, trying to seduce him one last time. But Chris had finally had enough, and exploded at Paris to leave him and Estella alone. Paris felt rejected, and swore revenge. Meanwhile, at the church, Chris tried to convince Estella on what really happened at the $2 strip club, but she ended up slapping him! Finally, the wedding ceremony happened with everything going smoothly...............Until Strauchanie and Fenella decided to open their fat mouths and tell the truth (of all places!) The truth left Arabella ashamed, Sarita bitch-slapping her, and Ryan and Brodie duking it out. Brodie then grabbed Arabella, and they both ran away. To where? No one knows....................


‘............The most talked-about D-list wedding of the year ended in tears, when it was found the groom was sleeping with a bridesmaid. They have both since disappeared. If you know of the whereabouts of Collingwood star Brodie Holland and heir to the Cheapa Crap clothing empire fortune, Arabella Muscat, please call Australia’s Most Unwanted on the number on your screen............’

Mr Muscat turned the TV off, throwing the remote on the couch in disgust. He was in total distress, worrying every second on where Arabella could possibly be. He had ASIO and FBI agents working around the clock, fighter jets scanning the skies, John Howard’s anti-terrorism network working overtime, and all the Scientologists of Hollywood were praying to L. Ron Hubbard and all the alien overloads that they would soon come home.

An FBI agent walked over to Mr Muscat. “Is their any news?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

“Not yet, Mr Muscat,” replied the FBI agent, gruffly. “But as soon as we have news, we will get straight back to you, Sir.” He then walked off.

Mr Muscat sat down next to his wife, who sobbed as she stared at a picture of a young Arabella at her 5th birthday hoedown, dressed as a cow.

“Oh, Arabella, why?!” cried Mrs Muscat, rather dramatically. “Why did you succumb to the powerful and seductive charms of Collingwood!?”

Mr Muscat put his arm around his distraught wife. “We will find her,” said Mr Muscat, strongly. “I know we will bring her home.”

Mrs Muscat continued sobbing. “Why did she do this? She used to be such a good girl!” Mrs Muscat’s mood then changed. “I swear to God,” she snapped. “When I fond Ryan and Brodie, I will kill them! I will destroy their lives like they have destroyed Arabella’s! I will kill them!”

She then started to bawl her eyes out once again. Mr Muscat tried to soothe her, holding her close as Mrs Muscat cried out for her lost and trampy daughter.


Arabella looked out at the crashing waves, reaching the shore, then flowing back out again.

It had been a whirlwind. One minute, she was standing at the altar as a bridesmaid, the next she was being dragged onto a plane by Brodie to some far away land. Now...........she had no idea where she was.

Arabella felt incredibly cowardly for the way that she left Ryan in a lurch the way she did. Why didn’t she just tell him?..........But he would’ve been devastated either way. What was even worse was the fact that Arabella cheated on Ryan with is own team mate! She felt so ashamed. What would Ryan be feeling now?...........

“Hey there, gorgeous,” purred a voice from behind.

Arabella snapped out of her train of remorseful thoughts and turned around. Standing naked in all his glamour bogan glory was Brodie. He pranced over to Arabella, shaking it all about (Oh, shudder...........). He took her into his arms, kissing her cheek.

“I see you’re finally up,” he said, his voice low. “I thought you would’ve been too tired after last night.......”

“I just couldn’t sleep,” replied Arabella, worried. “I just kept seeing Ryan’s hurt face, Sarita slapping me, (Australia’s own Naomi Campbell!), and Strauchanie with his pants down. I’m still scarred from the whole thing! The way I just ditched Ryan like that, I just hate myself.............”

“Why worry about it still? We’re free, we can do as we wish- free from everything holding us back! We can finally be together, Arabella. We can actually flaunt our relationship without being ashamed.”

Arabella was appalled. “ How can you say that, Brodie!?” she fumed. “I can’t believe you’re so blase about this! What about your relationship!? Don’t you even care about how Sarita is feeling right now? She must be distraught!”

“She’ll be fine,” said Brodie, nonchalantly. “She’s got looks, she’ll bounce back. She’ll probably hook up with some young aspiring male model, or fellow D-list star. Who knows, she’ll probably date another footballer. You know, I can totally picture her and Lingy together..........”

