The Boundary Line

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Post by bellastar »

melissa- thanks for the accolades! i really loved your ideas. who do you think she'd pick for her merry-go-sleep-around first? loved the who weekly comment, too!

david- dude, you've missed so much, get reading! don't worry, though. Arabella will make up her mind soon..........(mwa ha ha!) as for the meat grinder- i would love to go along with it, but the mods would just be on my arse and it would ruin future storylines!

leelee- seriously evil ideas! whatever would paris do with herself!?

i got the idea to use paris when i remembered the photo that she took with tazza from 3 or so years ago (if she pulls a stunt like that again, the b--ch won't know what hit her!)

any other ideas any of you have for future storylines or the like can send them in at anytime!
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Post by sam. »

I don't like where the story is going..

how can it be 'revenge'.. she didnt even do anything.. shes just interested in him just like the other girl is.

oh well.
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Post by leelee »

its revenge for the 3 yrs ago act lol
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Post by sam. »

which was? lol
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Post by leelee »

bellastar wrote:i got the idea to use paris when i remembered the photo that she took with tazza from 3 or so years ago (if she pulls a stunt like that again, the b--ch won't know what hit her!)
Thats where it comes from i am thinking... bellastar getting her own revenge lol... plus who doesn't want to get revenge on paris... she's a dirty dirty filthy S7ut

Plus its a story... things can be fixed later... maybe....
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Post by bellastar »

shut up! you're not supposed to know that, brodiez baby! = ) and paris is a dirty s--t! its just a bit of fun in the story! and you're gonna love the revenge scene!

Have things heated up or what? Blackmail, lies, cheating, love, hate, wealth,, random bogans? This story has it all! Thanks also to everyone who came up with guest stars for the show- there were so many that I don’t know how I’ll fit every single one in! And now, turn down the lights, unplug the phone and hold the one you love tightly, ‘cos the madness is about to begin..................

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Lonely, I am so lonely. I have nobody, all on my own, ooooooohhhh!! All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Lets see Eddie try and ‘bone‘ this story!..........

And now, do a little dance, make a little love- its the 11th episode of.......................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Brodie rang Arabella and told her (finally) that he was getting married on Saturday. She freaks put and tries to call off their affair, but he won’t listen, and promises to silence Strauchanie. Brodie hangs up before Arabella can answer. She is horrified as to what he’ll do. Meanwhile, Brodie goes over to Strauchanie’s bumpkin shack, and Strauchanie thinks he’s there to murder him, but Brodie ends up making an offer he can’t refuse- a ball of twine, a book about badgers and a signed photo of Millsy in exchange for his silence. Strauchanie can’t believe his luck and accepts. Also, Estella is still glum about Chris, and Paris announced that she’s changing the uniform. And making Chris her PA. Estella is hurt. Meanwhile, Ryan sneaks into Arabella’s room by throwing a gnome through her window. They get busy, but Arabella still felt guilty about Brodie. Brodie, too, was distracted by the thought of Arabella whilst picking out cutlery with Sarita for the wedding. Also, Estella made a new friend- middle class Shae Foster. She pours her heart out to her about Chris, and they decide to get revenge on Paris. What will they do?...................


“I’m so confused, I don’t even know what to do. I’m finding myself in love with both of them in different ways! I just don’t know anymore..............”

For the past half hour or so, Fenella had been listening to Arabella b--ch about who she should choose- Ryan or Brodie (Ooh, I feel so bad for her!) Fenella couldn’t take it- she knew it had to be Arabella who told the truth about her and Brodie to Ryan, but she just couldn’t take it! She didn’t want Ryan t suffer anymore. Fenella had fallen for him when she first saw him in Cleo, wearing nothing but a strategically placed football. Fenella wanted to tell Ryan the truth, she really did, but Arabella would murder her (not literally, of course! Or would she?.............) Then again, Arabella wasn’t exactly the model girlfriend...........

“Why don’t you just tell Ryan already, you don’t know how he’ll react if you don’t try?” said Fenella, almost pleading.

