The Boundary Line

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Post by bellastar »

oh my god! i wonder what other freaks are reading this?........Oh my God, other freaks are reading this?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trust me, you're gonna LOVE what's coming up! your friends actually liked this crap!? what have they been smoking? only joking, i'm glad people are liking it! what do you really think of the characters individually?
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Post by leelee »

haha i'm excited about the next one!!!!
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Post by bellastar »

hey, out of curiousity, who would you love to have as a guest star in the boundary line?
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Post by leelee »

Guest star??? Ummmm Mark Skaife, Todd Kelly, Rick Kelly, Jason Richards (V8supercar drivers) should i continue... Michael Klim, Elka Graham... Ummmmmmm any of the VIS athletes (there ya go... they can just walk into the picture coz they're at the lexus centre) Ummmm.... hmmm can't think of anyone else really... johnny howard? Dame Edna? Sir Les Patterson (the ugly drooling character that barry humphries plays) i'm outta ideas atm... but i'm sure to get some more!
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Post by sam. »

jon bon jovi.
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Post by Emily14 »

lucas neill HOT!!!
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Post by leelee »

Ryan Reynolds?? (Van Wilder, Just Friends)
Cookie Monster, Bert, Elmo
Dicki-nee (from hey hey its saturday) Ozzie Ostrich (hey hey its saturday)
Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Daffy Duck, Road Runner, Whinne the Pooh, TIGGRRR (tigger) Piglet, Eeyore... Or the hulk... WAIT! we don't need him... we have pebbles! hahaha
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Post by bellastar »

Okay, I’ve said it before, and I swear that the wedding is oh-so close! Forget Bold and The Beautiful, say goodbye to The OC, and tell Neighbours to p--s off, ‘cos this wedding is going to have heaps of surprises, plenty of tears, lots of troubles and the confessing of confessions! Who will come out unscathed? Who will get into enormously deep s--t? And just who will be the first to get caught with the bridesmaid in the broom closet? Read on to get closer.................

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Can‘t touch this! Na na na na! Can’t touch this! All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Good old Collingwood forever!..........

And now, the 10th episode of MC Hammer‘s rise (and downhill fall) to fame........

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Estella started her new job at the Lexus Centre, and apologised to Chris for the way she acted at the party. He accepts and apologises in return. But for some reason, Estella feels weird around him........Once in the conference room, Eddie announced Estella’s arrival, and the fact that he’ll be taking leave, so in his place is Paris Hilton. The boys’ hormones raced as they welcomed Paris. Estella didn’t understand all the attention, and saw Chris was also excited by Paris’ arrival, causing her to again feel strange. Meanwhile, Brodie practically kidnapped Arabella into the male toilets, and as much as she tried to resist, they ended up having some fun amongst the stench of urine and cleaning products.........until Strauchanie busted them and ran away before the saucy twosome could stop him. And, so was the blatantly obvious, Estella realised, whilst watching Chris and Paris flirt up a storm, that she was in love with him.............(well, who wouldn’t be? ) = )


Arabella heard her BlackBerry ringing on her dresser. She checked the caller ID- ’Brodie’. She answered it.

“Hi,” she said, softly.

“Hey, gorgeous.......” he purred.

“What’s up?”

“Look, I was supposed to tell you something yesterday, and I’m running out of time, so I’m just gonna say it....................I’m getting married on Saturday.”

Arabella gasped. “You’re telling me this now!? “

I’m sorry, but please, Arabella, I don’t want to lose you!”


“Look, Brodie, this whole was never meant to happen, I think we should just end it.......” said Arabella, quietly.

“No! Don’t you dare!” spat Brodie. “We can still do this! Nothing will stop us!.......”

“But I still love Ryan......”

“But I love you, too!” exclaimed Brodie, desperately.

“Look, I really do love you as well, I do, but this is just too complicated........:

“No, wait, I’ll take care of Strauchanie, just leave it to me,” said Brodie.

“What do you mean ’take care of?’” Arabella was scared.

“I’ll just shut him up so no one will ever find out about us! Just don’t worry about it, I’ll handle it..........”

“But, what are you going to do, Brodie!? Please don’t.........”

But he had already hung up. Arabella stared at her BlackBerry in horror. What was he planning to do with Strauchanie?...............


Brodie drove along the spooky, dark dirt road, alone with “In Da Club” by 50 Cent blaring from the stereo for company. His pimpmobile bounced along the road, creating major potholes and damaging the tyres. He finally made a stop out the front of a pathetic-looking bumpkin shack. Brodie made sure that he had the right address- 666 Bogan Road Nowhere. It was correct.