Arabella was still outraged. “I still can’t believe you!” she sighed, angrily. “You’re really pissing me off now!”

“That’s not how I made you feel last night,” winked Brodie.

Arabella weakened a little. That was true.............

“Now, come on, I’ll find something for breakfast, while you rest. Trust me, I know everything will work out just fine.” Brodie then left the balcony.

Arabella leaned against the railing of the balcony. She pondered all of what Brodie had just said.


Ryan sat in the darkness of the lounge room. He was curled up on the couch, his eyes bloodshot, his face tearstained and red. He hadn’t slept in three days, he was practically a mess. He had never felt so alone.

Ryan couldn’t forget the humiliation of the wedding- Fenella and Strauchanie confessing all, Arabella shamefully admitting the truth, him beating up Brodie, who screamed like Michael Jackson when the authorities finally caught up with him...........

“Why, Arabella, why?” sobbed Ryan quietly to himself. He stared at the photo of him and Arabella, happy and smiling in better times at the Fix Bar opening. He quickly tossed it beside him, not being able to bear seeing it again. He didn’t want to remember the good times, the memories cruelly teasing him.

Then, as quickly as he started crying, Ryan became incensed. His anger started to burn as he imagined Brodie stealing Arabella from him over and over again. The pain of it angered him so much, he threw the picture of him and Arabella across the room, the glass shattering into painful shards, just like their relationship.

Ryan became angrier. “I swear to God, I will make it my mission, my one mission in kill Brodie Holland!”


Another person who wanted to kill Brodie as much as Ryan wanted to was his jilted and humiliated fiancee (well, ex-fiancee!) Sarita. She not only wanted to kill Brodie, she wanted Arabella to suffer, too.

She, too, couldn’t help but look back on the mess that was meant to be her beautiful D-list wedding- how Arabella was her bridesmaid, how Sarita treated her like her total BFF, how Arabella hid the ugly truth about the affair with her fiance for so long, not letting on once that it was happening............How long had it all played out behind Sarita’s back? She once again felt the humiliation creeping back in.

Sarita wanted Brodie and Arabella to suffer. She wanted them to feel and endure the pain and embarrassment they caused her, only she would hit them tenfold. She hadn’t pinpointed on the right method yet, but Sarita knew that when the time was right, all would fall into place..............

Just then , the mail was delivered as the from door of the gold-plated mansion. Several letters were passed through the slot and landed on the floor. Sarita walked over and picked them up, sorting through them. She opened one at random..............It was a rather big mistake to do so.

In that envelope was the bill to the tacky D-list wedding. At the bottom of the letter, it read: To be paid in full by Sarita Stella.

bastard! He had left her to pay the bill for that garish wedding! All $250 million worth!

And, as if right on cue, Sarita screamed in horror...............................


Fenella stood on the doorstep of Ryan’s house. She had decided to comfort him in his hour of need, to give him a shoulder to cry on......................Okay, really, she was going to try to have a crack at him now, when he was at his most vulnerable and lonely. By the end of it all, Fenella would’ve gotten Ryan’s heart for sure. She was going to make him forget Arabella even existed.

Sure, Arabella was her friend, but she was gone now. And she broke his heart by cheating on him with Brodie. No, Fenella was doing the right thing.

Fenella knocked on the door, adjusting her cleavage one more time. She wore her most extra-special hot-pink top with the low-cut neck and blue rhinestones. The door then opened to the sight of Ryan, who looked such a mess, like a cross between Saddam Hussein’s mug shot and Kevin Federline (who practically is a complete mess in himself.)

“My God, Ryan, you look awful!” exclaimed Fenella. “Please, let me come in, I’ll get you cleaned up.” Fenella walked in, her arm around Ryan. ‘Phase one of the plan complete!’ thought Fenella to herself, cheekily..................


“.........So I’ve just been sitting in the dark crying for three days,” said Ryan, solemnly. “I just.........Why did she do this to me? I thought we were going to be together forever.”

Fenella came out of the kitchen with a piping hot cup of tea. She sat it on the coffee table and sat next to Ryan on the couch.