“But I don’t now how to! I can’t just say ’Hey, I’m screwing your team mate behind your back!’, can I!?”

“Well, you’re gonna have to choose sometime, Arabella.”

And when Fenella thought about it, she would have to, too- would she keep Arabella’s secret or tell Ryan the truth?.................


Estella was carrying a whole load of papers that Paris wanted her to shred. Why? Estella didn’t know. Maybe she knew that Estella, too, had her eye in Chris, and was trying to keep her busy to punish her.

Estella sighed.

Suddenly, Estella lost concentration and tripped in the hallway, sending papers flying all over the place. Estella saw the mess and immediately wanted to cry. “Why me!?” she said angrily to herself.

And then...............

“Estella, are you alright?”

She turned around. Right on cue, her knight in shining armour had come to save the day.

“Hi, Chris, I don’t know what happened, I.........”

“Nah, its fine, I’ll help you out.”

He picked her up off the ground. Estella was taken by how strong Chris was, taking her breath away.

“I’ll pick this up if you want,” said Chris, picking up the papers.

Estella couldn’t help but be excited at the thought of Chris on his hands and knees on the floor, even if he was picking up papers.

He had finally finished. “I’ll help you with them, if you’d like?” he asked.

“That’d be great.........”

But, of course...........


The two turned around. Paris was standing behind them, wearing a snarl on her face.

“Excuse me, Chris, but I would like some help, if you, like, don’t mind,” snapped Paris.

“Actually, I was helping............”

“Now!” she barked.

Chris looked at Estella. “Sorry, I’ll see you later.” He then left with Paris, who turned around and shot Estella the nastiest greasy ever. Estella was shocked.

Estella’s heart sank. Paris kept getting in the way, and Chris probably only saw her as a friend, of course. Isn’t that always the way?

Estella slumped away with the extremely heavy pile of papers.


Arabella was at the door step of Brodie’s gold-plated mansion. She had to talk with him now, or else all hell was going to break loose. She had to sort this out before Ryan knew...................

Arabella knocked on the door. Just as she was hoping to see Brodie..............

“Hi, who are you?”

Crap. It just had to be the eternally cheery Sarita who answered the door.

“I’m Arabella Muscat. I’m, um.............the pool cleaner. Brodie hired me,” she lied. She looked way too posh to look anything like a pool cleaner.

“Oh, I thought all pool cleaners were Mexican guys who appeared in pornos,” said Sarita. “Sure, come in.”

Arabella went inside, standing in the doorway.

“Why don’t you sit down,” gestured Sarita to the water-filled couch (with goldfish inside!)

“Arabella obliged, sitting down cautiously.

Just then. the unthinkable happened..................

Brodie entered the room. His law dropped when he saw the two women he had been playing off one other secretly in the same room together. He was about to s--t himself!

“Brodie, you know Arabella, right?” smiled Sarita.

Brodie froze.

“You know, the pool cleaner you hired?”

“Yeah! Sorry Arabella! I haven’t actually seen you much, I apologise,” said Brodie, putting on the act. Thank God Arabella had made an excuse.

Then the phone rang in the kitchen. Saved!

“Sorry, I have to get this!” chirped Sarita. She then raced off.

“What the f--k are you doing here!?” spat Brodie, extremely pissed off.

“I was here to see you, but she answered the door! She invited me in, I couldn’t say no!”

“So, why are you here!?”

“We have to end this, Brodie, now!”

“You know how I feel about that! I love you, it not gonna happen! End of story!”

Suddenly, Sarita came back into the lounge, crying.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” said Brodie, walking over to her, taking her into his arms to soothe her.

“One of my bridesmaids!” she sobbed. “Its Ashley-Amber, she had to drop out! She can’t do it! She had her eyebrows singed off in a freak toaster accident, so her modelling agent’s warned her that she has to stay out of the public eye due to her horrible disfigurement! (If Ashley-Amber is a model, then what the hell is she doing eating toast? Why the hell is she eating, period!? Bad, supermodel! Bad!) What am I going to do, Brodie-Wodie!?” (God, I feel dirty for having written that, and not in a good way!). She continued wailing like a Britney Spears interview.