Brodie walked up along the driveway and opened the door without knocking. He saw Strauchanie watching reruns of The Price is Right (I know, I know, the irony!)

Strauchanie then turned around and saw Brodie’s shadowy figure walking slowly towards him. “No! Put down the knife! Please, I never said anything, I swear!” screamed Strauchanie, like a girl. “No, please, put it down! No! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Relax, I was just gonna put it away,” replied Brodie, who then put the knife in the nearby drawer. “God, this place is a shambles!”

“I know, isn’t it great?” smiled Strauchanie. He got up from his rat-infested couch, scratching his nuts.

“Wait, did you say you didn’t say anything about me and Arabella?” asked Brodie.

“I haven’t said anything...........yet.”

“You know you can’t say anything........”

“But I’ll get heaps off the Herald Sun for the story!” cried Strauchanie.

“You can’t say a word!” snapped Brodie.


“How about I sweeten the deal? You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours?” said Brodie, slyly.


“Well, in exchange for your silence, I’ll give you a ball of twine, a book about badgers, and a signed photo of Millsy. How about it?”

Strauchanie thought about it. Then...........”Okay, sounds great! I can’t believe it, I hit the jackpot!”

Brodie gave him the ’extravagant’ gifts‘. ’Why the hell would he want this s--t for?” He thought to himself, not that it really mattered now.

Brodie then left the depressing shack without another word, content with the fact that his and Arabella’s affair was still secret and safe.


Estella waited in the conference room for Paris’ big announcement. She was still a bit glum about the exchange between Paris and Chris yesterday- the flirting, the sparks flying. It pretty much killed her. couldn’t sleep at all the night before because of Chris. She dreamt of the two of them being alone on the oval. He walked up to her in his tight black and white uniform, and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately and wildly (this sounds so Mills and Boon right now!), and he decided, kick his ball between her goal posts? (sorry real lame double entendre!)...............

“Hey, Estella, how are you?” Chris had come over to sit next to Estella , interrupting her lusty thoughts about him, ironically enough.

“Hi,” replied Estella, nervous. “I’ve been trying to find you, too, to see what you’ve been up to.”

“Yeah, Paris has been keeping me behind a lot, I’m not sure why really.”

‘Because you’re bloody gorgeous and she’s a stupid skank! She’s after you, you incredibly handsome tool!’ Estella thought to herself angrily, then shoved the thought aside.

“I’ve been meaning to see you, too,” smiled Chris, putting his arm across Estella’s seat. She sighed in a lovesick manner, though resisting the urge to cuddle up beside him in his muscular arms.........

“Can everybody, like, shut up!?” yelled Paris, at the podium. “Now, I, like, have to announce my first act of power as acting president, or whatever. So, I’ve, like, decided that................I’m changing the uniform.”

Everyone gasped in horror. After one trial this year over the uniform, the team didn’t need another.

“I’m going to hire my designer, who’s gonna, like, trim the singlets, create tighter and shorter shorts, and yeah, that stuff. Also, it’ll be mandatory (that’s a big word for Paris to say!), or whatever, to, like, oil up before every game, for, like, special purposes.”

There were some murmurs amongst the boys. Estella rolled her eyes. Once again, Paris was being her skanky self..........

“I’m also gonna, like, make one of you guys my, like, personal assistant. And that lucky guy is you,” purred Paris, pointing at Chris. He sat up, shocked, being dragged to the podium. They both smiled as all the boys whooped it up, howling in delight.

Estella slumped further into her chair, It pretty much looked like Paris had Chris for keeps now..............


Arabella was laying on her bed, when she heard something at her window. She went over and noticed Ryan was throwing pebbles at her window, trying to get her attention. Then he threw a garden gnome. Arabella quickly jumped out of the way.

“Ryan!” she screamed.

“Sorry, I’ll pay for it. Can I come in?”

“Yeah, sure.”

He climbed up the lattice and into Arabella’s room. He stood up, puffing.

“So, this is what a rich girl’s room looks like?” he laughed softly.

“Yeah, I guess.”

Ryan turned around , facing Arabella. He pulled her close to him. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered. He began kissing her softly. It became more heated and passionate, with them both falling onto her bed. Arabella couldn’t help but feel guilty. She couldn’t stop thing about Brodie, what they were doing, the last time being only yesterday. She was worried Strauchanie was going to open his dumb, fat mouth about the affair. What had Brodie done to shut him up?