“Look, we tried to get her to tell you, but she just had to be a bitch about it, didn’t she?” said Fenella, trying to be sympathetic. She couldn’t care less about Arabella, just as long as she was gone was all that mattered to Fenella!

“But, why? Why Brodie? Why did she choose the Collingwood king of the metrosexuals over me?” sobbed Ryan.

“Well, obviously Arabella has no taste at all! She’s the one who doesn’t deserve you. I mean, look at you- you’re kind, friendly, funny, sweet, cute smile, gorgeous eyes............” Fenella became distracted. She and Ryan looked at one another. This was it. Fenella was ready for Ryan’s affection! She swiftly planted her lips upon his, kissing them longingly, passionately..................

Then the plan unravelled. Ryan pushed her away. “What are you doing?” he exclaimed. Fenella blushed in embarrassment. “Look, I’m flattered and all, but I’m not ready for that now. My girlfriend just dumped me! And she was your best friend!”

What could Fenella say in response to that? He had her! What more could she do?

“Um, I’ve gotta go...........” Fenella quickly ran from the lounge room and out the front door. She stood frozen on the front step. This was not how things were supposed to pan out! Ryan was supposed to reciprocate and fall in love with her! What was she gonna do now!?

Fenella stormed off in a huff down the path. She went back to the drawing board. She was gonna make Ryan fall in love with her if its the last thing Fenella did!


Meanwhile, Estella was at Shae’s house. They were both sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Shae played the sympathetic ear, whilst Estella poured her heart out about how crappy her life was going at the moment- her best friend had turned into a bitch and had disappeared with her sleazy metrosexual lover; the guy she was in love with couldn’t see her as more than just a friend; her father would never approve of him; and he was caught up in a supposed lap dance with Paris Hilton. Could life be any better at all?

Of course, what was hurting Estella the most was Chris. Why did he do it? Why didn’t she just tell him that she loved him before the lap dance debacle? Would it have changed things?

“I hate him, Shae, I really do. But I love him, too! I love him so much, that I keep imagining him with me, that we’re happy together, that he loves me back............Why is this still hurting me?”

“Maybe you should go see him.............”

“No, I can’t! Not after I slapped him!”

“Well, think about it, Estella,” said Shae.” He says he didn’t do anything wrong, and you saw the whole thing. You would know he was telling the truth, right? And besides, I think your hindering your own attempts at telling him you love him so you don’t have to, because you’re scared that he might reject you, and even more scared if he loves you in return. You’re probably painting your own version of events in your head as a means of a safe escape, as an excuse not to tell him.”

“That’s not true!” snapped Estella. “God, why does everyone keep telling me that!?”

“Because its true!”

“Its not!

“Look, lets forget Chris for a while, try to get your mind off him,” soothed Shae. She picked up the remote and changed the channel to Sports Tonight- ‘On the show, we discuss how Chris Tarrant shutted up his critics.....’ said the announcer. Shae immediately cringed when she sae Estella on the verge of tears again. “Lets.........not watch that,” said Shae uncomfortably. She quickly changed the TV to another thrilling episode of Parliament Question Time. (’On tonight’s episode, Johnny faces the opposition. But will his bill fighting for his right to keep his eyebrows as bushy as he wants them pass through to the Senate? Find out on Parliament Question Time!’ )

“I just feel like he’s everywhere, you know,” sobbed Estella, Chris still on her mind. “Like he’s taunting me, teasing me, saying ‘you’d love to have me, wouldn’t you?’.............”

Shae gave Estella a comforting hug.

“I just want to forget him!” exclaimed Estella, in between sobs. “I never want to see Chris Tarrant again!”


Chris walked the streets in a depressed stupor. He was still bearing the brunt of Estella’s rejection- how she still refused to listen to his side of the story, how she berated him, how she slapped...............The pain of it still stung from the memory...........

Cruel, cold winds burned Chris’ face. But he felt completely numb. Without Estella- her heart her affection, her love- he felt nothing. He was practically hollow inside.