“Honey, you’ll find someone, I promise,” soothed Brodie, kissing Sarita better.

Arabella wanted to vomit (And so do I!).

“Actually,” said Sarita, perking up as quickly as she broke down, “How about you be my bridesmaid, Arabella? I’m so sorry its short notice, but I really feel like I’ve gotten to know you so well in the last 5 minutes or so since we’ve met in these strange and suspicious circumstances. So, will you do it?”

Arabella froze on the spot. Could this be any more cruel and ironic? Brodie looked like he was going to spontaneously combust in horror.

“Please!?” begged Sarita.

Arabella didn’t want to do it, for obvious and adulterous reasons, but she felt obligated. She was being put on the spot.

“I......... guess..........sure, okay,” stuttered Arabella, forcing a smile. Damn conscience.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” screamed Sarita excitedly, running up to Arabella and hugging her tightly. Arabella could feel her rib cage closing in, due to the stress of the bone-crushing hug.

Arabella and Brodie looked at one another in disbelief. Could this get any worse?.................


“Are you ready to do this?”

“Of course. The scrag must have her day!”

“Right! Lets do this thing!”

Estella and Shae put on the balaclavas and started tracking down Paris, following close behind her. Although, they had to be careful not to bump into the smoke and wind machines (or they’d be decapitated) that Paris paid her minions to use whenever she had to walk anywhere, like a commoner (God forbid!).

“Ready?” whispered Shae. “One.......Two............Three!”

They grabbed bony Paris and bundled her into the potato sack, tying it up. She yelped in horror like Tinkerbell would whenever Paris made her wear one of her atrocious doggy outfits.

“Ahh, like, get me out!” screamed Paris.

Estella and Shae opened the ladies’ toilet door, and shoved Paris Potatoes (wouldn’t that make a great farmyard porn star name!?) into one if the cubicles, the dirtiest one to be precise. They then left, locking the door behind them.

The girls took off their balaclavas. “Success!” squealed Shae. “I’ve also got her handbag! Louis Vuitton, too!”

Shae and Estella raided the handbag. They found a whole heap of birth control pills, a diamond-studded G-string, both Nick Carter’s and Millsy ’s dignity, and a ruby-studded BlackBerry.

“What a find!” exclaimed Shae. “Look at all this s--t! We’ll get heaps off EBay!”

Estella went through Paris’ BlackBerry. “Oh, how funny! You gotta hear what she wrote in her online journal! ’Dear diary, I like, can’t help but feel sometimes that I’m, like, too hot for this world. I really wish I could, like, use my hotness to help the, like, starving children in the desert or something........’

The girls cracked up laughing.

“Lets read her SMSes!” exclaimed Shae.

They scrolled through the menu of SMSes, each more badly punctuated and poorly spelt than the last. A lot of them were just mindless babble from the usual suspects- Lindsay, Mischa. Tara, The Olsen Twins...........But one of the SMSes particularly caught Estella’s eye. It was addressed to................Chris Tarrant.

“Hey, is that what I think it is?” questioned Shae.

Estella cautiously opened the message. It read:

‘Hey babii! lyke want 2 may B go 2 lyke u’re bar, show me around? May B U cood show me out bak in da VIP area?............’

Estella froze. Shae looked worried. Estella was praying, hoping, wishing, pleading, begging that it was another, hopefully female, person named Chris Tarrant in other place, another time........But it was useless.

Estella dropped the phone and started bawling her eyes out. Shae hugged her tightly. “Its okay, Estella. She’s a major b--ch, but we’ll stop her. I know we will...............”


Now You Decide:

What kind of bridesmaid’s dress will Sarita get Arabella to wear?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting is first posted, first served!
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Post by leelee »

Why is it i am always the first person to read this... and mostly the only one who comments? COME ON PPLZ! We need help here... running out of ideas...
Well Sarita can't have Arabella looking more gorgeous than her can she?
And Fenella likes ryan? HELLO! interesting.... This is one twisted love triangle... i'm loving it... so.. the wedding... fenella blabs? accidently... of course... argh... decisions decisions...