Guilt washed over Arabella. She loved Ryan..........and Brodie, too.

Things couldn’t keep going on like this.


Brodie stared into space, wondering what Arabella would be up to. Ryan was a lucky man, but he wanted Arabella more, he deserved her more! He truly loved her. Sure, Sarita was a major hottie and all, and she was a great handbag, since he had to keep up with the guys with the model girlfriend front, but Arabella was where true beauty laid. Plus, she had a great rack!.......

“Brodie, are you listening? Which do you prefer, the silver or the gold?”

“Does it matter? Forks are forks.”

“But we have to make a choice now!” Sarita was picking out cutlery for the wedding, but Brodie was too distracted to care.


“Oh my God! Look at these forks and knives! They’re so cute! Look, they’ve got little kitties on them! We have got to have these!” squealed Sarita, jumping up and down with glee.

“Sure, get them.”

Brodie couldn’t care less about forks and knives. All he wanted to work out was how to solve this love triangle. Could he really have both women? (If he can, he’s a god among men!)


Estella sat alone at the canteen table. She was still rather cut up about Chris being led on by Paris. why did he have to be so blind? Why couldn’t he see that she was in love with him? Why couldn’t he love her back? Why did she have to keep torturing herself like this?........

“Hey, is this seat taken?” said a voice from behind.

Estella turned around. Standing in front of her was a girl about the same age as her, with long brown hair and matching eyes.

“Sure, sit down.”

“Thanks.” The girl sat down.

“Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Shae Foster, I’ve just started here.”

“Me too. I’m Estella Winchester.” The two shook hands.

“I noticed you look down, are you okay?”

“Oh, fine............” replied Estella, unconvincingly.

“Let me guess, a boy?”


“Who is he?”

“Um, one of the players.:

:Who, I’m dying of curiousity!” smiled Shae.

“Chris Tarrant.”

“Ooh, good choice, very cute!” laughed Shae. “Isn’t he Paris’ new handbag now, or so I saw before?”

“Yeah, I guess. I just hate that b--ch! Why did she have to choose him for?!”

“I know, who let Skankerella into the house?” snapped Shae.

Estella smile. “You know, I think us two are going to get along very well. Where do you live?”

“Marble Hill.”

Estella knew the place was middle class, but for once in her life, she actually didn’t care. Shae was a pretty cool girl.

“I come from Chesterberry Falls.”

“Ooh, the rich town, classy!” laughed Shae.” Not that I’m being mean or anything.”

“No, its cool,” laughed Estella.

“Hey, I just had a good idea. What if we........y’know, got revenge on Paris, for being a maneater?”

Estella though about it. It would be good to show that ho-bag who was boss, and to get Chris out of the clutches of that harpy...................

“Well,” smiled Estella, evilly, “What did you have in mind?....................”


Now You Decide:

What will Estella and Shae’s first act of revenge?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting is first posted, first served!
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Post by leelee »

WOW! Mind-blowing... but... what about arabella and ryan? what happens??
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Post by bellastar »

i'm not just gonna ruin the story now and tell you what happens, am i? suspense is way more fun! and you will find out sooner than you think........ = ) also, can someone please decide what estella and shae's act of revenge is gonna be against paris, i have to write it now!
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Post by melissa »

She'll probably have the players stay at her grandaddy's hotels when they go interstate, make the players wear pink arm bands when her fave designer dies and yeah well, wouldn't put it past her to sleep with them all. And the Black and White magazine will look like Who Weekly - the continuing story of a skank who's gone to the dogs....
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by melissa »

By the way, act of pure genius making it Strachnie who catches them in the act.... well done, you!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by David »

absolutely loving this story :D
hadn't read it in a while so had to catch up with a few episodes.
Seriously Arabella needs to make up her mind. She's leading poor Ryan on, and Brodie is about to break off his engagement for her!
As for what Estella and Shae will do to Paris, I'm suggesting a meat grinder... oh wait on this isn't a horror novel. Maybe lock her in the toilets and make her their slave. Lol. Random.
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Post by leelee »

Take away paris's mobile phone and her credit card...
Take away allllllllll her make-up....
No Drinking
No Smoking
Lock her in the disabled change room... with duct tape on her mouth... ummmmmm ... hmmm...
I'm still thinking... so i'll get back to you!
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