However, Chris was then starting to regain some familiar feeling of his love for Estella. He was starting to remember the good times, cruelly taunting him as they played out He yearned for Estella’s warm nature, friendliness, tenderness, kindness, beautiful eyes, those lips, honey-hued skin..............Chris’ heart began to race erratically . He was dizzy, he couldn’t breathe. Tears pricked his eyes.............Chris’ tough demeanour was beginning to show its cracks.

As he wiped his eyes furiously, trying to keep strong, his vision focused on a figure, a familiar figure. Out of the blue, he saw, coming out of a nearby house................Estella. Chris’ heart practically stopped altogether, His first reaction was to run over to her, to beg and plead for love. But Chris knew Estella would never fall for it.

But there was something weird about Estella..................She was crying as she walked out of the house. ‘Why is she crying for?’ thought Chris to himself, bewildered. ‘It can’t possibly be about me, she hates me!’

He watched as she crossed the road.............and was about to come into collision with a truck full of rubber chickens!!!!!!!!! “Estella! No!” Chris immediately raced over towards Estella, sprinting over, hoping to make it before the rubber chicken truck did.

He got Estella’s attention. She turned around and saw him running towards her. Then saw the truck, only mere metres away from her now. She screamed in absolute horror just as Chris grabbed her, shoving her onto the footpath just in time. The truck roared past, no one harmed. The whole thing felt like a blur.

Chris held Estella tightly. He was shaking nervously, but none more so than Estella, who was still in shock. She was crying as she buried her face in Chris’ shoulder, shaking uncontrollably.

“Estella, are you okay?” whispered Chris, concerned.

Estella lifted her head, facing Chris, her face red and stained with tears. “Why did you do it? Why are you here!?” she cried.

“I care about you Estella, I really do.”

“No you don’t!”

Chris chose to ignore that remark. “I’ll take you back home..........”

“No! Don’t! You can’t take me back there!” exclaimed Estella. She knew what would happen if he took her back home.

It then began to rain, heavy rivulets soaking the both of them.

“Look, Ill take you back with me instead,” said Chris.


“Please. Let me help you Estella.”

A pause. Estella was too weak to argue. She gave in, and let Chris take her back to his place.


Estella woke up. She stared at her surroundings, confused, having no idea where she was. She sat up, realising she was in bed. But how?...................

“You fell asleep in the car,” said Chris, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“How long have I been asleep?” breathed Estella.

“A couple of hours now.”

Estella laid back down, staring at the ceiling, feeling strange. Chris moved further along the edge of the bed, sitting over Estella. He put his hand over hers. “Estella, please..............” he whispered.

Estella knew what he was going to say. “No! I don’t want to hear it anymore!” she snapped, sitting upright.

Chris moved back a bit. “I don’t care if you don’t wanna listen. You’re listening to me whether you want to or not! Just give me a chance to explain everything- from start to finish.”

Estella paused. “Fine, then,” she replied, reluctantly.

Chris stood up from the bed. “I was never interested in Paris,” he began. “In fact, I couldn’t stand the bitch! I was only ever polite and civil to her to keep the peace. But when she became demanding and sleazy towards me when I was her PA, I tried to stay away from her as much as I possibly could. But she never left me alone. When I wanted to see you, she immediately got me doing something else. She was insecure and I hate that in girls. She was insecure because of you.”

Estella was confused. “She was insecure because of me? I would’ve thought of it to be the other way around.”

“She had a right to be jealous of you,” said Chris, a small smile creeping along his face. “Anyway, on the buck’s night, I was pushed into having the lapdance. I tried staying out of it, but before I knew it, the boys shoved me into the middle and Paris had started I shoved her off as soon as she tried to unbutton my shirt. C’mon, Estella, you saw it! You have to believe me!”

Estella didn’t want to believe him. She was too proud to admit she was wrong..............But she knew he was telling the truth. “But, what about the SMS Paris sent you?”

“What SMS?”

“The SMS that practically outlined her desire to do it with you out back in the VIP are of your bar!”

“I never got any SMS from Paris, Estella,” replied Chris, who was adamant he didn’t. “Really, I didn’t. I’d know if I did.”

“Oh.” Estella realised then that Paris didn’t have enough brain power and capacity to have the capability to send an SMS.

Estella turned angry again. “I want to go home!”

“Why? Stay a little longer, Estella. I want to help you,” said Chris, calmly.