Story is rockin on!
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Post by David »

Fenella and Ryan sleep with each other. Could it get any more tangled?
Estella realises she actually has a thing for Paris.
The police find Paris in the potato sack and arrest Chris Tarrant
When the priest asks whether anyone in the room has any objection to the marriage, Strauchnie says his piece :twisted:
we're all set for one melodramatic finale :lol:
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Post by bellastar »

hey! i thought i was writing the story here! you two are hijacking my masterpiece! (i use the term loosely, of course!) i know the idea of estella and paris getting it on would only come from a MAN! you'd love some girl on girl action. hey? remember, the G rating is for general, not girl on girl action, David! although, the both of you are on the right track with some of your guesses..........

but one thing- why would Chris be arrested for putting Paris in the potato sack?

i'm definitely not running out of ideas for the story, that's for sure!

what kind of dress is sarita gonna get arabella to wear?

you two can be my creative consultants anytime, okay? what did you like most about the last episode?
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Post by David »

I dunno it's just really, engrossing. lol. Actually I don't really want to see girl on girl action, if it involves paris. YUCK!

Chris would get arrested, cos, uh, it would make for an interesting plot twist 8) I dunno yeah it's pretty illogical.
My only advice, just keep on going the way you are right now. It's cool :) and I have NO idea what kind of dress arabella will wear, get a girl to answer that one, lol.
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Post by leelee »

Ummm dress... hmmm NO IDEA... I don't wear dresses that often...
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Post by melissa »

The dress would have to be some taffeta horror with big boofy sleeves and a meringue skirt. Like you said, can't have Arabella looking hotter than Sarita... in snot green no less.
Who should Paris sleep with first? Harry O'Brien cos she's been to Brazil and she likes her men exotic. Well, she likes Greeks, doesn't she? Uses Harry to try and make Taz jealous but it doesn't work cos Taz likes Estella.
As for the girl on girl action... ewwwww.... please don't go there!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

thanks for that, melissa, you make a great point!

So, you think you know what’s gonna happen to the characters? You think you’ve got it all down, don’t you, smartarse? Nah, just kidding! But I guess I could give my loyal readers a few hints on what might be coming up in The Boundary Line:
*The season finale is only 3 episodes away!
*You know how Season 1 will end by now!
*Season 2 will be more dramatic, more funnier and more sexier! (Though it will remain G-rated!)
*And there will be no girl on girl action! (I’m talking to you, David!)
*Although, you will love one of the episodes coming up, David!
*The wedding will feature a load of guest stars!
*The first episode of Season 2 will outline each of the characters’ adventures for the rest of the season .

I think that’ll do for now..........Continue wallowing in suspense!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Do not operate heavy machinery after reading story. All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Story may cause side effects such as excitement, anger and sadness- discretion advised ..........

And now, the 12th episode of John Howard’s belated birthday present...............

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Arabella bitched to Fenella about being torn between Brodie and Ryan, whilst Fenella pined over Ryan, and was also torn herself on whether to tell him the truth about Arabella and Brodie’s affair or not. Meanwhile, Estella was a bit clumsy, dropping papers everywhere, and Chris helped her out, until Paris demanded his attention and he was forced to leave, making Estella sad again. Arabella also went to Brodie’s gold-plated mansion to confront him, but Sarita unexpectedly answered the door. Arabella lied and said she was the pool cleaner Brodie hired. Sarita believed her and let her in. Brodie was obviously shocked to see both his fiancee and mistress in the same room together. While Sarita was out of the room, Brodie and Arabella argued, and he still refused to end the affair. Shockingly, Sarota asked Arabella to be her bridesmaid after her friend dropped out due to a freak toaster accident. Feeling pressured, Arabella said yes, whilst Brodie was shocked. Meanwhile, Estella and Shae bundled Paris into a potato sack and locked her in the ladies’ toilets. They looked through her handbag, and, amongst the crap, they scrolled through her BlackBerry.........and found out she had SMSed Chris, trying to hook up with him. Estella was devastated, and Shae comforted her.................