“Why should I stay?” Estella sat up, ready to get out of bed.

“Because............” replied Chris, racing over to the bed, sitting in front of Estella. He held her face, with his face nearing closer to hers. “I’m in love with you, Estella.”

Estella froze. “What?..........”

Chris followed with a kiss. Estella fell into a dream This was what she had been wanting for do long. Defences now weakening, she fell into his embrace. They both fell onto the bed, their kisses becoming more passionate, more hungry (I could so write for Mills and Boon!). Chris stopped for a moment, taking off his shirt, both still in their soaking wet clothes. His lips then crashed onto hers, continuing their animalistic yearning for one another.

“You can’t stay in those wet clothes.........” purred Chris, kissing along Estella’s neck. “You probably should take them off.................” (Seriously, if you don’t now what this story is leading to now.......Then I think its time to ask your Mum about the birds and the bees.)

Estella giggled. True to Chris’ word, neither of their clothes stayed on for long!

The night began to envelope, as the two finally followed through with their feelings, alone in their own little world............

Now You Decide:

Will Ryan travel all over the world to find Arabella?

*Reviews and Suggestions appreciated!
*Voting is first posted, first served!
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Post by luvlicca »

well i think that it is great that taz and estella finally got together, and if ryan really truly loves arabella then maybe he should go looking for her, but what will he do when he finds her????

is paul coming back into the story, cause i really love him, i wish he was my boyfriend(sigh)
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by melissa »

Great going Bellastar, i was hoping Chris and Estella would get together.
And the bit about Scientologists, I laughed my arse off. Nice start to season 2.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

Thanks. If i offended any Scietologists, then I'm sorry, but anyone who believes in aliens and phetans (or whatever their called), and actually thinks Tom Cruise is a great actor has got to be off their bottle!
...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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Post by luvlicca »

when is the next ep coming....... im having boundry line withdrawals now....
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by bellastar »

Oh. My God. Don’t you just wish you were Estella right about now?! I know I do! But hey, I’m the author, I’m able to live vicariously through her! God who wouldn’t want Tazza sweeping them off their feet like that? (insert incessant drooling here!) And, of course, the romance continues! Enjoy it!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Stand by for more syrupy, cheesy melodrama and .All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Warning: the first few rows may become nauseous due to such melodrama............

And now, the 16th episode of the Lindsay Lohan-inspired dram serial..................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Arabella’s parents were extremely worried, and had FBI and ASIO agents working around the clock to find Arabella and Brodie. They had had no such luck yet, and as Mr Muscat tried to comfort Mrs Muscat, she swore to kill both Ryan and Brodie for ruining Arabella’s life! Meanwhile, Arabella was in an unknown land, reflecting upon how fast things had changed. She felt incredibly guilty for the cowardly way she left Ryan behind, without so much as an explanation for the affair. However, Brodie seemed pretty calm about the situation, and said Arabella should feel calm about it, too. Arabella pondered this. Meanwhile, Ryan wallowed away in misery, reminiscing about the good times with Arabella, and, naturally, making it his mission in life to kill Brodie. Also, Sarita was a mess, angry and swearing to murder Arabella. Cruelly enough, Brodie also left her with the $250 million bill for the non-refundable wedding. Fenella also tried to pull the moves on Ryan, hoping to finally have him in her grasp. However, Ryan didn’t reciprocate, still in the depths of pity and sadness over Arabella. This pissed Fenella off, and so, she left in disgrace, swearing to seduce him once again. Meanwhile, Shae comforted Estella over her debacle with Chris, who was still torn over her feelings. Shae tried to explain to Estella that she should face the truth and just take a chance, and tell Chris of her feelings, But she still remained stubborn and refused. However, through a strange twist of fate, a depressed Chris saved Estella from getting hit by a rubber chicken truck (no, really), whilst wandering the streets. After much disagreement, they ended up going back to his place, where Estella woke up a couple of hours later. They finally had the talk they had to have, and pretty soon sparks began to fly, as Chris and Estella finally gave into their feelings for one another (about time!)....................


Estella’s eyes flickered open to the morning light. She sleepily focused in her surroundings. She then remembered last night..........the rain, the truth, the kiss............everything that happened. It hadn’t been a dream. It was all real.

Estella lifted her head. She peered down at Chris, who was still holding her. He looked so peaceful as he dreamed away in his heavenly slumber. Well, they had both been up all night, he deserved the rest!

Estella smiled. She then started to kiss along his neck, slowly down to his chest.

Chris slowly started to wake up, opening up to the sight of saucy Estella. He smiled. “You woke me up...........” he purred.

“I couldn’t help myself.........” replied Estella. “That strong, sculpted chest, it was calling out for me.......” She continued kissing. Chris moaned in delight.

“Aren’t you tired after last night?!” he laughed. “You certainly wore me out!”

“Well...........I just couldn’t resist any longer. I haven’t been able to for a while now.”

“Me neither.” Chris sat up, stretching himself out of sleep. Estella couldn’t help but be enticed by the rather sexy view of this fine specimen in all his naked, devastatingly beautiful, muscular glory!

Chris noticed Estella staring at him.” What?”

Estella didn’t answer. She just pounced on him immediately, the two of them looking to have a repeat performance (more like performances!) of last night.................

...............But just as they were getting into the moment, reality hit Estella like a runaway freight train. She had to get home. Dad would be shitting himself, looking for her everywhere.

“I can’t do this,” breathed Estella, getting off Chris.

“Why not? That’s not what you said last night.......” replied Chris, cheekily.

“Seriously, I forgot all about my dad and his crazy, possessive ways. He’s probably got ASIO looking for me right now!” Estella jumped out of bed, quickly scrambling for her clothes. However, Chris grabbed her before she could reach for anything, kissing her neck whilst laughing.

“No! Stay with me! Please!” he pleaded, smiling.

“But I have to go, he’ll be looking for me! I haven’t been home all night!” But resistance was useless. Estella couldn’t help but give into the kisses and pleasure she was receiving.

Chris stopped for a moment, looking at Estella. “Please stay...............” he whispered. “I’m so lonely without you!”

Estella smiled. Looking into those hypnotic brown eyes, the yearning within them. She was drowning in them. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t leave now.........”Fine,” she breathed. “Dad will just have to wait!”

And so, Estella and Chris were consumed with one another once again, leaving it till later to deal with the consequences.


‘..............Dear Ryan,
I know I’m the last person you’d want to hear from, but I have to explain everything- the whole truth once and for all, no more lies.

First and foremost, I love you. I always have and always will. This thing with Brodie, the whole affair..........It was just a lapse in judgement. I love being with you, I really do. But with Brodie........I felt something I had never experienced before in my life. Brodie has this adventurous streak, this untameable appetite that’s enticing. You can’t help but give into the power of it. You are a kind and gentle lover. But Brodie? He was...............”

Arabella screwed up the letter, tossing it in the bin on the other side of the room. She had felt so bad for the way she had treated Ryan, that she just had to make it up to him somehow. At least is she wrote a letter, Ryan wouldn’t be able to interrupt. He’d have the whole truth right in front of him. But Arabella was having trouble finding the right words. No matter how she said it, there was no way to sugar-coat the way she betrayed Ryan. But there was so much to tell.................

“What are you doing?” asked a voice from behind, out of the blue.

Arabella jumped, turning around. Brodie was staring down at the fresh, blank piece of paper that Arabella was going to use to pen her innermost feelings and apologies to Ryan on.

“Well, I really wanted to apologise to Ryan for all I’ve caused, and................”

“But you can’t do that!” exclaimed Brodie, appalled. If you send it, its gonna be traced back to us, and we’ll be caught! We’ll have to go back home, so goodbye new life!”

Arabella looked down, somewhat ashamed. She hadn’t thought of that........... “Well, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking, that’s all.”

Brodie turned to leave the room, but not before one blunt last word. “And don’t you remember? You’re with me now. Ryan is no longer in your life.” He then left the room.

Arabella felt that familiar stab of guilt she had become so well acquainted with in the past few months. How was she ever going to ever let Ryan know she was sorry now?


Ryan was still in his depressed daze over Arabella. He didn’t know how to function without her. Life was so different without her presence- it was more boring, more cold, tasting a little bit like chicken.