“I really love this dress, Arabella, it so totally suits you! Its almost as pretty as my dress!”

Arabella looked in the mirror. Her dress was atrocious. It was the most horrible throwback to the 80’s ever, with its mutton leg sleeves, taffeta and snot green hue. Arabella thought to herself that she must be being punished for her affair with Brodie if she had to wear this monstrosity.

Arabella couldn’t help that her three worlds had all collided in a flood of secrets and lies. The boundaries between her rich life, her life with Ryan, and her life with Brodie were becoming blurred. Which was her true reality? How much longer could this go on before the s--t truly hits the fan?

“You look so beautiful,” cooed Ryan, who had also come along to the fitting, much to the dismay of Arabella. “I can’t wait till we get married one day. You’ll look as beautiful there as you do now.......”

Arabella’s guilt grew....................


Paris stared at her myriad of mirrors, admiring herself like she usually did at exactly 3:27pm everyday since she was six years old.

She was still fuming over the potato sack incident. She had been left so traumatising- she had inflicted a very ugly injury............she had broken a nail! Paris was still suffering from her horrible injury,

..........Well, the potato sack ordeal hadn’t been all bad. The janitor had let her out, and they then got together in one of the cubicles. Paris thought he was so hot, even for a toothless 70 year old janitor named Spud.

Paris did have an inkling about just who had been behind the potato sack incident.............Estella Winchester, and her partner in crime, Shae Foster. Paris knew that Estella wanted her gone, that she, too, had eyes for Chris as well. But what Estella didn’t know was what Paris wanted, Paris always got............

Paris looked through the blinds, spying on Estella and Shae as they laughed it up with Chris, chatting happily. Paris’ anger burned. She would make it her life mission to ensure that Estella would never, ever end up with Chris, if it was the last thing she would do.

Paris went to the PR system. “Excuse me, like, can Chris please come to my office now!” screeched Paris. She then slumped back down in the spacious leather chair imported from Milan.

A few moments later, Chris walked into the office.

“I need you to, like, do a favour for me,” purred Pars, crossing her legs, a la Basic Instinct style.

Chris didn’t know where to look. “Um, sure, what do you want?”

“I need you to find me, like, a pair of maroon silk bra and panties with frills, there for a special occasion. I really need them.”

Chris didn’t really want to do this. “Does it have to be done now? I’m really busy at the moment, and I’m not really one for shopping for lingerie........”

“But please!?” whined Paris. “Its, like, urgent!”

“I really can’t, I............”

“If you don’t, I’ll start singing!”

Chris really didn’t want that. It was practically a fate worse than death. “Alright, alright, I’m gone!” He then quickly raced out the door before she could change her mind.

Paris smiled, resting back in her chair, content that her revenge was now taking place...............


“Did you hear what happened to Paris?” smiled Shae.

“Yeah, apparently, the janitor helped her escape, then they ended up going at it in one of the cubicles! Eww! The janitor’s so old!” giggled Estella.

“Yeah, Paris is such a skank.”

Suddenly, the girls heard wolf whistling and hooting down the hall.

“What’s all that about?” wondered Estella, aloud.

Just then, the girls saw Chris walking towards the office with a pair of maroon silk bra and panties with frills. He then went into the office, closing the door.

Estella and Shae looked at one another.

“What do you think she’s up to?” asked Shae, unimpressed.

Estella fumed. “Oh, if that b--ch wants to dance, then she can join me on the dancefloor! She won’t be getting away with this!.............”

Now You Decide:

Who will Estella go to to get the dirt on Chris and Paris, and for some relationship advice?

*Reviews and suggestions welcome!
*Voting is first posted, first served!
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Post by leelee »

She'll go to BUCKS! haha
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The Boundary Line

Post by melissa »

Could only be Millsy to get the dirt on Paris...
Love the bridesmaid's dress, by the way! I thought of a couple for your younger man/older woman fling... Christi Malthouse and Dale Thomas...
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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