He couldn’t leave without her. Ryan had been toying with the idea, and he knew it seemed crazy (Hell, it was crazy!), but he was going to make such a drastic decision, a decision that was either going to be a great victory, or be a huge cock up even more worse than K-Fed’s (c)rap career. Ryan had decided...................He loved Arabella so much that he was going to travel all around the world just to find her!

Ryan was going to find Arabella- against all odds...........Even against Brodie.


Estella finally snuck in through the front door, after her night of lust-fuelled passion and an eye-opening experience (Could Chris really do that with his knee!?)

Estella drifted on in dreamily, still walking on air. All that was on her mind was Chris- how his bedroom eyes followed her; how he was so gentle one minute, then animalistic the next; how he made her feel weak with just one kiss...................Estella was truly in heaven.


“Estella! For God’s sake, where have you been?!”

Mundane, routine reality set back in. Mr Winchester caught Estella trying to sneak up the stairs. Now she had to think of an excuse- fast!

“Um, I was at Fenella’s” replied Estella, trying to hide her absolute fear. “She was still rather cut up about Arabella disappearing and all, so I stayed to comfort her all night. You should have seen her- she was totally distraught, the poor thing!” Estella had outdone herself there!

Mr Winchester stared at her, still making up his mind on whether to believe her. “Well..........okay,” he finally replied, making his judgement. “But please, call me before you decide to stay with Fenella, alright?”

“Of course,” nodded Estella. Lucky he believed her. Man, if he were to find out what her and Chris had really been up to last night- what he did to her, the things he said, just how big a forward he really was!..............

Mr Winchester had left the room. Estella could finally breathe easy again. She went back to her dreamy state of mind, unable to forget last night. She couldn’t wait for they next time they would meet again.


Estella grabbed her phone from her bag, having received a message. She went into her inbox- ’Chris’ It read:

‘Hi, gorgeous! I still can’t forget last night........Can’t wait for a repeat!’

Estella sighed, smiling. She couldn’t wait for a repeat performance either!


Mr and Mrs Muscat still hadn’t had any news on the whereabouts of Brodie and Arabella. They were still worried sick for Arabella’s safety, and prayed she would come to her senses and come back home soon. But as soon as she would, they would totally be locking her away! Never again would she ever, ever have anything to do with Collingwood!

“You know, the garden is looking a little shabby of late,” remarked Mr Muscat, changing the topic, looking out the window.

“Its been like that since our last gardener, Pedro, got eaten by the giant snapdragon,” replied Mrs Muscat.

“Maybe we should hire a new gardener,” suggested Mr Muscat. “That should keep you busy, keep your mid off things by choosing a new one.”

Mrs Muscat thought it over. She did like the idea- Mr Muscat was always out on business (supposedly), leaving Mrs Muscat bored and alone on most days (Here we go!). Even with Arabella missing, he still went to work! And besides, being a Desperate Housewives fan, Mrs Muscat could use a little bit of some hot young male eye candy around the place!

Mrs Muscat smiled to herself devilishly. “Okay, I’ll do it!” she announced happily. “Starting tomorrow, I’ll find a new gardener...............”

Now You Decide:

Who will Mrs Muscat hire to be her new gardener? (If you don’t know where this plotline is going, then you must be stoned or just plain stupid!)

*Reviews and Suggestions appreciated!
*Voting is first posted, first served!
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Post by luvlicca »

sweet...... she should hire a new gardener and i reckon it should be some hunky young pies player, just not sure who.....
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Post by bellastar »

well, i was hoping for something along those lines (duh!) and i have a feeling who everyone's gonna pick..............someone who fits the young, sweet and innocent bill real well.........=)
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Post by luvlicca »

not mr dale thomas by any chance. im sure mrs muscat would really like to watch him work in the garden!!
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Post by bellastar »

well, some of you have been tossing his name around as the perfect candidate for a older woman/younger man fling..........
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Post by luvlicca »

hell yeah.....
go the older woman younger affair!!!
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Post by luvlicca »

ive always wondered what that would be like.
actually i lie!! i have had one before........
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Post by bellastar »

oh, spill! what was the age difference? who was it with? tell! you have to now!
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